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Following are links to legislation and associated regulations administered by Alberta Finance.  The links will open in a separate window as text versions except where noted.  The actual documents are stored on the Queen's Printer (QP) website
Please see information about the Queen's Printer; their copyright/disclaimer, and ordering information.

Regulations are consolidated up to the most recent amendments as soon as possible. The most recent amendment regulation which has been consolidated is noted at the top of each main regulation (where applicable). In some cases, specific amendment regulations are included for convenience.

Links to Alberta Finance
Legislation and Regulations

The list is in alphabetical order.  Click on a letter to jump to that part of the list.

A     C     E     F     G     H        L     M     P     S     T


Alberta Capital Finance Authority Act
(formerly Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation)

  • 314/80 - Allotment of Shares Regulation
  • 258/06 - Alberta Capital Finance Authority Regulation

Alberta Corporate Tax Act

Alberta Corporate Tax Amendment Act, 2006 (Bill 34)

Alberta Corporate Tax Amendment Act, 1996
(Awaiting Proclamation)

  • 105/81 - Alberta Corporate Tax Regulation
  • 229/90 - Alberta Corporate Income Tax Amendment, 1990 Regulation
  • 183/06 - Alberta Corporate Tax (Ministerial) Regulation

Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Act

Alberta Income Tax Act

  • 317/72 - Tax Deduction Regulation

Alberta Personal Income Tax Act

Alberta Personal Income Tax Amendment Act, 2006 (Bill 33)

Alberta Personal Income Tax (Tools Credit) Amendment Act, 2001 (unproclaimed sections only - awaiting proclamation)

  • 34/01 - Alberta Personal Income Tax Withholding Regulation
  • 171/02 - NHL Tax Regulation
Alberta Stock Exchange Restructuring Act

Alberta Taxpayer Protection Act

Alberta Treasury Branches Act

See also Financial Sector Statutes Amendment Act, 2003 (unproclaimed sections only - awaiting proclamation)

  • 187/97 - Alberta Treasury Branches Regulation

Appropriation Acts (for 2006-07):

Appropriation Acts (for 2005-06):

Appropriation Acts (for 2004-05):

Appropriation Acts (for 2003-04):

Appropriation Acts (for 2002-03):
Appropriation Acts (for 2001-02):
Appropriation Acts (for 2000-01):

Civil Service Garnishee Act

Credit Union Act

See also Financial Sector Statutes Amendment Act, 2003 (unproclaimed sections only - awaiting proclamation)

  • 250/89 - Credit Union (Ministerial) Regulation
  • 249/89 - Credit Union (Principal) Regulation

Employment Pension Plans Act

2006 Legislative Changes - there have been significant changes and updates to the information on our website. The following came into force as of August 10, 2006:

See also:


Farm Credit Stability Act

  • 339/86 - Farm Credit Stability Fund Regulation
  • 340/86 - Lending Institutions Regulation

Financial Administration Act

Financial Administration Amendment Act, 2004 (unproclaimed sections only)

  • 266/96 - Alberta Foundation for Medical Research Exemption Regulation
  • 112/97 - Canmore Undermining Indemnity Regulation
  • 235/88 - Charging of Interest on Amounts Owing to the Crown Regulation
  • 22/97 - Indemnity Authorization Regulation
  • 98/78 - Revolving Fund Designation Regulation
  • 190/97 - Treasury Branches Deposit Fund Exemption Regulation

Financial Consumers Act

  • 165/02 - Financial Consumers Regulation

Financial Sector Statutes Amendment Act, 2003
(unproclaimed sections only - awaiting proclamation)

Fiscal Responsibility Act

Fiscal Responsibility Amendment Act, 2006 (Bill 24)

Fuel Tax Act

Fuel Tax Act (Bill 35)

Fuel Tax Amendment Act, 2004 (unproclaimed section only)

  • 388/87 - Fuel Tax Regulation

Government Accountability Act

Government Fees & Charges Review Act

  • 44/00 - Fee Reduction Regulation

Income Trusts Liability Act

Insurance Act

Regulations are consolidated up to the most recent amendments as soon as possible.  The most recent amendment regulation which has been consolidated is noted at the top of each main regulation (where applicable).   Specific amendment regulations are included for convenience.

  • 98/05 - Adverse Contractual Action Regulation
  • 352/72 - Automobile Accident Insurance Benefits Regulation
         Amendment Regulations:
  • 124/04 - Automobile Insurance Premiums Regulation
         Amendment Regulations:
  • 179/05 - Automobile Insurance Rate Board Fees Regulation
         Amendment Regulation:
  • 125/01 - Certificate Expiry, Penalties, Fees Regulation
  • 121/01 - Classes of Insurance Regulation
  • 259/04 - Complaint Resolution Regulation
  • 122/04 - Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols Regulation
  • 129/01 - Enforcement and Administration Regulation
  • 382/03 - Fair Practices Regulation
  • 122/01 - Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation
  • 126/01 - Insurance Councils Regulation
  • 123/04 - Minor Injury Regulation
         Amendment Regulation:
  • 120/01 - Miscellaneous Provisions Regulation
  • 124/01 - Provincial Companies Regulation
  • 123/01 - Reciprocal Insurance Exchange Regulation
  • 127/01 - Replacement of Life Insurance Contracts Regulation

Loan & Trust Corporations Act

See also: Financial Sector Statutes Amendment Act, 2003
(unproclaimed sections only - awaiting proclamation)

  • 172/92 - Loan and Trust Corporations (Ministerial) Regulation
  • 171/92 - Loan and Trust Corporations Regulation

Members of the Legislative Assembly Pension Plan Act

  • 305/69 - MLA Pension Adjustment Regulation
  • 320/85 - MLA Pension Plan (Ministerial) Regulation
  • 319/85 - MLA Pension Plan Regulation

Municipal Debentures Act


Pension Fund Act

Provincial Court Act; Court of Queen's Bench Act; Interpretation Act

  • 196/01 - Provincial Judges and Masters in Chambers Registered and Unregistered Pension Plans Regulation

Public Sector Pension Plans Act

See also: Financial Sector Statutes Amendment Act, 2003
(unproclaimed sections only - awaiting proclamation)

  • 366/93 - Local Authorities Pension Plan Regulation
  • 367/93 - Management Employees Pension Plan Regulation
  • 365/93 - Public Sector Pension (Legislative Provisions) Regulation
  • 368/93 - Public Service Pension Plan Regulation
  • 369/93 - Special Forces Pension Plan Regulation
  • 370/93 - Universities Academic Pension Plan Regulation

Securities Act

Securities Amendment Act, 2006 (Bill 25)

  • 115/95 - Securities Regulation
Securities Transfer Act (Bill 36)

Statistics Bureau Act


Telecommunications Act

Tobacco Tax Act

  • 273/83 - Tobacco Tax Regulation

Tourism Levy Act (Formerly Hotel Room Tax Act)

  • 398/87 - Tourism Levy Regulation


Contents of this section below


Page Last Updated:  November 8, 2006


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