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Files and Directory Structure Guidelines

  • All file and directory names must be in lower case characters only. Spaces, hyphens or numbers should not be used within the filename. An underscore should be used in place of a space or hyphen.
  • File names should try not to exceed 10 characters, not including the extension.
  • Directory names should reflect the content of the directory.
  • Directory names shouldn't have the same name as one of the files. Ex: avoid /bulletin/bulletin.html.
  • Provide basic information in convenient, small file size format. There is no requirement to make all the data available for downloading in one session.
  • All images and icons require Alt tags to ensure that image titles or explanations are provided for non-graphical views. Refer to the Accessibility, Usability and Access Key Guidelines for additional information.
  • French file name standard is filename.fr.html. Do not create a separate French directory. French files should reside in the same directory as English files.
  • References to individual authors or developers who create and maintain the application or HTML code should be removed. Refer to the Metadata Guidelines for further information.


  • All sites must have a default 'index.html' page for their site. Example: http://www.gov.mb.ca/est/index.html is the same as http://www.gov.mb.ca/est.
  • All files and graphics related to a set of pages (department/division/branch) should be included within a single directory. If portability is an issue for a department, the main government images can be stored within department file structures for main government images.
  • The .html extension is the standard. Do not use .htm
  • Do not upload anything that is over 5 MB in size without consulting with Manweb.


Manitoba Visual Identity