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2006 Reports and Publications
Baseline Selenium in Sculpins Related to the Northeast British Columbia Coal Zone
Posted December 20, 2006
This paper reports on the determination of background selenium (Se) concentrations in whole bodies of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) collected from reference areas both inside and outside the coal zone in northeast British Columbia. These data will be useful for assessing potential risks from Se released by coal mining in northeast B.C. and possibly elsewhere.
Application of Multivariate Techniques to Examine Quality of Streams in the
Okanagan Region
Posted December 7, 2006
The Reference Condition Approach (RCA) is gaining wide acceptance as an innovative and cost effective tool for water quality monitoring and site testing in British Columbia. A multivariate model is used to explain variability of benthic invertebrate communities among reference sites using environmental attributes at those sites. The model is used to predict what biota should be present at a "test" site if it is in a reference condition. If the biota found at the test site is different from that predicted to be present, the site is rated as being stressed to varying degrees.
Cumulative Effects Monitoring of Okanagan Streams Using Benthic Invertebrates,
1999 to 2004
Posted December 7, 2006
Biological monitoring is essential to describing and protecting biological resources. There are many benefits to using benthic invertebrate measures as cumulative effects indicators. In this study, benthic invertebrates were collected from 23 low elevation Okanagan stream sites between 1999 and 2004. Water and sediment chemistry samples were collected during the study to complement the biological sampling. Water quality data indicated that in urban and agriculture settings, bacteriological measures frequently exceed drinking and recreational water quality guidelines.
2004 Annual Air Quality Report for Prince George
Posted November 30, 2006
Air quality and meteorology from 2004 for Prince George is summarized in this report which also inlcudes a description of air quality trends in Prince George and a comparison with other B.C. communities.
A Provincial Airshed Planning Framework: Summary of Findings
from Stakeholder Consultations
Posted November 24, 2006
The ministry is in the process of establishing a provincial framework to guide future airshed planning across B.C., and to evaluate options for developing new provincial PM (particulate matter) objectives. To this end, the ministry sponsored stakeholder consultations in February-March and June 2006, which generated three reports. This is the last report, focusing on the second round of consultations in June. Building on the questions and issues raised in the earlier reports, these consultations dealt more specifically with the elements of an airshed planning framework, who should be involved, and how the province and others can best support the process.
(All three reports can be found here:
Diseases You Can Get From Wildlife (in British Columbia)
Posted November 10, 2006
This booklet was developed by the B.C. Ministry of Environment, B.C. Centre for Disease Control and the Centre for Coastal Health with funding support from the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund, the B.C. Wildlife Federation, the Guide Outfitters Association of B.C., the B.C. Trapper's Association and the Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Fund in order to describe potential threats to angler, hunter and trapper health and ways to avoid them. Wildlife (fish, game and birds) may carry diseases, some of which are known to cause illness in humans. Fortunately, the transmission of most of these diseases to humans can be prevented through some basic, and very simple, safety precautions. This booklet provides tips to help anglers, hunters and trappers recognize disease in wildlife, and discusses the preventative measures that can help to reduce the risk of disease. We hope that you find this information useful.
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Report, Nelson, British Columbia:
Particulate Matter – 1991 to 2005
Posted November 8, 2006
This report is one in a series of air quality reports that are being issued by the Kootenay Regional Office for all communities in the region where air quality is monitored. The intention is to provide this information in a readily understood format so that better decisions regarding air quality management can be made.
Data Collection and Analysis of Non-Certified AirCare Repairs
Posted October 20, 2006
This report presents data collected on AirCare-required vehicle repairs that were done at non-certified repair shops (the type, effectiveness and cost of repairs). This data is valuable in assessing how important non-certified repairs are to the AirCare program and how they compare to certified repairs. The project findings could result in modified policies pertaining to the repair industry, certification, monitoring and conditional passes.
Assessment of Bacteriological Indicators in False Creek With Recommendations
for Bacteriological Water Quality Objectives for Recreational Uses
Posted October 13, 2006
Technical report that examines microbiological data collected in False Creek between 1990 amd 2002. The report also examines recreational guidelines used in other jurisdictions. The report recommends that the 1990 Burrard Inlet Water Quality Objectives be amended to include recreation as a protected water use in False Creek.
Water Quality Assessment of Watercourses Used for Irrigation of Ready-to-Eat Produce in Cloverdale BC
Posted October 13, 2006
From 2002 to 2004 E. coli sampling was carried out in and around the Cloverdale fresh produce growing area. This report provides recommendations to improve water quality over the short-term and long-term.
Compliance Assessment of Agricultural Practices in the Cloverdale Area, British Columbia
Posted October 13, 2006
A compliance assessment of selected agricultural practices was completed in the Cloverdale area between September and December 2004. The assessment was initiated in response to water quality sampling that found elevated levels of E. coli in watercourses used to irrigate ready-to-eat produce. This report recommends that non-compliance issues identified during the study be followed up by ministry staff to ensure that the issues have been remedied.
Compliance Assessment of Manure Application Practices in the Chilliwack and Agassiz Areas of the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia: February 7 – March 4, 2005
Posted October 5, 2006
The findings in this report come from an aerial assessment of manure application practices in the Agassiz and Chilliwack areas of the Lower Fraser Valley. The report found an overall compliance rate of approximately 88%.

The study developed several recommendations which have or will be acted upon through joint efforts of government and the agriculture sector.
Consultations on Proposed Options for Provincial Air Quality Objectives and an Airshed Planning Framework: Summary Notes
Posted October 5, 2006
The Ministry of Environment is working to meet the Canada-wide Standards (CWS) for particulate matter (PM) and ozone, and the standards' provisions for "Continuous Improvement" and "Keeping Clean Areas Clean." Airshed planning is an important tool in meeting these standards. The ministry is in the process of establishing a provincial framework to guide future airshed planning across British Columbia. It is also evaluating options for developing new provincial PM objectives that support our CWS commitments.

To gain early stakeholder input into both processes, the ministry sponsored two consultations in early 2006, in Vancouver and Prince George. This report summarizes the comments received, eight general issues raised, and considerations for next steps.
A Provincial Airshed Planning Framework: Consultation Discussion Paper
Posted October 5, 2006
This paper builds on the findings of the Vancouver and Prince George consultations described in the summary notes above (Consultations on Proposed Options for Provincial Air Quality Objectives and an Airshed Planning Framework). It discusses the role of the provincial government, guiding principles and key elements in developing an airshed plan. In addition, it identifies questions for further consideration.
The British Columbia Interagency Wild Bird Mortality Investigation Protocol & the 2006 Avian Influenza and West Nile Virus Surveys
Posted October 5, 2006
A one page information sheet that describes the agencies to which sick or dead wild birds are of interest, guidelines for reporting dead birds and phone numbers and/or websites for additional information and contact information.
Williams Lake Airshed Management Planning Background Air Quality Report
(for Data Collected 1990 – 2002)
Posted September 14, 2006
One of a series of documents produced for the Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable in support of the development of an airshed management plan for Williams Lake. This is an air quality summary report that examines trends to date for meteorology, PM10, PM2.5, ozone and nitrogen oxides.
Mitigating the Impacts of Channel Maintenance in the Lower Fraser Valley – 2003-2004 Field Trial and Literature Review
Posted September 12, 2006
This technical report summarizes literature pertaining to the impacts of small-stream/ditch channel dredging and maintenance on fish and fish habitat. It describes the findings of a field trial that examined the benefits of MoE recommended mitigative best practices. The report concludes that impacts on fish and fish habitat from channel dredging is signficant and that the best practices are effective in reducing these impacts.
Fine Particulate Source Apportionment UPDATE for the Williams Lake Airshed
Based on CALPUFF Modelling, 2005
Posted August 18, 2006
One of a series of documents produced for the Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable in support of the development of an airshed management plan for Williams Lake. This report summarizes the results of a source apportionment exercise done for fine particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5) at 15 different locations in the Williams Lake Airshed using the output from the CALPUFF dispersion model. Relative contributions (mass and in percent of total) from all sources of PM10 and PM2.5 were estimated.
CALPUFF Modelling for the Williams Lake Airshed, 2005
Posted August 18, 2006
One of a series of documents produced for the Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable in support of the development of an airshed management plan for Williams Lake. This report summarizes how dispersion modelling was used to help identify source contributions to poor air quality in Williams Lake. It also examines model performance and presents concentration plots, summaries, and conclusions for all common air contaminants emitted in the Williams Lake Airshed.
CALMET Modelling for the Williams Lake Airshed, 2004
Posted August 18, 2006
One of a series of documents produced for the Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable in support of the development of an airshed management plan for Williams Lake. This report summarizes the data used, model version used, etc. to generate 3-dimensional wind fields for the Williams Lake Airshed in support of airshed dispersion modelling. Model performance and limitations are also discussed.
Inventory of Common Air Contaminants Emitted in the Williams Lake Airshed for
the Year 2000
Posted August 18, 2006
One of a series of documents produced for the Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable in support of the development of an airshed management plan for Williams Lake. This report summarizes a detailed inventory of common air contaminants emitted by different source groups within the Williams Lake Airshed. This information was used in the Williams Lake Airshed CALPUFF modelling exercise.
Drinking Water Source Quality Monitoring 2002-03: Lakes District (Burns Lake, Francois Lake, Babine Lake and Burns Rural Groundwater)
Posted August 15, 2006
This document is part of a series presenting results of the Ministry of Environment Skeena Region's 2002-04 water quality monitoring program. It assesses drinking water sources in the Lakes District.
Drinking Water Source Quality Monitoring 2002-03: Bulkley Valley Surface Water Sources (Smithers Lakes, Kirby Lake, Chicago Creek, Bulkley River, Toboggan Creek and Thompson Creek)
Posted August 14, 2006
This document is part of a series presenting results of the Ministry of Environment Skeena Region's 2002-04 water quality monitoring program. It assesses drinking water sources in the Bulkley Valley.
An Evaluation of Sediment Quality Conditions in the Vicinity of the
Macaulay Point and Clover Point Outfalls
Posted July 27, 2006
This report was prepared to provide the British Columbia Ministry of Environment with an independent evaluation of sediment quality conditions in the vicinity of the Macaulay Point and Clover Point outfalls.
Compliance Assessment of Pesticide Vendors in the Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley Regional Districts: Phase 1, January 2005 – April 2005.
Posted July 24, 2006
The compliance assessment identified companies selling non-excluded pesticides without a vendor licence which is required under the Integrated Pest Management Act. An overall compliance rate of 91% was observed. One hundred and fifteen vendors were selling non-excluded pesticides without the appropriate licence. These vendors were provided with information that would enable them to come into compliance.
Recycling Regulation Guide and Procedures
Posted June 30, 2006
The ministry has prepared the next version of the Recycling Regulation Guide based on comments received on the first version during the web-based, stakeholder consultation process that ended September 30, 2005. The ministry still intends to post a copy of the consultation summary report on this site, but it is not yet ready and the ministry decided not to delay posting the Guide. When the summary is posted, stakeholders will be notified by e-mail.
B.C. Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Progress Report 2001-2004
Posted June 29, 2006
This is the latest Government of B.C. progress report submitted to the Canadian Standard Association's (CSA's) voluntary Greenhouse Gas Registries. It sets out government commitments and actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from government operations.
The Importance of Swan Lake & its Watershed
Posted June 29, 2006
Current water quality of Swan Lake, located approximately 35 km southeast of Dawson Creek, B.C., based on monitoring conducted in 2003, 2004 and 2005.
The Importance of Nukko Lake & its Watershed
Posted June 29, 2006
Current water quality of Nukko Lake, located approximately 25 km northwest of Prince George, B.C., based on monitoring conducted in 2003, 2004 and 2005.
Continental Mine: 2003 Impact Assessment
Posted June 28, 2006
This report summarizes the results of monitoring conducted by the Kootenay Region, Environmental Quality Section to evaluate impacts from the Continental Mine. This historic lead / silver mine, located in northern Idaho, operated until the 1940s. Tailings from the mine were deposited into Blue Joe Creek, causing extensive metals contamination of the water and sediments within Blue Joe Creek, which flows to the transboundary systems of Boundary Creek and the Kootenay River.
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sustainability Indicator Development Project: Summary of Progress in Year 2
Posted June 28, 2006
This report provides the results of year two of a three year study to develop a sustainability indicator of aquatic ecosystem health. The indicator, combined with other indicators of aquatic ecosystem sustainability, will serve as a monitoring and assessment feedback mechanism to determine the effectiveness of forest practices in protecting valued aquatic resources. It will also be used in managing point and non-point discharges.
Assessment of Hazardous Waste Generators' Compliance with the
Hazardous Waste Regulation
Posted June 27, 2006
The findings in this report come from a survey of selected B.C. Generators (BCG) listed in the province's BCG registration system.

The study developed several recommendations which have or will be acted upon.
Incident Summary Report – CN Rail – Cheakamus River Derailment and Spill
Posted June 13, 2006
This report details the critical events that occurred August 5, 2005 immediately after a derailment of a freight train and the spillage of a tank car of caustic soda into the Cheakamus River. The report provides the "lessons learned" and recommendations for consideration by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and the Provincial Emergency Program (PEP).
British Columbia's Coastal Environment 2006
Posted June 8, 2006
This website provides the public and decision makers with baseline scientific information about the state of British Columbia's coastal environment, from the Coast Mountains to Canada's 200-mile offshore limit. The topics of the six in-depth technical reports are: Population and Economic Activity, Industrial Contaminants, Climate Change, Fisheries, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Protection.
Williamson's Sapsucker Inventory, Stand-level Habitat Assessment and Nest Productivity Assessment LBIP Standards
Posted May 31, 2006
The standards expand on the Resource Information Standards Committee document titled Inventory Methods for Woodpeckers. They will serve as the standards to be followed for Williamson's Sapsucker inventory projects submitted by forest tenure holders under the Land Base Investment Program of the Forest Investment Account. These standards are based on Williamson's Sapsucker work conducted between 1996 and 2005 under contract to the Ministry of Environment and have been reviewed by species experts.
Well Construction/Closure Report Form
Posted May 19, 2006
Ministry of Environment report form for the collection of well construction and closure details.
Concrete and Concrete Products Industry Code of Practice – Intentions Paper
Posted May 17, 2006
The Ministry of Environment intends to establish a "code of practice" (Minister's regulation) that addresses discharges to the environment from the concrete products industry under provisions of the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the Waste Discharge Regulation (WDR). The proposed code of practice would establish province-wide regulations for the concrete and concrete products industry.
Industrial Non-Hazardous Waste Landfills Code of Practice – Intentions Paper
Posted May 17, 2006
The Ministry of Environment intends to establish a "code of practice" (Minister's regulation) that addresses industrial non-hazardous waste landfills under provisions of the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the Waste Discharge Regulation (WDR). The proposed code of practice would establish province-wide regulations for industrial non-hazardous waste landfill sites.
Lake Stocking Assessment Reports - Omineca Region
Posted May 12, 2006
These lake stocking assessment reports describe the results of assessment surveys conducted on each of 35 lakes in B.C. Lake name, location, attributes, management objectives and history, stocking data, survey methods, survey results, conclusions and recommendations are included in the reports. Tables and figures with pertinent data and information are also included in each report.
Draft Guidelines for First Nations Consultation
Posted May 11, 2006
The Ministry has prepared interim draft guidelines that are now to be used by pest managers as guidance when First Nations consultation is required. These are interim draft guidelines because the Ministry is commencing a process to work together with both First Nations and industry to develop the most appropriate consultation procedures under the IPMA.
Hazardous Waste Regulation Guidance Documents
Posted May 9, 2006
These five guideline documents were created to aid hazardous waste generators and management facilities, consultants and others to manage hazardous waste above the generator registration quantity (Schedule 6). The documents detail the changes to the Hazardous Waste Regulation (HWR) along with the requirements for financial security and plans requiring approval under the HWR.
BC Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program
Posted May 9, 2006
Through a co-operative effort between the B.C. Ministry of Environment, the non-profit B.C. Lake Stewardship Society and volunteer groups, valuable limnology data were collected by volunteers on four lakes–Chief Lake, Fraser Lake, Moberly Lake and West Lake–with the lab funding being provided by the Ministry. This data was analyzed and interpreted by Ministry staff and summarized in small, easy-to-read brochures.
Summary of EMA Regulatory Amendments – 2006
Posted May 2, 2006
This document provides notice to MoE stakeholders that several minor or "housekeeping" amendments are being proposed to correct errors and clarify the Ministry's policy intent in the Waste Discharge Regulation, the Hazardous Waste Regulation, the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation, the Spill Reporting Regulation, the Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons Regulation and the Wood Residue and Incinerator Regulation.
Cheakamus River Reports
Drinking Water Source Quality Monitoring 2002-03, Parasite Sampling in Northwest Coastal Communities: Prince Rupert, Terrace and Kitimat
Posted April 6, 2006
This document is part of a series presenting results of the Ministry of Environment Skeena Region's 2002-04 water quality monitoring program. It assesses surface drinking water sources in Prince Rupert, Terrace and Kitmat. The water quality sampling program (conducted in the fall of 2003) included testing and analysis for Giardia and Cryptosporidium, and results and recommendations for future monitoring are included in this report.
Nitrate-Nitrogen in the Scotch Creek Aquifer: A Measure of Human Impact
Posted April 5, 2006
Ground water quality monitoring of the Scotch Creek aquifer was undertaken from 1998 to 2005. Data indicated that development / human activity (primarily in-ground sewage disposal) has impacted ground water quality, however, ground water continues to meet Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines. The report endorses completing a Liquid Waste Management Plan and Official Community Plan for the area.
Air Quality in Merritt, British Columbia
Posted March 28, 2006
This report describes the primary pollutants in Merritt and their effects on health. It also provides a technical analysis of pollutant concentrations and a qualitative estimate of their sources. It recommends that the City of Merritt begin airshed management planning to protect and improve air quality.
Canada-British Columbia Water Quality Monitoring Agreements – 21 Stations
Posted March 21, 2006
These assessment reports look at all variables, measured at 21 stations during various reference periods, to determine whether any statistically significant trends in the data are environmentally significant.
Contaminated Sites Fact Sheet 21 – Requirements for Independent Remediation
Posted March 20, 2006
This fact sheet summarizes the various requirements for independent remediation under the Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulation. The ministry is encouraging greater use of this route to cleaning up sites, and the fact sheet is the first document devoted entirely to this approach. It will be linked from a new form which independent remediators will be requested to use when they provide required notice to the ministry.
B.C.'s Ground Water Protection Regulation – What Private Well Owners Should Know
Posted March 16, 2006
This document is intended for anyone who owns a private water well. It contains information about:
  • the standards and requirements set out in the Ground Water Protection Regulation (GWPR),
  • the responsibilities of well owners under the GWPR, and
  • how to obtain more information.
Site Registry Streamlined - Site Registry User's Guide Improved
Posted March 13, 2006
This update describes a simplification to Site Registry searches which will save clients time and money, and eliminate a potential source of frustration for users. It also describes improvements to the Site Registry User's Guide, to assist clients in developing the most efficient and cost effective Site Registry search strategies.
Ambient Water Quality Monitoring in Kilgaard Creek in 2001
Posted March 9, 2006
This report presents the results of monitoring undertaken by a Sumas First Nations (SFN) youth team in 2001. The objectives of the sampling were to determine water quality conditions in Kilgaard Creek, and to assess the effects of local land use activities on water quality.
GVRD Process to Seek Alternatives to Replace the Cache Creek Landfill — Questions and Answers
Posted March 6, 2006
Provides information regarding the process currently being undertaken by the Greater Vancouver Regional District to review alternatives for replacement of the Cache Creek Landfill which is scheduled to reach capacity in 2008.
An Air Emissions Inventory for Golden, British Columbia
Posted March 3, 2006
A report on the estimated sources and levels of emissions for the Golden airshed. This is a required step for the associated study of particulate matter source apportionment.
Snowmobile-Caribou Surveys within the Quesnel Highlands, Cariboo Region, 2005 Report
Posted February 26, 2006
   (PDF at the very bottom of the page)
Mountain caribou have been identified as threatened by COSEWIC and as red-listed (endangered) in B.C. There are concerns about the potential impact of backcountry activities on mountain caribou winter range. To address this issue, a voluntary multi-year agreement was entered into with the local snowmobile clubs from Quesnel, 100 Mile House and Williams Lake, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, and the Ministry of Environment in 2004. This report documents the survey results from Year 3 of the voluntary management agreement.
Environmental Best Management Practices for Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia: Air Quality BMPs and Supporting Information DRAFT
Posted February 16, 2006
These best management practices (BMPs) are intended to minimize the health impacts of air pollution associated with proximity to major roads. They are in draft form at present, and will be posted until March 15, 2006 for comments.
What You Need to Know Before You Burn - A Guide for Backyard Burning
Posted February 16, 2006
This brochure advises the general public about conditions for burning under the Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation. It also creates awareness of potential health effects of pollutants in smoke from backyard burns.
Draft Mount Assiniboine Management Plan
Posted February 8, 2006
This draft management plan establishes objectives and strategies for the long-term management of Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park. It is intended to provide strategic direction and guidance for park managers and anyone interested in the management and stewardship of this park. This draft management plan contains preliminary proposals that are subject to change and therefore may not necessarily reflect the position of the Ministry of Environment. At the conclusion of the planning process a revised management plan will be approved by the Ministry and posted to this website.
Lakeshore Erosion Hazard Mapping
Posted February 4, 2006
This report presents a method for determining and mapping the shoreline erosion hazard around a lake and suggests appropriate protection measures. It is meant to help lakeshore owners and planners choose where to place their protection efforts, and offers alternatives that will help maintain the ecological integrity of the land-water interface, while protecting property and property owners. The report describes the methodology for determining and mapping lakeshore erosion hazards and contains a conceptual tool kit for dealing with erosion where it occurs in a manner that retains some of the biological integrity of the lakeshore.
Assessment of Changes in Total Phosphorus in Burns Lake East & West Basins, B.C.: A Paleolimnological Assessment
Posted February 3, 2006
This report provides a paleolimnological assessment of phosphorus concentrations in this lake in north-central British Columbia over the past 250 to 350 years.
Assessment of Changes in Total Phosphorus in Decker Lake West, B.C.: A Paleolimnological Assessment
Posted February 3, 2006
This report provides a paleolimnological assessment of phosphorus concentrations in this lake located near the village of Burns Lake, B.C., over the past 110 years.
Particulate Matter Source Apportionment in Golden, British Columbia
Posted February 3, 2006
This report summarizes the science of source apportionment and, specifically, how this science will be applied in the two-year source apportionment study in Golden, British Columbia. The goals of the Golden study are to better understand the air quality in the airshed, and thereby help develop strategies for an airshed management plan.
Hazardous Waste Legislation Guide
Posted January 24, 2006
The guide was drafted to assist those who generate, transport, treat, dispose of or store hazardous waste in B.C. The guide explains the Hazardous Waste Regulation and relevant legislation and other federal legislation and regulations in simple terms.
2005 Reports and Publications

Updated on December 25, 2006
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