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Review of Specialty Production and New Entrant Programs -

Improving Access to the Supply Management System

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The Review of specialty production and new entrant programs has been conducted by the British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board to ensure that the policies and procedures of British Columbia's five supply management marketing boards and commissions (Boards) ensure that BC specialty markets are served by BC producers.

On September 1, 2005, FIRB released its Policy, Analysis, Principles and Directions paper setting down policy principles. To view FIRB's Directions paper, click here; to view FIRB's cover letter to the boards, click here. If you wish to receive a hard copy of the Directions, contact the FIRB office with your request (click the "Contacts" tab at the top of this web page for contact information).

The primary task in this project has been the development or updating of programs for specialty (including organic) production and marketing as well as programs to assist the entry of new producers. Following the release of FIRB's directions, the Boards have worked to finalize new or amending Orders to bring their programs into place.

FIRB has now issued letters of directions to each of the Boards to provide instructions in finalizing their Orders and to bring specialty, innovation and new entrant programs into force within their respective industries. FIRB acknowledges and appreciates the effort and careful thought that the members and staff of the Boards have put into the development of their Orders. FIRB's final directions to each Board are listed below under the section "Commodity Board Orders".

Industry stakeholders have participated throughout this Review, providing input to commodity boards and to FIRB on existing programs and throughout the development of draft Orders. FIRB is grateful for the input of specialty producers, industry associations, such as the Certified Organic Associations of BC, and other interested persons. 

On May 30, 2006, FIRB issued a general update regarding the Review of Specialty Production with information on the Future Process and Rights of Appeal and the Three Year Review of board programs. To view FIRB's May 30, 2006 letter, click here.
Commodity Board Orders

The draft Orders submitted during the Review and FIRB's final Directions to each Board are listed below and may be viewed by clicking on the title of the document. The Orders were posted during the Review period, however, since that time, the boards and commissions may have updated their Orders and we recommend that you check their websites for the most current versions of their Orders. Links to their websites are provided below by clicking on the name of the board/commission.

BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission

The Commission has advised that sections 8(2)(e) and 24 of the Consolidated Order apply to the new entrant program in addition to the New Producer Program Rules set out in Schedule 1. To view the documents, click on the following:

³ FIRB Directions dated February 9, 2006
Consolidated Order for February 1, 2006
³ Schedule 1 - New Producer Program Rules
³ Consolidated Order for December 1, 2005
    (changes marked)
³ Consolidated Order for December 1, 2005
    (changes incorporated)

BC Chicken Marketing Board

As noted by the Chicken Board, new orders pertaining to the Specialty and New Entrant program are highlighted in blue type. To view the orders, click on the following:

³ FIRB Directions dated January 23, 2006
³ General Orders dated December 1, 2005
³ General Orders dated October 31, 2005

BC Egg Marketing Board

³ FIRB Directions dated July 18, 2006
Egg Board's response to FIRB's questions
      dated April 7, 2006
³ Proposed Specialty Standing order Changes
     dated April 7, 2006
³ FIRB's questions to the Egg Board
    dated February 21, 2006
Proposed Standing Order Changes
     dated December 5, 2005
³ Current Standing Order

BC Milk Marketing Board

³ FIRB Directions re extension dated July 31, 2006
FIRB Directions dated July 19, 2006
Milk Board's response to FIRB's questions
     dated April 13, 2006
³ FIRB's questions to the Milk Board
    dated March 13, 2006
Milk Board's response to FIRB's questions
     dated March 6, 2006
³ Consolidated Order dated April 1, 2006

BC Turkey Marketing Board

³ FIRB Directions re declining assessment
    dated August 1, 2006

³ FIRB Letter of Clarification and further Directions
    dated July 20, 2006

³ FIRB Approval of Extension to new effective
    date for establishing Orders dated July 14, 2006

³ FIRB additional Directions dated June 30, 2006
³ FIRB Directions dated June 27, 2006

³ General Order as of June 26, 2006

³ Advisory Committee Regulation as of June 26, 2006

³ Agencies Regulation as of June 26, 2006

³ Farm Practices Regulation as of June 26, 2006

³ Fees and Levies Regulation as of June 26, 2006

³ Pricing Regulation as of June 26, 2006

³ Quota Regulation as of June 26, 2006

Proposed General Order 2006 & Regulations
     dated April 24, 2006
³ Turkey Board's response to FIRB's questions
     dated April 12, 2006

FIRB's questions to the Turkey Board
    dated March 10, 2006
³ General Order 2006 & Regulations
     dated December 5, 2005

Questions & Answers
FIRB has compiled a list of questions and answers regarding various aspects of the specialty review. This document responds to questions regarding a review of programs for the production and marketing of broiler hatching eggs, chicken, eggs, turkey and cow's milk, which are regulated under provincial legislation administered by marketing boards (boards). If you raise or keep animals used to produce these supply managed commodities you may be impacted by the results of this review. 

Please note that there are other provincial regulations which govern the slaughter of livestock and the sale of farm products. These regulations are not administered by the commodity boards and are not addressed in this review. To obtain information on the Meat Inspection Regulation and the Shell Egg Grading Regulation, please refer to section 3 of the Q & A. 

To view the entire list of questions and answers in the Specialty Review Q & A, click here.

Background information to Specialty Review by FIRB
In September 2003, the BC Farm Industry Review Board directed the five supply-managed boards and commissions* to review and assess the specialty production and marketing of their commodities. To view the letter to the Boards and Commissions, including Terms of Reference of Review, click here.

* The five supply-managed boards and commissions are:

BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission
BC Chicken Marketing Board
BC Egg Marketing Board
BC Milk Marketing Board
BC Turkey Marketing Board

On August 25, 2004, the FIRB decided to suspend its review pending the outcome of Government's review of key policy questions concerning specialty production issues. To view FIRB's letter to the then Minister of Agriculture, click here. To view the report prepared by George Leroux for the then Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, issued in December 2004, entitled Recommendations for Managing Specialty Agri-Food Products in BC's Supply Managed System, click here.

On January 6, 2005, the FIRB decided to resume its supervisory review of specialty production with a completion date of June 30, 2005. The FIRB will be issuing further process directions the week of January 17. To view the FIRB's letter to the then Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, click here.

On January 19, 2005, the FIRB issued process information and directions to the boards and commissions, and specialty producer groups. To view FIRB's letter, click here.

On February 15, 2005, the FIRB sent a letter to the boards and commissions, and specialty producer groups to summarize progress to date; identify future activities and dates; and provide clarification and direction with respect to certain issues. To view FIRB's letter, click here.

On March 23, 2005, the FIRB sent a letter to the boards and commissions, and specialty producer groups outlining FIRB's expectations regarding additional consultation that should take place between the commodity boards and their mainstream and specialty industry stakeholders from March 31 to June 30, 2005. To view FIRB's letter and timetable, click here.

On April 18, 2005, the FIRB sent a letter to the boards and commissions, and specialty producer groups with updated directions for meeting objectives. To view FIRB's letter and revised timetable, click here.

Effective April 27, 2006, FIRB has granted interim approval to the BC Turkey Marketing Board to renew any orders necessary for the regulation of the BC turkey industry in quota year 2005/06, pending prior approval by FIRB of the Turkey Board's specialty production regulations. To view FIRB's letter to the Turkey Board, click here.

On June 13, 2005, the FIRB sent a letter to the boards and commissions, and specialty producer groups with a revised timetable. To view FIRB's letter and revised timetable, click here.

Proposals of the commodity boards made prior to FIRB's Directions of September 1, 2005, are as follows.

BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission
Proposed Amending Order
- Schedule 1 to Consolidated Order -
  New Producer Program Rules
- Response to FIRB's questions
- BHEC March 31, 2005 Letter

BC Chicken Marketing Board
- Recommendations for Specialty & New Entrant program

BC Egg Marketing Board
- BCEP - Specialty Egg Plan
- Response to FIRB's questions

BC Milk Marketing Board
- Proposal - Specialty Production & Marketing
- Summary of Changes in MSQ & TPQ
- Response to FIRB's questions

BC Turkey Marketing Board
- Proposal - Marketing of Specialty Turkey &
   Accommodating New Entrants

Certified Organic Associations of BC,
prepared by the Supply Management Consultation Team
- Nurturing Organic Growth in BC's Supply Managed System


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