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Fitness expectations for cadets
at the Training Academy
and mandatory fitness training log


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Be Prepared

An applicant takes many steps to prepare for RCMP Cadet Training. Applicants are expected to enter cadet training with a good level of physical fitness. The training program is not designed for cadets to “get in shape,” but rather to allow each cadet to enhance their education, skills and abilities in fitness.


A Typical Training Day

ropeclimbThe onset of cadet training can be overwhelming. In addition to the educational and skill aspects of the Cadet Training Program, the physical demands of a typical training day can pose difficulties to the unfit cadet. A training day may include marching on parade at 6:15 a.m., “doubling” from class to class (double time marching; similar to a jog), or sparring in Police Defence Tactics (PDT), marching/running/performing push-ups in drill, running 6.5 km and climbing 9 flights of stairs — all before noon! This same troop will be expected to eat lunch very quickly, perform in the noon parade and subsequently stay alert for a classroom lecture and a firearms training session in the afternoon. Missing the bus and having to run out to the firearms range, meeting an instructor to practice the Physical Ability Requirement Evaluation (PARE) test after classes and fitting in a weight workout after supper may further compound the activity of the day.


Risks of Inactivity

A typical training day such as the one described above can challenge even the fittest of cadets. However, those with a low level of overall fitness can suffer the ill effects of such an active lifestyle. Problems which affect training could include fatigue, overuse injuries or failure in a testing situation. The following information is provided to the successful applicant to support his or her fitness conditioning program. It will allow the applicant to develop goals, create an action plan, record progress and evaluate the results of the plan.


Purpose of a Training Program

pull-upThe focus of an applicant’s training program should be to increase physical fitness, obtain/maintain a healthy body weight and prevent overuse injuries.

The applicant, if not already doing so, should begin this conditioning program immediately after they have run a successful PARE test. Progression of duration and intensity should be GRADUAL to enhance success and avoid injury.

Workouts will be recorded in the attached log. This log should be maintained in detail throughout the application process. Recruiting or Depot may request to review this log at any time.


Depot’s Commitment to the Pursuit of Excellence

The Cadet Training Program sets minimum standards as a means of establishing those cadets who are ready to begin, progress in or complete the program. Success in police work includes continual commitment to improve oneself. Cadets are not expected to aim for simply the minimum, but rather aspire for personal and professional excellence in all that they do. As such, setting challenging but realistic goals will assist applicants in determining the purpose and motivation behind their personal fitness plans.


Goals of the RCMP Cadet Training Fitness Program


  • Empower cadets to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Assist cadets in successfully completing the PARE.
  • Through training, allow cadets to improve their personal fitness and achieve an appropriate fitness level for police duty.
  • Provide cadets with a variety of personal challenges and team-building opportunities to promote physical and mental growth.
  • Teach cadets to follow the recommendations of Health Canada, “ . . . to perform physical activity most days of the week.”


Cadets Should Arrive for Training READY

Upon arrival to Depot, you will be expected to:

  • Pass the PARE and perhaps improve on your applicant PARE time.
  • Demonstrate good muscular endurance through push-up and pull-up testing.
  • Run for 30 minutes at a moderate to high intensity. Run AT LEAST 5 km in this duration.
  • Develop a lifestyle required by cadets, that is, to perform at least 3 aerobic workouts and 2 resistance workouts per week, each workout lasting a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • Progress to running approximately 10-20 km per week.

Consider all of the above when developing your personal fitness plan.

NOTE: Cadets who fail the applicant PARE during the first week of training will have their contracts terminated from the Cadet Training Program.


Setting Your Fitness Goals for Cadet Training

When preparing your personal fitness plan, it is imperative to consider the goals you wish to achieve. Goal setting allows for clarification of action plan (efficient use of training time), provides motivation to perform high quality work during a training session and provides a foundation for evaluation and problem solving.


Depot Fitness “Benchmarks”

push-upIn the Depot fitness program, cadets are required to perform a number of troop runs, conditioning workouts and physical tests. They are expected to perform at a high intensity during training and testing. It is suggested that cadets achieve at least the benchmarks listed below.



Male Benchmark

Female Benchmark

2.5 km (1.5 mile) run



5.1 km (3.0 mile) run









Bench Press

100% Body Weight

75% Body Weight

Those cadets failing to achieve these benchmarks will, at their request, be provided additional recommendations for improving upon their scores.


Superior Rating in Fitness

Many cadets are very fit upon entering cadet training. To motivate these cadets to reach greater levels of success, and to acknowledge their hard work and performance, a “superior” rating is given to cadets who can meet the following scores:


Superior Benchmark (Males)

Superior Benchmark (Females)

2.5 km (1.5 mile) run



5.1 km (3.0 mile) run









Bench Press

150% Body Weight

100% Body Weight





Goal Setting Worksheet

Fill out the following worksheet with your current test scores. After doing so, determine scores you wish to reach upon entering cadet training. Remember to set challenging, but REALISTIC goals for yourself. Ensure your goals are MEASURABLE. “I want to lose weight and tone up” is NOT a goal. To change this statement to a goal, quantity must be assigned, such as, “I want to lose 10 lbs bench press 100 lbs and run 25 km per week.” This way you can use a physical evaluation tool to measure your success. To test yourself on running, push-ups or pull-ups, review the protocol listed at the bottom of this worksheet.



Current PARE time:


Depot entrance PARE:


Goal PARE time :




2. Aerobic Training & Running

Current 2.5 km (1.5 mile) run time is:


Goal 2.5 km (1.5 mile) run time is:


Current 5.1 km (3.0 mile) run time is:


Goal 5.1 km (3.0 mile) run time is:




3. Resistance Training


Current push-up score is:


Goal push-up score is:


Current pull-up score is:


Goal pull-up score is:




4. Other


Other fitness goals I wish to achieve are:

(Example: exercise 5 days per week; bench press a certain amount of weight, swim a certain distance or break a personal record in a 10 km race.)



Action Plan

Now that you have outlined several goals for yourself, it is time to create a plan specifically designed to meet your goals. For success, it is imperative that your training time be both efficient and effective. Too much time spent training inefficiently or training with poor quality is a waste. For example, walking 1 hour per day does not have the intensity level required to achieve the results necessary for cadet training. A better choice would be a 30 minute run or run/walk combo. This results in a better quality workout.

Guidelines for your Action Plan

  • Perform 3-5 training sessions on aerobic/anaerobic activity.
  • Perform 2-4 sessions on resistance training.
  • Each session should last 30-45 minutes. Be aware that it may take you a few weeks to work up to this.
  • Your first 2-4 weeks of implementing your action plan may require a lower frequency and intensity level, such as reducing aerobic workout time to 15-20 minutes per session and resistance workout time to 20 minutes per session.
  • Build each workout by 1-3 minutes until you have reached 30 minutes — or slightly longer if necessary.
  • Ensure 1 or 2 days off training each week to provide adequate rest.


Gradual and Safe Progression

ALL exercise sessions require 5-15 minutes of warm-up activity prior to the onset of the workout. This could include walking, biking, easy jogging or any full body movement that feels comfortable, limbers joints and increases temperature/heart rate. Movements such as arm circles, skipping and jumping jacks will provide further warm up. Stretching is best left for the end of the workout. After a 5-15 minute cool down of walking or slow jogging/biking, perform static stretches (no bouncing) for each muscle group worked in the training session.


PAREThe PARE is the Physical Ability Requirement Evaluation (PARE) used by the RCMP. It is part of the Cadet Training Program at Depot. In order to better pre-PARE consult the PARE section on our Recruiting website.

As a general guideline, we suggest that you spend at least 10 minutes, twice per week on PARE type activities. These activities should be “anaerobic” in nature (high intensity, short duration).

Examples include:

  • 10 x 100m sprints with a 5 foot jump at the 50m mark.
  • 10 x set of stairs
  • 10 x jumping hurdles (hockey stick on 2 chairs or something similar)
  • 10 x hurdling a 3 foot vault (fence or parking barrier in your yard/neighbourhood, etc.)
  • 10 x lie on your back and get up quickly.

Be creative and use a neighbourhood park or local gymnasium to develop an obstacle course for yourself.

Aerobic Training

Aerobic activities are any exercises that increase heart rate, use large muscle groups and are continuous and repetitive. This may include running, biking, swimming, stairclimbing, elliptical training or an aerobics class. When choosing activities, keep in mind those that feel easier, such as walking or light stationary biking, are the safest for beginners and individuals with risk factors. However, the result of choosing easier exercise is that less training benefit is derived. Non-weight-bearing activities, such as biking and swimming, are easier on joints but are less specific to the PARE and many of the activities of the Cadet Training Program (such as running or doubling). Stick to the 2-1 rule: 2 weight bearing activities for every 1 non-weight-bearing exercise. For example:

  • Monday - Run 30 minutes
  • Wednesday - Swim 30 minutes
  • Friday - Run 30 minutes

Also, keep in mind that activities such as using an elliptical trainer are great alternatives and cross-training choices. The benefits of exercise machines are that they provide enjoyable variety from traditional aerobic activities. However, these machines lack in “specificity” — the training principle that suggests we need to perform activities specific to the goal we wish to achieve. Activities such as running, push-ups and pull-ups are more “functional.” Therefore it is encouraged that these be performed more often than movements that are less replicated in “real life.” Choose exercises such as the elliptical trainer or stairmaster for variety as opposed to your only mode of aerobic training.

Perform activities at an intensity level of 70-85% of maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is “220-age”. So for example, if you are 30 years old, your maximum heart rate is 190 beats per minute. You should work at 70-85% of 190 beats per minute (133-162 beats per minute). This will feel like an effort level of a “7" to “8.5" out of a possible “10."



runningRunning is both an exciting and challenging opportunity at Depot. Running at Depot is also mandatory. The amount that each cadet chooses to perform is dependant on his or her interest, time, personal goals, fitness level and need. For cadets who enter the program unprepared for the mileage that awaits them, running becomes a harsh and uncomfortable reality. For some it is a highly challenging task. But meeting this challenge with preparation and hard work provides high levels of fitness and an even greater sense of accomplishment.

Following a safe and effective running program is absolutely imperative. Running-related injuries develop slowly and over time and are often ignored in the early stages — when they are most treatable. Overuse injuries, such as shin splints or knee inflammation must be prevented by following a smart plan. Running can actually improve the integrity of a weak knee or ankle joints —if training is gradual and progressive. Cadets are encouraged to run approximately 10-20 km per week.


Rules for Success in Running

1. Do not increase mileage by more than 10% per week.

2. Every four weeks, perform approximately 60% of your normal mileage to provide an active “rest” week.

3. Mix running with lower-impact activities such as biking or swimming.

4. Wear shoes made specifically for running. Purchase from a specialty running store so that professionally trained staff can fit you with a pair that supports your body’s running style.

5. Do not perform two high-intensity runs back to back. The day after a hard run, perform an easy run, cross train or take the day off.

6. Try to run more than once a week. The more consistent the running workouts, the easier running will become.

7. Outdoor and treadmill running differ in subtle ways. Work towards more outdoor running as it is a more functional, useful and portable option. A “treadmill-only” program will not prepare you as well for the demands of cadet training.

8. Soreness in both joints or both limbs that improves within two days is a normal response to the stresses of training. Your body will adapt and grow stronger over time. This soreness can be lessened with ice, rest or light, low-impact aerobic activity. Pain in 1 joint or 1 side that persists after a few of days may require a visit to the physician to rule out the presence of an injury.


Resistance Training

Proficiency in weight training can take months to develop. However, even the novice fitness enthusiast can perform an effective resistance workout with little or no equipment. The Cadet Fitness Program suggests becoming effective at pushing or pulling one's own body weight. This is demonstrated by being able to pull your chin up and over a pull-up bar, or by performing push ups with ease. Weight room exercises can compliment these two activities, in addition to working each major muscle group.


Rules for Success in Resistance Training

resistance1. Work each major muscle group 1-2 times per week.

2. Perform a total of 6-12 exercises in one session.

3. Perform 1-3 exercises per muscle group.

4. Perform 2-4 sets of 6-15 repetitions.Start with higher repetitions and choose a weight that will make the last 2 or 3 repetitions quite difficult to perform. Slowly and over time increase the weight and lower the repetitions.

Sample Exercises


Push ups

Bench Press

Pectoral Fly

 Upper Back

Pull ups

Lateral pulldown

Seated row machine


Overhead dumbell press

Forward arm raise



Dumbell curl

Bar curl



Bench dips

Cable pressdown




Crunch twist

Pelvic lift

 Low Back


Opposite arm/leg extension

Back exstension


Leg extension

Hamstring curl



Trying a new exercise?

Move slowly, become proficient at the movement before adding weight, start with light weight, stabilize your body prior to movement, avoid any twisting or torsion-type movement, perform it in front of the mirror. And if it still feels uncomfortable, seek assistance from a professional.

Documenting Your Workouts

Recording your workouts in a log provides you with valuable information that would be impossible to otherwise remember. It can help you reflect on any problems or injuries — a quick look back in your log can reveal that you increased your mileage too quickly. And it's motivating to see your progress to date.

Completing Your Log

You will need to make copies of the log for subsequent weeks. Use the back of the sheet to add any pertinent details. Fill in all details of each workout. This includes:

Date/Time of Day:


(if exercising outdoors)


Type of exercise:
(duration & intensity)


Details of workout:


Aches and pains:
(how you felt)


If weight loss or better nutrition is a personal goal, you may also want to log your eating habits.


Physical testing provides you with information on whether your program is working. The following are tests you can self-administer to measure your success:

2.5 km Run (1.5 miles)
Mark out a course of 2.5 km (1.5 miles). On a 400 m track this would be a little bit more than 6 laps (inside lane). Run, jog and/or walk the distance, recording your time with a stopwatch or digital watch. Remember to warm-up and cool-down well.

5.1 km Run (3.0 miles)
As above, however mark out a 5.1 km (3.0 mile) course, or run 12-and-a-half laps on a 400 m track. Begin this distance at a slower pace than you would have for the 2.5 km run.
NOTE: Do not estimate by doubling the distance of your 2.5 km run.

Lie on the ground face down, hands approximately shoulder width apart. Perform as many push-ups as possible — using the toes as a pivot point — without pausing. BE STRICT. Fold a towel in three and set it under your chin. Ensure that your CHIN touches the towel for every repetition. Also, ensure your arms are FULLY extended before performing the next push-up.

Hang from a pull-up bar using an overhand grip. Arms must be fully extended before beginning. Pull upwards until your chin is above the bar. Lower your back to full extension. This is one good quality repetition. You can hang on the bar as long as you like, but as soon as you jump down off the bar, the test is over.

NOTE: Any deviation from this strict protocol will artificially inflate your score — a practice that in no way improves your fitness level.



Applicants who intend to accept their invitations to Cadet Training are accountable for the following:

  • Read and understand the preceding workbook of information.
  • Perform regular fitness sessions based on recommendations provided above.
  • Log workouts using the training log provided in the section on PARE.
  • Address your questions regarding the above to your respective recruiting officer.


Mandatory fitness training log

Applicants are required to maintain a physical training log from the time they are selected to do the PARE test. The format of this training log is provided below. If you are unable to print this log, please contact your recruiting office to obtain a copy.

This log will allow you to enter your cardiovascular and strength training workouts daily on a single page. Applicants must be prepared to provide a copy of their up-to-date training log to the recruiting officer and/or the facilitators at Depot to better evaluate your physical preparation.

You are required to arrive at the Academy physically prepared to undergo training.

  RCMP Fitness Training Log  
Cardiovascular Exercise
Time of Day and Duration Distance
Strength Training
Sets Reps Weight Time of Day

Enjoy your workouts and good luck with the PARE !


Step 5