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Metadata Guidelines

The Province of Manitoba's Internet metadata standard is based on the Government of Canada's Metadata Framework and MICT is presently reviewing the Province of Ontario's metadata standards for implementation. Canada and Ontario's metadata standard is based upon the Dublin Core, a set of fifteen elements used to facilitate discovery of electronic resources. Metadata simplifies the search for electronic information and improves possibilities for retrieval with its description and indexing capabilities. For example, metadata enables better precision indexing than full text. Beyond single object description, indexing and discovery, application of metadata enhances the quality of electronic resource management.

Created in 1995, Dublin Core has become the international standard for metadata classification. The government of Ontario's Web Metadata Standard is available for viewing.

Metadata Tags

Metadata tag standards are included in the style sheet. Do not use more than 25 keywords in your meta tags or more than 50 words in your description. Also, do not put commas between keywords in your meta tags.

The following metadata tag elements are mandatory:

<!-- Dublin Core Metadata Elements -->
<meta name="description" content="This is Manitoba Energy, Science and Technology's home page." />
<meta name="dc.title" content="Province of Manitoba | Manitoba Energy, Science and Technology" />
<meta name="dc.subject" scheme="gccore" content="????????????????????" />
<meta name="dc.creator" content="Government of Manitoba. Manitoba Energy, Science and Technology." />
<meta name="dc.date.created" content="2004-05-14" />
<meta name="dc.date.modified" content="2004-05-31" />
<meta name="dc.language" scheme="ISO639-2" content="eng" />
<meta name="dc.description" content="?????????????????????????????????" />
<!-- /Dublin core -->


When specifying an organizational hierarchy, start with the largest organizational level you wish to specify. When specifying an individual, express the individual's name starting with their last name followed by a comma, then their first name. An individual's job title may be included as well following their name.

Government of Manitoba Employee Names

Government of Manitoba employee names and business contact information is not considered personal information when performing job related functions and thus may be included in the content of metadata elements or element refinements where appropriate. However, it is strongly recommended that job titles and/or organizational names be used rather than employee names.


The metadata information should be in the same language as the page (Ex: a French HTML page with meta tags should have all the tags in the French language.


Manitoba Visual Identity