Welcome to the Royal Canadian Navy


The RCN in the Pacific Region

Maritime Forces Pacific

Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) in Victoria, British Columbia is responsible for generating and maintaining multi-purpose, combat-capable maritime forces prepared to conduct operations in Canadian waters, and in support of national objectives anywhere in the world.

MARPAC employs about 4,000 military and 2,000 civilian personnel and spends over $500 million annually in payroll, supplies, services and construction.

Commander MARPAC is also the Commander of Joint Task Force (Pacific) with operational control over forces deployed in response to a domestic crisis.

Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt is located just west of Victoria, British Columbia and is home to the Canadian Pacific Naval Fleet.


The RCN in the National Capital Region

National Defence Headquarters

The Royal Canadian Navy is directed through Naval Staff Headquarters in Ottawa by the Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy whose mission is to lead the strategic development and generation of Combat Capable Multi-purpose Maritime Forces and to provide advice in support of Maritime operations. 

The RCN in the Atlantic Region

Maritime Forces Atlantic

Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT), home to the 18 ships and submarines of the Canadian Atlantic Fleet, is headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Comprised of more than 5,000 military personnel, 2,000 civilians and a fleet of 18 ships and submarines, MARLANT is the single largest employer in the Halifax Area. The Commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic is responsible to the Chief of the Maritime Staff in Ottawa for generating ships and sailors as well as command and control capabilities for Domestic and international missions.

Commander MARLANT is also the Commander of Joint Task Force (Atlantic) with operational control over forces deployed in response to a domestic crisis.

The Naval Reserve of the RCN

Naval Reserve Headquarters

The Naval Reserve, headquartered in Québec City, is made up of 24 Naval Reserve Divisions (of up to 150-200 personnel each) located across Canada. Its goal is also to help generate trained individuals and teams for Canadian Armed Forces operations including domestic safety operations as well as security and defence missions, while at the same time supporting the Navy's efforts in connecting with Canadians through the maintenance of a broad national presence.

The Canadian Forces Fleet School Québec (CFFS Québec) is the only school in the Royal Canadian Navy primarily oriented toward reservists. It considers trades training as its main field of activity, but is also involved in regenerative training.