Yukon Workers Compensation Health and Safety Board | Commission de la santé et de sécurité au travail du Yukon

What's New

Comment about our think about it campaign (or read others' comments) by clicking here.

2007 Employer Assessment Premiums

Check here for rates employers will pay in 2007, per $100 of payroll, for Workers' Compensation coverage.

New Occupational Health & Safety Regulations take effect November 1, 2006

Are you ready?

Click here to access the new OH&S; Regulations.

Policy Consultation

Changes have been proposed for 3 policies: Hearing Loss, Suitable Employment, And Personal Property Loss. We'd like to hear your thoughts on these proposed changes. Click here for more information.

2006 Annual Information Meeting

Read the September 26, 2006 meeting summary, or verbatim transcript.

Prevention Fund - Helping you do your part in safety

NEXT INTAKE DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 1ST.  If you have a project in mind that will improve the safety of Yukon workers and employers, apply to the Prevention Fund. Or contact our Prevention Consultant.

2005 Annual Report

Read the YWCHSB 2005 Annual Report (PDF, 848 KB)

Governance Guide

The Board of Directors Governance Guide 2006 provides the framework within which the Board of Directors carries out its responsibilities outlined by legislation.

Read the YWCHSB Strategic Plan 2006-2010 (PDF, 163 KB)

Here's How...

(to keep injuries from happening to you)

Tips for Young Workers and the rest of us. Click on the image to open full size copy (large PDF file).

Thank you for your submissions to our consultation about prevention, economic incentives, and indoor air quality: environmental tobacco smokeRead the summary of feedback (PDF 111 KB).

YWCHSB helds its Annual Information Meeting on September 15, 2005.  We invite you to read what was said there in the Summary (PDF, 36 KB) or the full Transcript (PDF, 128 KB).

Read the Revised Funding Policy Statement FN-07 (PDF, 92 KB)

Employers and supervisors -- As soon as you learn one of your workers has sought medical help for a work-related injury or illness, you must fill out the Employer's Report of Injury/Illness (PDF, 83 KB) and send it to us within three days.   All serious injuries and incidents must still be reported immediately. This is required by law. Penalties are possible for late reports. Find out more.