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Search Guidelines

The main government search is available on the template. It is coded into the template and does not require any additional coding or components to function. The search function allows users to search individual departmental sites or search the entire gov.mb.ca domain. Contact Manweb for additional information at webmaster@gov.mb.ca.

The search this site option will specifically search only the designated area. This is quite useful for large sites. It should not be used as a replacement or substitute for the main provincial government search.

The government of Manitoba and Search this site searches work in similar ways. However government of Manitoba searches a larger amount of information (such as doc, robots, PDFs, etc.). The Search this Site feature is available in English only.

Registering your site with search engines

It is up to departments to register their sites with the search engines. While your site may get picked up as a link off the government site and spidered when search engines come to visit, there are no guarantees. The main government site is registered in all the major search engines.

Some search engines are topic specific and they will not spider into other websites. Departments should explicitly submit sites to be included in search engines.


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