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About the FIRB


Regulated Marketing
  • Supervisory Role
  • Appellate Role
  • Signatory Role


Farm Practices
  • What is a farm
  • Complaints Role
  • Studies & Reports


The Board
  • Members
   - Recruitment
  • Staff


Policies, Practices and Procedures
  •  Appellate
     - Filing an Appeal
  •  Farm Practices
     - Filing a Complaint


Specialty Review
Supervisory Reviews

Regulated Marketing

   (from 2003 onwards)

•  Farm Practices


  • Regulated Marketing
  • Farm Practices


Board Governance

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Governance - Overview


The British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board's (FIRB) primary mandates are to administer regulated marketing legislation to ensure that the public interest is served and protected, and to provide a fair and equitable process for resolving farm practices disputes out of court. FIRB has developed a Governance Policy that sets out how FIRB will govern itself in an effective and accountable manner to meet these expectations.

Independence and Accountability

FIRB adopts the principles of independence and accountability. FIRB is accountable to government for its administrative operations but is independent of government in its decision-making in both the supervisory, appellate and farm practices functions. As an independent tribunal FIRB must ensure that the public interest is served and protected.

FIRB is an entity distinct from the government and is designated under the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act (NPMA) as the agency responsible for the administration of the NPMA. The statute grants FIRB broad discretionary powers over the supervision of marketing boards and commissions established under the NPMA.

FIRB must also hold hearings that provide an impartial and fair adjudication of complaints by persons who feel aggrieved by actions of a marketing board. As a quasi-judicial administrative tribunal it must adhere to the principles of administrative law. The courts have recognized FIRB as an expert tribunal with decisions worthy of considerable judicial deference. Therefore, FIRB must operate and be seen to operate independently.

FIRB may hear complaints about farm operations under s.3 of the Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act or, under s.11 of the Act, study, report on, and make recommendations concerning any matter related to farm practices. Board members have the powers, privileges and protections of a commissioner under the Inquiry Act

FIRB is an administrative tribunal mandated to hear nuisance complaints arising from farm operations and to conduct studies into matters related to farm practices.

FIRB reports directly to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries in matters of administration but is independent of government in its decision-making.

FIRB has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding that sets out the roles and responsibilities of FIRB, the Minister of Agriculture and Lands and the Ministry. The Memorandum requires revision and is presently under review.

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