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Workplace Safety & Health Division

Workplace Safety & Health Division


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The Advisory Council on Workplace Safety and Health was established in 1977 under the authority of the Workplace Safety and Health Act. The Council reports directly to the Minister of Labour and Immigration, concerning:

  • General workplace safety and health issues;
  • Protection of workers in specific situations;
  • Appointment of consultants and advisors;
  • Review of the Workplace Safety and Health Act and its administration undertaken by Council at least once every five years or when requested by the Minister; and
  • Any other matter concerning workplace safety and health on which the Minister seeks the Council’s advice.

Members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, with equal representation from workers, employers, and technical/professional organizations. The Workplace Safety and Health Division provides technical, administrative and financial support to the Council.

Council membership currently includes:


Technical/Professional Representatives

  • Irving Gusdal, American Association of Industrial Hygiene
  • Ilana Warner, Acting Chairperson  - Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses
  • Catherine Stewart, P.Eng, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba
  • Carol Loveridge, Manitoba Federation of Labour, Occupational Health Centre Inc.

Employer Representatives

  • Roland Simard, Mining Association of Manitoba Inc.
  • Stephen Copen, Manitoba Employers’ Council
  • Ronald Hambley, Winnipeg Construction Association
  • Robert Tetreault, Standard Aero Ltd.

Labour Representatives

  • Pete Walker, Manitoba Federation of Labour
  • Harry Mesman, United Food and Commercial Workers
  • Deborah Jamerson, Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union
  • David Martin, Manitoba Building and Construction Trades Council

The Advisory Council on Workplace Safety and Health establishes committees where appropriate, to advise the Council on specific matters dealing with safety and health in the workplace. Active committees currently include:

  • Agriculture Safety and Health Committee
  • Review Committee for Operation of Mines Regulation.

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