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How to Adopt within BC
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  How to Adopt a Child Within BC

Parenting a child can be a difficult task. It can also be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do.

There are several types of adoption possible in British Columbia.

  • Adopting a Waiting Child - the Ministry of Children and Family Development arranges about half of the adoptions that occur in the province - most ministry adoptions are of children who come into its care under the Child, Family and Community Service Act.

  • Inter-country adoptions and the adoption of children who are not in the care of the province, proceed through one of the six licensed adoption agencies in Kelowna, Victoria, Vancouver and the Lower Mainland area.

    There are several requirements that must be met before a child is brought from another province or country for adoption. It is important that you inform an adoption agency of your intention so there are no delays in planning for the child.

  • Adoption by relatives or stepparents and adult adoptions proceed directly through the courts.

  • Direct placement adoption in which birth parents choose someone they know as the adoptive parents of their child, can proceed through the licensed agencies.

Children become available for adoption in many ways, and each child's situation is unique. Some birth parents choose to make an adoption plan for their child and other children come into the care of the ministry by court order. Every effort is made to find an adoptive family who best meets the specific needs of a child and can provide them with a secure and loving home.

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