Elections BC - A non-partisan Office of the Legislature


Candidates, Political Parties &  Constituency Associations

Political Parties
Constituency Associations



Some of the following files are in Adobe PDF format. Adobe Reader may be downloaded here.

Guide for Candidates [ pdf ]

Nomination Kit

Guide to the Election Act [ pdf ]

Guide for Financial Agents [ pdf ]

Auditor's Guide [ pdf ]

Guide for Scrutineers [ pdf ]


The following files are in Adobe PDF format. Adobe Reader may be downloaded here.

Nomination Booklet (320)

Appointment of Auditor (321)

Solemn Declaration of Qualification (323)

Endorsement of Candidate(s) by Registered Political Party (324a)

Appointment of Financial Agent (325)

Appointment of Deputy Financial Agent (326)

Appointment of Official Agent (327)

Statement of Disclosure

Election Financing Report

Political Parties


Some of the following files are in Adobe PDF format. Adobe Reader may be downloaded here.

• Annual Political Party Information Sessions - Notes and Documents

Meeting Notes of the October 26, 2007 Political Party Information Session

Registered Political Parties Contact Information
Registered Political Party Leaders
Political Party Names Used in the Last 10 years
Guide for Financial Agents [ pdf ]
Auditor's Guide [ pdf ]
Political Party Registration Policy
Political Party Guide to Registration [ pdf ]
Annual Financial Report Completion Guide [ pdf ]
Leadership Contestant Financing Report Completion Guide [ pdf ]
Guide to the Election Act [ pdf ]
Guide for Scrutineers [ pdf ]


The following files are in Adobe PDF format. Adobe Reader may be downloaded here.

Political Party Registration

Annual Financial Report

Endorsement of Candidate(s) by Registered Political Party (324a)

Election Financing Report

Deregistration Financing Report

Leadership Contestant Financing Report

Constituency Associations


The following files are in Adobe PDF format. Adobe Reader may be downloaded here.

Guide for Financial Agents [ pdf ]

Annual Financial Report Completion Guide [ pdf ]

Auditor's Guide [ pdf ]

Constituency Association Guide to Registration [ pdf ]


The following files are in Adobe PDF format. Adobe Reader may be downloaded here.


Annual Financial Report

Election Financing Report

Deregistration Financing Report