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Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines


Mineral Resources Division home page


Business Development
Client Services
Geological Survey
Mines - Regulatory
Petroleum Branch
Boards & Commissions
Mineral Education

MRD Site Map

The Mineral Resources Division web site contains hundreds of pages of information. To help you find what you are seeking, please use the shortcut links below or try searching the site. Listed below are the major links for each of the five categories of the site. For a more in-depth site map click on the site map link for each section.

IEDM Site Map

Minerals Home

About MRD
Search MRD
Contact MRD


Client Services Site Map

Client Services Home
Contractors & Consultants
Free Downloads
Manitoba Mining Communities
Manitoba Mining News/Releases
Mineral Resources Library
Mining Companies
MRD Staff Directory
Publication Sales/E-store
Search the On-Line Publications Catalogue
Publications Catalogue by series, including out-of-print
NTS/Geological Map


Mines Branch (Regulatory) Site Map

Mines Branch (Regulatory) Home
Acts & Regulations
Assessment Information
Claims Maps
Exploration & Mining Guide
Application Forms
GIS Map Gallery
Land Access & Sustainable Development
Land Access Map
Mineral Exploration Licence map (PDF)
Orphaned/Abandoned Mine Site Rehabilitation
Quarry Mineral Application Forms
Staking Requirements


En français

DRM en bref

Formation sur les minéraux
  La Semaine provinciale du développement minier
  Galerie de photos
  Faits sur l’exploitation minière au Manitoba
  Jeu de mémoire sur les minéraux
  Les minéraux du Manitoba : exploitez-en tous les filons
  Les Mines du Manitoba: un passé riche (pdf)
  Les minéraux, un élément fondamental de la vie (pdf)
  Le cycle des roches (pdf)
  Comment faire un dollar avec du nickel (pdf)
  Faites carrière dans l'industrie minière:
  Géologue (pdf)
  Ingénieur minier (pdf)
  Spécialiste en systèmes d'information géographique (pdf)

Formulaires de demande du Exploration and Mining Guide (guide sur l’exploration et l’exploitation minières)

Lois et règlements

Business Development Site Map

Business Development Home
Exploration and Development Highlights
Exploration & Mining Guide
Application Forms
Exploration Activity Map
Industrial Minerals
Manitoba Mining & Minerals Convention
Manitoba Minerals Guideline
Manitoba Mining Advantage
Properties Available for Option


Geological Survey Site Map

Geological Survey Home
MGS Geoscience Projects 2006
Williston Basin TGI
Manitoba's Diamond Exploration Strategy
3-D Geological Model of Manitoba
Digital Elevation Model of Southern Manitoba
Fieldwork Discoveries
Free Downloads
GIS Map Gallery
Industrial Minerals
Manitoba Geology
Manitoba Mining & Minerals Convention Technical Posters
Manitoba’s Protected Areas Initiative/Mining Sector Consultation
Mineral Potential Summaries
Operation Superior
Paleofloods in the Red River Basin
Platinum-group Elements Report-OF2000-5
Platinum-group Elements in Manitoba
Report of Activities
Related Geological Links
Thompson Nickel Belt Compilation Maps


Mineral Education Site Map

Mineral Education Home
Provincial Mining Week
Manitoba Mining Facts
Mineral Memory Game
Manitoba Minerals Give You M'Ore
Mineral Related Links


Special Sections / Sections spéciales

Mining Task Force / Groupe de travail sur les mines
National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative (NOAMI)


Boards and Commissions

Mining Board
Surface Rights Board

Programmes d'encouragement:
Programme d'aide à l'exploration minière (PAEM) - Fiche d'information
Programme d’aide à la prospection du Manitoba (PAPM) - Fiche d'information
Programme d’aide à la prospection du Manitoba (PAPM) - En détail
Programme d’aide à la prospection du Manitoba - Lignes directrices concernant les dépenses acceptables
Règlement sur le programme d'aide à la prospection 165/92
Règlement 3/2001
Annexe 3 - Rapport technique des travaux


Demande d'aide
PAPM formulaire 1, PDF remplissable à l'écran, directives
Demande de remboursement
PAPM formulaire 2, PDF remplissable à l'écran, directives


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