
Ambeault , Dorothy

Bernier , Sandra

Bizier , Denis

Blouin , Denise

Bonga , Jan

Brosemer , Kathleen

Caldwell , Errol

Cheers , Pamela

Damus , Martin

DesRochers , Pierres

Dombrowski , Josée

Dombrowski , Paule

Dubé , Julie

Earl , Kathlin

Fanjoy , Meagan

Fawcette , Guy

Goodine , Gretta

Henderson , John M

Lacerte , Valérie

Laflamme , Gaston

Lavallée , André

Letourneau , John

Lucarotti , Susan

Martel , Louise

McBain-Hogg , Fiona

McGuire , Bethany

Monette , Danielle

Patterson , Joel

Pitt , Chris

Primavera , Mark

Provost , Jocelyne

Quednau , Dr Franz Wolfgang

Régnière , Jacques

Studens , John

Tucker , Sandra

van Frankenhuyzen , Kees

Varem-Sanders , Thierry

Voyer , Hugues

Walls , Carrie


Damus, Martin    biography

Arctic Forest

Monocolor lino cut, 8" x 10" 1999

A print made from a linoleum cut, printed on rice paper. Inspired by a trip in 1998 to Inuvik, N.W.T. where I saw the edge of the tree line.

Cerulean Warbler

Bicolor lino cut, 5" x 9" 1999

Made for a friend who did Master's research on cerulean warblers. Only 2 prints made: the process requires one colour (blue) to be printed, then more cuts, finally black printed. Therefore no other prints can be made again.


Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1969, I studied biology at Bishop's University, University of Guelph and Queen's University. I have worked for the government since 2000, and at the Canadian Forest Service since 2002. My artistic endeavours include linoleum prints, oriental painting, acrylics and watercolours, of landscapes, vignettes and still-life compositions.

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    © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada 2002