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Linking Guidelines

A new browser window should be opened for new applications, linking to external pages (not on the government of Manitoba server) or to pages that pop up a help area or quick explanation to help the users. This should be clearly identified as a pop-up window link prior to the link itself.

  • Links to files within a directory structure should be made implicitly (relative links).
  • Links pointing to documents outside your website should be made explicitly (absolute links). Examples of 'absolute' links should include the entire URL:
    • http://(server)/(path)/filename.html
    • http://www.gov.mb.ca/minister/index.html
  • Links should use host names, not IP addresses.
  • Do not link to under construction pages.
  • If unsure, e-mail webeditor@gov.mb.ca or standards@gov.mb.ca for assistance.

Exit Page

Care must be taken before linking to an external site from departmental sites. External links may be viewed as endorsements and web co-ordinators need to use discretion before linking to an outside site, especially one for a commercial business. These external links should include the script for the government of Manitoba exit page. Any links to pages, applications and/or databases outside the government website must include either a new browser window or exit screen. Both must be accessible and usable to all.

  • The coding required for this should be placed right before the URL.

English Version

French Version

Example: in HTML, a link to Yahoo would look like this:

<a href="http://www.gov.mb.ca/cgi-bin/exit.cgi?http://www.yahoo.com">Yahoo</a>

The above being the exit page which is inserted prior to the web address.

French url: <a href="http://www.gov.mb.ca/cgi-bin/exit.fr.cgi

Note: Links to other websites must be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the link is still working and is going to the website intended.


It is important to provide shortcuts on lengthy pages. This can be accomplished by inserting 'bookmarks' or 'anchors'. This provides more experienced users with a faster means of getting to information. With a simple click, the user is quickly repositioned to the section of the page they wish to navigate.


Manitoba Visual Identity