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PUB Press Release: NP 2008 GRA ~ Decision and Order - December 20, 2007

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the release of its Decision and Order resulting from a public hearing into the application from Newfoundland Power for a General Rate Review.
Order No. PU 32 (2007)
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PUB Notice: NP 2008 GRA To Start Monday - Oct 19, 2007

The public hearing into Newfoundland Power’s (NP’s) 2008 General Rate Application, which was amended on October 11, 2007, will commence as scheduled at 10:00 a.m., Monday, October 22, 2007 in St. John’s at the Board’s Hearings Room, 120 Torbay Road. Notice of this Hearing was previously published in newspapers throughout the Province.
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PUB Notice: Amended NP 2008 GRA Application - Oct 12, 2007

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities yesterday received an amended filing from Newfoundland Power Inc. (NP) concerning its previously submitted 2008 general rate application. This filing is a revision to the original application filed with the Board on May 10, 2007 and follows a Board facilitated negotiation process involving NP and the Consumer Advocate which began in late summer.
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PUB Notice: NP 2008 GRA Hearing Commencement Date - Oct 10, 2007

The public hearing of Newfoundland Power’s (NP’s) 2008 General Rate Application will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, October 22, 2007 at the Board’s hearing room, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s.
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PUB Notice: NLH 2008 Capital Budget Application - July 26, 2007

TAKE NOTICE that on July 23, 2007 the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) received an application (the “Application”) from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (“Hydro”) requesting an Order of the Board pursuant to Sections 41 and 78 of the Public Utilities Act (the “Act”):
i) Approving its 2008 Capital Budget in the amount of $45,061,000;
ii) Approving Hydro’s 2008 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000;
iii) Approving Hydro’s proposed estimated Contributions in Aid of Construction of approximately $275,000; and
iv) Fixing and determining of a 2006 rate base in the amount of $1,472,184,000.
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PUB Notice: NP 2008 Capital Budget Application - July 7, 2007

TAKE NOTICE that on June 29, 2007 the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) received an application (the “Application”) from Newfoundland Power Inc. (“Newfoundland Power”) requesting an Order of the Board pursuant to Sections 41 and 78 of the Public Utilities Act (the “Act”):
i) Approving its 2008 Capital Budget in the amount of $50,754,000;
ii) Approval of 2008 leases in the amount of $70,000 per year; and
iii) Fixing and determining of a 2006 rate base in the amount of $752,917,000
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PUB Notice: NP 2008 GRA Application and Pre-Hearing Conference - May 16, 2007

On May 10, 2007 the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the Board”) received a General Rate Application (the “Application”) from Newfoundland Power Inc. for a full review of its 2008 costs. Newfoundland Power is requesting that the Board approve, among other things, an overall average increase in current electricity rates of 5.3% as of January 1, 2008,which includes:
(1) proposed increases ranging from 1.3% to 5.3% for commercial customers; and
(2) proposed average increases of 6.4% for residential customers.
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PUB Press Release: NLH 2006 GRA ~ Decision and Order - April 12, 2007

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the release of its Decision and Order resulting from a public hearing into the application from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review.
Order No. PU 8 (2007) - Press Release
Order No. PU 8 (2007)

PUB Press Release: NLH 2006 GRA Hearing Starting - January 19, 2007

The public hearing into Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2006 General Rate Application, which was revised on December 6, 2006, will commence as scheduled at 10:00 a.m., Monday, January 22, 2007 in St. John’s at the Board’s Hearings Room, 120 Torbay Road.
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PUB Notice: NLH 2006 GRA Hearing and Public Participation - January 3, 2007

The public hearing of Hydro’s revised application will begin 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January 22, 2007 in the Board’s hearing room, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s. The purpose of the public hearing will be to hear all matters relating to the revised application including the negotiated settlement agreement. The Board will also hear from interested persons or organizations in addition to the registered intervenors.
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PUB Press Release: NLH and NP Jan 1, 07 Interim Rates - December 14, 2006

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) issued two Orders today [Order Nos. P.U. 41 (2006) and P.U. 42 (2006)] granting interim approval of electricity rates for consumers in the Province. The result of these Orders is that there will be virtually no rate increase for residential customers of both Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (“Hydro”) and Newfoundland Power Inc. (“Newfoundland Power”) on January 1, 2007. Hydro’s Industrial Customers will receive a 13.9% decrease.
PU 41 (2006) - NLH Interim Order
PU 42 (2006) - NP Interim Order

Board Implements New Regulatory Pricing Model For PPO - November 15, 2006

As part of its ongoing review of petroleum pricing regulation in the Province, the Board will be introducing a series of changes to its pricing methodology to ensure a more timely, responsive and predictable regulatory environment.
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PUB Press Release: NLH 2006 GRA Hearing Start Postponed - October 31, 2006

Please be advised that the public hearing into Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2006 General Rate Application scheduled to begin tomorrow Wednesday November 1, 2006 has been postponed in response to a request for postponement received today from Hydro.
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PUB Notice: NLH 2006 GRA Hearing and Public Participation - October 24, 2006

Further to the Board’s August 15, 2006 Public Notice, the public hearing of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2006 General Rate Application (the “Application”) will begin in St. John’s at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 in the Board’s hearing room, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road.
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PUB Notice: Newfoundland Power - 2007 Amortization and Cost Deferral Application - September 19, 2006

On September 13, 2006 the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) received an application (the “Application”) from Newfoundland Power Inc. (“Newfoundland Power”) pertaining to its 2007 Amortization and Cost Deferral.
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PUB Notice: NLH 2006 GRA Application and Pre-Hearing Conference - August 15, 2006

On August 3, 2006 the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities ("the Board”) received a General Rate Application (the “Application”) from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro (“Hydro”) for approval, among other things, of:
1. The rates to be charged as of January 1, 2007 for the supply of power and energy to its customers;
2. The Rules and Regulations applicable to the supply of electricity to its customers; and
3. Such other matters as may appear just and reasonable upon hearing of the Application.
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Changes in fuel-price regulation to reflect updated storage and distribution costs - August 11, 2006

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) has completed another component of its ongoing review into the regulation of petroleum products pricing in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). This segment of the review will result in changes to the cost inputs used to set maximum regulated prices of petroleum products, and will be incorporated with the scheduled mid-month price adjustment for both automotive and home heating fuels on August 15, 2006.
PUB Backgrounder
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PUB Issue Orders Regarding NP / NLH Rate Stabilization and Municipal Tax Adjustments - June 22, 2006

The Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities today issued Orders No. P.U. 20 (2006), P. U. 21(2006) and P.U. 22(2006), which will result in an average increase of approximately 4.8% in electricity rates effective July 1, 2006 for Newfoundland Power’s (“NP”) residential and general service customers and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s (“Hydro”) customers on the island interconnected system. Hydro’s rural residential customers on the isolated diesel systems will also see a similar increase in the lifeline block rate, which is based on NP’s rates.
Press Release Including Backgrounder
Order No. PU 20 (2006)
Order No. PU 21 (2006)
Order No. PU 22 (2006)

PUB Ad: Requesting Proposals for Transcription Services - June 7, 2006

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities is requesting proposals for the provision of recording and transcription services. The closing date for the submission of proposals is 4:00 p.m., Friday, June 23, 2006.

PUB Hearing Commencing: NLH application for recovery of costs of 1% Sulphur Fuel through RSP- May 4, 2006

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (Board) wishes to advise of a public hearing into Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s (Hydro’s) application for approval of the recovery of the costs of purchasing 1% sulphur fuel for the Holyrood thermal generating station. The impact on rates of the proposed change to lower sulphur content fuel is estimated in the application to be an approximate 1% increase in rates to Newfoundland Power’s Customers as well as Hydro’s (non-Labrador Interconnected) residential and general service customers, and an approximate 2% increase to Hydro’s Island Industrial Customers.
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PUB Notice - NLH application for recovery of costs of 1% Sulphur Fuel through RSP- March 15, 2006

TAKE NOTICE that Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (“Hydro”) has filed an application with the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) seeking the Board’s approval, pursuant to Section 71 of the Act, to recover the cost of purchasing a lower sulphur content fuel to be consumed at the Holyrood generating station. The impact on rates of the proposed change to the lower sulphur content fuel is estimated in the application to be an approximate 1% increase in rates to Newfoundland Power’s and Hydro’s (non-Labrador Interconnected) residential and general service customers and an approximate 2% increase to Hydro’s Island Industrial Customers.
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PUB Notice - NLH application for approval of service and rates for AUR Resources - March 15, 2006

TAKE NOTICE that Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (“Hydro”) has filed an application with the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”), pursuant to Sections 71 and 75 of the Act, seeking an order approving rules and regulations and rates, tolls and charges for a new industrial customer to Hydro, Aur Resources Inc. This application proposes rules and regulations, and rates, tolls and charges, which differ than those of Hydro’s existing industrial customers in some respects.
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PUB Notice - Corner Brook P&P; for modication of NLH RSP - March 15, 2006

TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) has received an application from Corner Brook Pulp And Paper Limited pursuant to Section 28 of Public Utilities Board Regulations, 1996, seeking an Order modifying the Rate Stabilization Plan as approved by the Board Order No. P.U.40 (2003).


PUB Notice - NP 2006 Revenue Recognition Policy Change Application - Nov 9, 2005

TAKE NOTICE that on September 29, 2005 the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) received an Application (“the Application”) from Newfoundland Power Inc. (“Newfoundland Power”) in relation to the way in which Newfoundland Power recognizes revenue from its operations. The Application proposes certain changes in Newfoundland Power’s accounting policy for revenue recognition for regulatory purposes.
View Documentation

PUB Notice - Insurance Review - Oct 29, 2005

The Public Utilities Board has been requested by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to review and report on issues related to homeowner, commercial and marine insurance. Having completed the initial information gathering phase of this review, the Board is now planning the consultation phase.

Public Utilities Board Committed to Fuel-Price Regulation - September 22, 2005

PUB Media Release Requesting Feedback on Petroleum Pricing Regulations - July 25, 2005

As part of an operational review into petroleum pricing regulation, the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) is releasing two documents concerning fuel price regulation in Newfoundland and Labrador with a view to gathering public input and comment from interested consumer groups, industry and individuals to assist with its decision making process on the issues identified in these reports.
Review Documentation and Ways To Provide Comments

Notice of Application: NF Power 2006 Capital Budget - July 6, 2005

TAKE NOTICE that on June 29, 2005 the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) received an application (the “Application”) from Newfoundland Power Inc. (“Newfoundland Power”) requesting an Order of the Board pursuant to Sections 41 and 78 of the Public Utilities Act (the “Act”):
1) Approving its 2006 Capital Budget
2) Approving 2006 leases and
3) Fixing and determining NF Power’s average rate base for 2004

Board Approves NF Power CIAC Policy Revisions - June 28, 2005

The Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities today issued Order No. P.U. 19 (2005) approving the application of Newfoundland Power Inc. to revise its Contribution in Aid of Construction (“CIAC”) Policies for domestic and general service customers respecting the demanding of a contribution in aid of construction from customers where the cost of line extensions or upgrades required to provide electrical service will not be recovered by the electricity rates to be paid by those customers.

PUB Notice - Insurance Review - June 18, 2005

The Public Utilities Board has been requested by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to review and report on issues related to homeowner, commercial and marine insurance. Having submitted its report to Government on the automobile insurance review, the Board is proceeding with its comprehensive review of other insurance products. There is still time to have your views heard.

PUB Releases PU 16 (2005) and PU 17 (2005) Concerning Electricial Rates - June 16, 2005

The Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities today issued Orders No. P.U. 16 (2005) and P.U. 17(2005), which will result in an average increase of approximately 5.2% in electricity rates effective July 1, 2005 for Newfoundland Power’s (“NP”) residential and general service customers and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s (“Hydro”) customers on the island interconnected system. Hydro’s rural residential customers on the isolated diesel systems will also see a similar increase in the lifeline block rate, which is based on NP’s rates.
Press Release Including Backgrounder
Order No. PU 16 (2005)
Order No. PU 17 (2005)

Public Utilities Board Extends Deadline In Review of Homeowner, Commercial and Marine Insurance - June 3, 2005

The Public Utilities Board is extending to June 30, 2005 the date for interested persons to contact the Board regarding participation in its homeowner, commercial and marine insurance review. This extension will allow more time for people to come forward and express their initial concerns.

PUB Notice - NF Power Application for Revisions to CIAC Policies - May 28, 2005

On May 20, 2005 the Board received an application from Newfoundland Power Inc. (“NP”) to revise its Contribution in Aid of Construction (“CIAC”) Policies for domestic and general service customers. These policies apply to individuals and companies where the cost of line extensions or upgrades required to provide electrical service exceeds the normal utility investment, requiring the customer to pay a portion of the capital cost in order to obtain service. The outcome of this application may impact customers of both Newfoundland Power Inc. and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro.
Application and 2005 CIAC Policy Review

PUB Press Release - Insurance Review Begins - May 24, 2005

The Public Utilities Board is preparing to begin the next phase of its ongoing comprehensive insurance review as directed by Government in the Fall of 2004. With the automobile insurance review complete, the Board is moving on to a review of homeowner, commercial and marine insurance. As a first step, the Board wants to identify all those who have issues of concern about any of the three types of insurance under review.
PUB Backgrounder To Insurance Review

PUB Notice - Insurance Review - May 21, 2005

The Public Utilities Board has been requested by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to review and report on issues related to homeowner, commercial and marine insurance. Having submitted its report to Government on the automobile insurance review, the Board is proceeding with its comprehensive review of other insurance products.

PUB Request For Proposal: Financial Consulting Services - May 7, 2005

The Board is requesting proposals from consultants to provide financial services to assist the Board in its regulatory supervision and compliance of public utilities in the Province. These financial services may include reviews of annual and quarterly reports prepared by the utilities, compliance audits, asset valuation and other appropriate services as directed by the Board.
Financial Consultant RFP Details

PUB Press Release - 2005 Benchmark Rates Released - March 11, 2005

The Public Utilities Board today announced automobile insurance benchmark rates for 2005. The Board concluded a public hearing on this matter in December, 2004 in anticipation of having appropriate rates in place as may be required in relation to Government’s decision concerning the current automobile insurance rate freeze which is scheduled to expire on March 16th, 2005.
Benchmark Order: A.I. 1 (2005)

PUB Press Release - Automobile Insurance Review - March 7, 2005

The Public Utilities Board has now concluded 14 days of public sessions relating to its automobile insurance review.

PUB Press Release - Automobile Insurance Review - February 18, 2005

The Public Utilities Board began public sessions relating to its automobile insurance review on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 with the first week concluding today, February 18, 2005.

PUB Information Brochure - Automobile Insurance Review - February 15, 2005

PUB Press Release - Automobile Insurance Review - February 14, 2005

The Public Utilities Board will begin public sessions relating to its automobile insurance review tomorrow, Tuesday February 15, 2005.

PUB Notice - Automobile Insurance Review - January 29, 2005

The Board encourages anyone who is interested to participate in this review. There are several ways to make your voice heard including public sessions as scheduled by the Board.

PUB Notice - Automobile Insurance Review - January 22, 2005

The Board has now completed a number of studies concerning these issues, which are available on the Board's website or from the Board upon request. As the review progresses, all information, including additional reports, will be posted on the Board's website.

PUB Press Release - Automobile Insurance Review - January 10, 2005

The Public Utilities Board announced today that it is embarking upon the next phase of its review into automobile insurance.
Backgrounder - Automobile Insurance Review - Jan. 10, 2005

PUB Notice - Automobile Insurance Review - January 8, 2005

The Board has now completed a study into the savings associated with various caps and deductibles and is encouraging anyone who is interested to participate in this review.


PUB Media Release: 2005 Auto Insurance Benchmark Hearing - Commencement of Hearing - October 25, 2004

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) advises that the public hearing for the review of the 2005 Automobile Insurance Benchmarks is set to begin on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 9:30am in the Board’s Hearing Room Suite E-210, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s.

PUB: 2005 Auto Insurance Benchmark Hearing - Notice of Hearing - October 6, 2004

The Board will hold a public hearing beginning on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 to review the benchmark rates set by the Board in respect of both commercial and private passenger automobile insurance throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.

PUB: 2005 Auto Insurance Benchmark Hearing - Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference - September 22, 2004

The Board will hold a pre-hearing conference on October 4, 2004 to address procedural issues associated with a public hearing to be held in relation to the setting of its annual benchmark rates and the benchmarking process currently used by the Board in regulating automobile insurance rates in Newfoundland and Labrador.

NF Power: 2005 Capital Budget - September 1, 2004

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the notice of a hearing on Newfoundland Power's 2005 Capital Budget, scheduled for September 20, 2004.

NL Hydro: 2005 Capital Budget - August 31, 2004

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the notice of a hearing on Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro's 2005 Capital Budget, scheduled for October 6, 2004.

PUB Releases PU 18 (2004), PU 19 (2004), PU 20 (2004) Concerning Rates - June 25, 2004

The Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities today issued Order Nos. P.U. 18 (2004), P.U. 19(2004) and P.U. 20(2004) which will result in an average increase of 9.86% in electricity rates effective July 1, 2004 for Newfoundland Power (“NP”) residential and general service customers and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s (“Hydro”) rural customers on the isolated diesel systems and on the island interconnected system.
Order No. PU 18 (2004)
Order No. PU 19 (2004) Amended
Order No. PU 20 (2004)

NL Hydro: 2003 General Rate Review - Board Decision on Rates - June 11, 2004

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the release of its Decision approving rates to be charged by NLH subsequent to public hearing into the application from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review.
Order No. PU 17 (2004)

NL Hydro: 2003 General Rate Review - Decision and Order - May 4, 2004           **Press Release (Correction)**

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the release of its Decision and Order resulting from a public hearing into the application from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review.
Order No. PU 14 (2004) - Press Release
Order No. PU 14 (2004) - Press Release (Correction)
Order No. PU 14 (2004) - Backgrounder

Order No. PU 14 (2004)
Order No. PU 14 (2004) - Summary of Decisions / Order
Order No. PU 14 (2004) - Appendices


NL Hydro 2003 GRA: Public Participation Day Scheduled in St. John's - Dec. 4, 2003

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities wishes to remind interested persons and organizations that the final opportunity for public presentations into Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2003 General Rate Application is scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM on Monday, December 8, 2003 at the Board’s Hearing Room, 120 Torbay Road in the City of St. John’s.

NL Hydro 2003 GRA: Public Participation Days Scheduled - Nov. 14, 2003

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities has set the schedule for the hearing of public presentations in Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2003 General Rate Application. The Public Participation Days will provide an opportunity for members of the public to present their views on Hydro’s application, as well as on the complaint from the Towns of Labrador City and Wabush that the rates proposed for Labrador West are discriminatory.

NL Hydro 2003 GRA: Notice of Rescheduling of Labrador Hearing and Public Participation - Oct. 30, 2003

The Board wishes to advise that the proceedings that were scheduled to commence in Labrador West on Monday, November 3 have been postponed and will be rescheduled to a later date. This postponement is as a result of a request from the Towns of Labrador City and Wabush, who are registered intervenors in Hydro’s General Rate Hearing.

NL Hydro 2003 GRA: Notice of Hearing Schedule for Labrador - Oct. 22, 2003

During the public hearing of Hydro’s 2003 General Rate Application, the Board will convene in Labrador West at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, November 3rd, 2003 at the O’Brien Hall in the Town of Labrador City to hear evidence with respect to the complaint.

NL Hydro 2003 GRA: Notice of Complaint, NL Hydro Labrador Interconnected System Customers - Sept 17, 2003

During the public hearing of Hydro’s 2003 General Rate Application, the Board will convene in Labrador West at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, November 3rd, 2003 to hear evidence with respect to the complaint. The Board will consider the appropriate rate calculation methodology for customers serviced by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s Labrador Interconnected System as well as the assignment of costs, which may result in changes to the current rate structure of the Labrador Interconnected System.

NL Hydro 2003 GRA: Notice of Hearing and Invitation for Public Participation - Sept 17, 2003

The public hearing of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s (“Hydro’s”) 2003 General Rate Application (the “Application”) received by the Board on May 21, 2003 will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, October 6, 2003 in the Board’s hearing room, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St.John’s. The Notice of Application and Pre-hearing Conference, which included the request for intervenor submissions, was published in newspapers in the Province beginning June 4, 2003.

NF Power: 2004 Capital Budget - August 1, 2003

Press release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the notice of a hearing on Newfoundland Power's 2004 Capital Budget, scheduled for September 10, 2003.

Newfoundland Power Inc: General Rate Review - PUB Release Order P.U. 23 (2003) - July 21, 2003

The Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) today issued Order No. P.U. 23 (2003) directing Newfoundland Power Inc. (“NP”) to decrease electricity rates charged to its customers by an average of 0.15% effective August 1, 2003 and to rebate customers a total of $3,640,000 in revenues previously collected.
Order No. PU 23 (2003)

NL Hydro 2003 GRA: PUB Press Release - Pre-Hearing Conference Rescheduled - July 15, 2003

The Public Utilities Board (the “Board”) today announced that the pre-hearing conference into Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s General Rate Application (“GRA”) has now been rescheduled. The prehearing conference will begin at 10:00 A.M. on Friday, July 18, 2003 in the Board’s Hearing Room, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s.

NL Hydro 2003 GRA: PUB Press Release Postponement of Pre-Hearing Conference - July 9, 2003

The Public Utilities Board (the “Board”) today announced the postponement of the pre-hearing conference into Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s General Rate Application (“GRA”) until a later date.

Newfoundland Power Inc: General Rate Review - Decision and Order - June 20, 2003

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the release of its Decision and Order resulting from a public hearing into the application from Newfoundland Power Inc for a General Rate Review.
Order No. PU 19 (2003) - Press Release
Order No. PU 19 (2003) - Backgrounder

Order No. PU 19 (2003)
Order No. PU 19 (2003) - Summary of Decisions / Order
Order No. PU 19 (2003) - Appendices

NL Hydro 2003 GRA: PUB Press Release of Notice of Hearing - June 6, 2003

The Board has decided that it will hold a public hearing to consider the Application. In advance of the public hearing the Board will convene a pre-hearing conference beginning at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 10, 2003 in the Board’s Hearing Room, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s. The Notice of Application and Pre-hearing Schedule will be published in newspapers throughout the Province commencing Saturday, June 7, 2003. The Notice provides details of the application, information for interested persons or organizations to participate in the proceeding as well as a pre-hearing schedule of significant dates.

NL Hydro 2004 Capital Budget: Change of Hearing Date - June 4, 2003

TAKE NOTICE that the hearing of Newfoundland and Labrador’s 2004 Capital Budget Application originally scheduled for June 10, 2003, has been rescheduled to begin on Wednesday, June 25, 2003, beginning at 9:00 A.M. in the Board’s Hearing Room, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s.

NL Hydro: 2003 GRA Application & Pre-Hearing Schedule - June 6, 2003

TAKE NOTICE that any or all customers of Hydro may be affected by the outcome of the Application. The specific impacts upon customers will vary depending on electricity consumption and rate classification. If the Application is approved as filed, it will result in average rate increases of approximately 14% to Hydro’s Industrial Customers and Newfoundland Power Inc., and approximately 7.5% to residential and commercial customers in the Province, including customers of Newfoundland Power Inc.

NL Hydro: 2003 GRA Application Received By Board - May 22, 2003

The Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the “Board”) yesterday received a General Rate Application from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (“Hydro”) to among other things, set electrical rates for its customers including Newfoundland Power Inc. and the Island Industrial Customers to be effective January 1, 2004.

Facility Association: Rates To Be Charged - May 14, 2003

The Public Utilities Board today issued its Order No. A.I. 20 (2003) regarding approval to Facility Association for revised private passenger and commercial automobile insurance rates for policies issued through its servicing carriers as submitted to the Board on April 28, 2003.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: 2004 Capital Budget - April 16, 2003

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the notice of a hearing on Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro's 2004 Capital Budget, scheduled for June 10, 2003.

Facility Association: Rate Hearing Decision - April 9, 2003

The Public Utilities Board today issued its Order No. A.I. 8 (2003) containing its decision on the application of Facility Association for certain rate increases and decreases to its private passenger and commercial automobile insurance rates for drivers whose insurance is provided by the market of last resort.

Newfoundland Power General Rate: Notice of Hearing and Public Participation - February 12, 2003

The public hearing of Newfoundland Power Inc.’s 2003 General Rate Application (the “Application”) will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 3, 2003 in the Board’s hearing room, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s. The Notice of Application and pre-hearing Conference, which included the request for intervenor submissions, was published in newspapers across the province beginning October 19, 2002.

Auto Insurance Benchmarks Remain Unchanged For 2003 - January 15, 2003

The Public Utilities Board today announced automobile insurance benchmarks will remain unchanged for 2003. Existing benchmark rates were established in 2001 and the decision to maintain these rates was taken by the Board following consideration of an independent review conducted by the Board’s actuarial consultants of insurance activity in the province, including claims and payouts.



Facility Association: Notice of Hearing - November 23, 2002

TAKE NOTICE that on September 9, 2002, the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the Board) received an application from the Facility Association (Facility), seeking an increase in rates charged to private passenger and commercial automobile insurance policy holders insured through the Facility Association mechanism in all areas of the province.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: Great Harbour Deep Abandonment and Decommissioning Decision - October 30, 2002

Board releases decision on Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the Abandonment and Decommissioning of the Diesel Generating Station and Distribution System at Great Harbour Deep

Newfoundland Power 2003 Capital Budget: Notice of Application and Hearing - October 23, 2002

TAKE NOTICE that the Board has received an application ("the Application") from Newfoundland Power Inc. ("Newfoundland Power") requesting, among other things, an order of the Board:
1) Approving the purchase and construction in 2003 of improvements and additions to Newfoundland Power's property, including approval of its 2003 Capital Budget in the amount of $55,790,000; and
2) Fixing and determining Newfoundland Power's average rate base for 2001 in the amount of $545,162,000.

Newfoundland Power General Rate Review: Notice of Application and Pre-Hearing Conference - October 19, 2002

TAKE NOTICE that on October 11, 2002 the Board received a general rate application from Newfoundland Power Inc. for a full review of Newfoundland Power’s 2003 costs, including cost of capital (the "Application"). Newfoundland Power is requesting, among other things, that the Board approve an increase in rates to be charged to its customers. While the average increase proposed is 1.39%, the specific impacts upon customers will vary depending on electricity consumption.

Newfoundland Power: Application for a General Rate Review - October 11, 2002

PUB press release issued with respect to an application from Newfoundland Power Inc. for a General Rate Review

Facility Association: Application for Private Passenger and Commercial Automobile Rates - October 9, 2002

TAKE NOTICE that on September 9, 2002, the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the Board) received an application from the Facility Association (Facility), seeking an increase in rates charged to private passenger and commercial automobile insurance policy holders insured through the Facility Association mechanism in all areas of the province.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: Decommissioning of Great Harbour Deep

TAKE NOTICE that Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro has filed an application with the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities seeking the Board's consent and approval, pursuant to Section 38 of the Public Utilities Act, to abandon and decommission the diesel generation station and distribution system at Great Harbour Deep.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: 2003 Capital Budget - October 5, 2002

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the notice of a hearing on NL Hydro's 2003 Capital Budget, scheduled for October 28, 2002

Newfoundland Power: Flow Through Application - August 28, 2002

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the release of its of Order in the matter of an amended application by Newfoundland Power to revise its schedule of rates, tolls and charges to permit recovery of additional costs payable to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the supply of power, an amendment to Newfoundland Power's Rate Stabilization Clause, and for approval of an amendment of the definition of the Rate Stabilization Account with Newfoundland Power's System of Accounts.
Order No. PU 22 (2002-2003)

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: General Rate Review - Order of Rate Changes for NLH - August 22, 2002

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the release of its of Order of Rate Changes for NLH resulting from a public hearing into the application from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review.
Order No. PU 21 (2002-2003)
Order No. PU 21 (2002-2003) Schedule A
Order No. PU 21 (2002-2003) Schedule B

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: General Rate Review - Decision and Order - June 7, 2002

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing the release of its Decision and Order resulting from a public hearing into the application from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review.
Order No. PU 7 (2002-2003) - Press Release
Order No. PU 7 (2002-2003) - Backgrounder

Order No. PU 7 (2002-2003)
Order No. PU 7 (2002-2003) - Summary of Decisions / Order
Order No. PU 7 (2002-2003) - Appendices



Continuation of 2001 Rate Ranges and Differentials - December 21, 2001

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board announcing that automobile insurance benchmarks will not change for the coming year.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: General Rate Review - Commencement of Hearing - September 21, 2001

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board Announcing the commencement of the public hearing into the application from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: General Rate Review - Further Information and Procedural Order - September 7, 2001

Press Release issued by the Public Utilities Board providing further updates into the public hearing of the application from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: General Rate Review Procedural Order - July 11, 2001

PUB press release issued with respect to the issuance of a Procedural Order by the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities resulting from the pre-hearing conference held July 5, 2001 into the matter of an application from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: General Rate Review Pre-Hearing Conference - June 14, 2001

PUB press release issued with respect to setting of a date for a pre-hearing conference into the matter of an application from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro: Application for a General Rate Review - June 1, 2001

PUB press release issued with respect to an application from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro for a General Rate Review

Newfoundland Power Inc: Application for approval to acquire the support structures of Aliant Telecom Inc - May 22, 2001

Press release issued stating the Board has determined that it will hold a hearing into the above matter, which shall begin at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 7, 2001 in the Board's Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, Prince Charles Building, 120 Torbay Road, St. John's, NF.

Facility Association - March 30, 2001

Press release issued with respect to the findings of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities resulting from an investigation into the rates charged by Facility Association in the Province.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro - Extension of Filing Date - March 16, 2001

Press release issued with respect to the decision of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities on an application from Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro for an amendment to Board Order P.U. 25(2000-2001) - extending the filing date for Hydro's General Rate Application from May 1, 2001 to May 31, 2001.

Newfoundland Power Inc. - Rebate to Customers - March 16, 2001

Press release issued with respect to the decision of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities on an application from Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the disposition of revenue credited to the Company's excess revenue account, through a rebate to customers.



New Chair and CEO Appointed to the PUB - December 22, 2000

Newfoundland Power Inc. Electric Rates Remain Unchanged - December 4, 2000

PUB Release Auto Insurance 2001 Benchmark Rates - November 14, 2000

Newfoundland Power Inc. Summer Meter Reading Pilot Project - August 23, 2000

David Vardy Receives Gold Medal Award - July 5, 2000

Premier Brian Tobin and Steve Hindle, President of The Professional Institute, honour the province's successful candidate for the Institute's 2000 Gold Medal Award, Mr. David Allan Vardy. Mr. Vardy is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities for Newfoundland and Labrador. The award recognizes Mr. Vardy's significant contributions to economic development, resource management, labour relations, and education.  Press Release 
 Speaking Notes for Steve Hindle 
 David Vardy - Acceptance Speech 

DRL Coachlines Limited - June 1, 2000

In the matter of an application by DRL Coachlines Limited for an increase in its trans-island public-passenger bus rates.

P.U.5(2000-2001) - May 12, 2000

In the matter of an application from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to abandon its diesel generating plant located in the Town of Roddickton.

PUB Regulatory Costs



P.U.20(1999-2000) - December 9, 1999

In the matter of an automatic adjustment mechanism to adjust the rates of Newfoundland Power Inc. based on variations in rate base as established by the Board in Order No. P.U. 16 (1998-99) and Order No. P.U. 36 (1998-99) Comparative Electric Utility Costs:
 NF vs. Maritime Provinces
 NF vs. Quebec & Ontario
 NF vs. Western Provinces
 NF vs. Canadian Average
 NF Rates: Before & After Change
 Survey of Canadian Electric Rates 
 press release
 related charts


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