Integrated Land Management Bureau

Base Mapping and Geomatic Services

Base Map Online Store

To start your order, click the 'Start' button.


Please note: The Base Map Online Store supports Internet Explorer 6.0, Firefox 1.5, and Netscape 8.0. It does not support Internet Explorer 7.0 at this time; we are working to resolve this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have already downloaded IE7 we recommend using Firefox or Netscape to access the Base Map Online Store. The suppliers offer free downloads at these links:

About this Service

This online service allows you to order and purchase Land and Resource products from the Base Map Online Store.

The following products can be ordered using this service:

  • Map Data - TRIM mapsheets, TRIM Enhanced Basemap mapsheets, TRIM Aerotriangulation Data, Gridded DEM, Hillshaded DEM
  • Imagery - Hard Copy Air Photos, Air Photo Enlargements, Scanned Air Photos, TRIM Orthophotos, TRIM Orthophoto Mosaics
  • Survey Control Data - MASCOT Geodetic Control Monuments, BCACS GPS Corrections

Getting Started

To use this service you will require:


This Page Last Updated: September 14, 2006