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Adoption Ministry of Children & Family Development
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Adopting a Child
How to Adopt within BC
Adopt a Waiting Child

Children's Profiles (Adoption Bulletin)

Questions & Answers
Adoption Experiences
Intercountry Adoption
  Placing Your Child for Adoption
Where to Start
Licensed Agencies

After Your Child is Adopted

  Custom Adoption
Fact Sheet
Information For:
Adopted Adults
Adoptive Parents

Birth Parents

Adoption Reunion Registry
Links & Resources
  Links & Resources

The links below provide information on a variety of helpful adoption contacts and resources related to most aspects of adoption in British Columbia.

Adoption Reunion Registry - Are you 19 or over and adopted in British Columbia? Are you wondering how to locate and contact your birth family? Have you relinquished a child in British Columbia and are now interested in having contact?
The Adoption Reunion Registry has a legislated mandate to provide search, intermediary and counseling services to those whose lives have been touched by adoption in British Columbia.

Adoptive Families Association of British Columbia (AFA)
The Adoptive Families Association of British Columbia provides information and support to families with an interest or involvement in the adoption process. It has local chapters throughout British Columbia and can help you find other adoption groups and families who share your interest.

Birth Father Registry - The Birth Father Registry is a service specifically for men whose children are or may become part of an adoption process, but who are not in contact with the birth mother.

Children Exposed Prenatally to Alcohol - Redefining Success, Raising Children Exposed Prenatally to Alcohol, a 28-minute video, is available for purchase through Government Publication Services.

Federal Budget 2005 provides for a non-refundable tax credit for specified adoption expenses.

Glossary of Terms - Defines terms used throughout the text on this site, as well as in the Adoption Act.

Hague Convention - Protection of Children an Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption.

Licensed Adoption Agencies in British Columbia - Llist of names and contact information of the licensed adoption agencies in British Columbia.

Post-adoption Openness Registry Information
The Post-Adoption Openness Registry allows adoptive parents and the birth parent or other relatives to register their interest in establishing some form of openness agreement.

Related Resources - A general listing of all contacts for Ministry of Children and Family Development programs and services.

Society of Special Needs Adoptive Parents (SNAP)
The society provides support, education and information to adoptive parents of children with special needs during and after placement.

Vital Statistics
The Vital Statistics Agency website explains how records are released under the Adoption Act, and how to file the Application for Service Pertaining to an Adopted Person or Birth Parent Form. It also explains how to file a disclosure veto or no-contact declaration under the Adoption Act.

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