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What's New

Review of Specialty Production and New Entrant Programs - Improving Access to the Supply Management System

A separate webpage has been created specifically for the Specialty Review. Click here to view current status, recent developments, and background information.

BC Greenhouse Vegetable Industry, July 2006

On May 9, 2006, the British Columbia Vegetable Marketing Commission forwarded its recommended changes to the Commission's General Orders for prior approval by the BC Farm Industry Review Board (FIRB). FIRB has reviewed the recommendations and discussed the issues with the Commission.  To view the Commission's changes to its Orders, click here; to view FIRB's directions to the Commission, click here.

On July 13, 2006, the Commission requested approval from FIRB to re-consult with producers and agencies concerning regulatory change. For background information on this request and to view FIRB's response to the Commission dated July 18, 2006, click here.

Turkey Allocation to BC Processors, March 2006

British Columbia’s share of the national turkey allocation does not meet its market requirements. The three B.C. signatories (Minister of Agriculture and Lands, BCFIRB and the BC Turkey Marketing Board) have launched a formal complaint to National Farm Products Council and allocation policies are being reviewed as a result.

 Appeals from three existing or prospective B.C. turkey processors concerning access to supply issues were filed with BCFIRB in 2005. The issues involve the balancing of interests between processors, prospective processors and producers while meeting B.C. market demands, including specialty.

Given the scope and importance of the issues involved, the hearing of these appeals was deferred by agreement so BCFIRB could address the issues in its supervisory capacity.

Following meetings with the Turkey Board, processors and other industry stakeholders, BCFIRB issued its supervisory decision on January 26, 2006; to view click here. To view BCFIRB's Policy, Analysis, Principles and Directions paper of September 1, 2005 setting down policy principles, click here.

On March 21, 2006, FIRB issued a supplementary decision to the one issued on January 26; to view the decision, click here; to view the cover letter that accompanied the decision, click here.


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