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Fisheries and Aquaculture - 1998

January,February, March, April, May, June, July
, September, October, November, December


January 12
John Efford, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, will be a quest speaker at Dalhousie Law School

January 20
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture to sponsor presentation for fish harvesters

January 22
Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture to hold news conference - January 23

January 23
Report of Task Force

January 30
Conference February 3 for fish processors


February 6
Policy announced for issuing cod farming licences
NOTE TO EDITORS - Minister to address Rotary Club of Ottawa

February 20
NOTE TO EDITORS - Minister to hold news briefing


March 4
NOTE TO EDITORS - Minister to discuss upcoming Boston Seafood Show

March 6
Minister said industry stakeholders set quality example

March 20
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture holding information sessions

March 23
Ministerial Statement - Impending Termination of TAGS and the Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans

March 25
Additional $500,000 target for fisheries diversification, market and product development


April 9
Early price settlements good for  fishing industry

April 13
NOTE TO EDITORS - Minister to be guest speaker at Northwest Rotary Luncheon


May 11
NOTE TO EDITORS -  Minister to speak on sealing industry at events in Ontario, Manitoba and New Brunswick

May 14
National conference highlights - Newfoundland and Labrador Aquaculture Industry
NOTE TO EDITORS - Media Accreditation for Aquaculture Canada '98

May 19
Ministerial Statement - Management plan for northern shrimp

May 20
Ministerial Statement - Nain Banker leased to Labrador Fishermen's Union Shrimp Company Limited
Research provides solutions for blue mussel Aquaculture

May 21
Ministerial Statement - Government selling Lawn fish plant to Grand Atlantic Incorporated

May 25
Ministerial Statement - Diversification efforts pay off for Red Bay

May 28
Ministerial Statement - Increase in 3Ps cod quota good news for economy

May 29
NOTE TO EDITORS - Official opening of Aquaculture Canada 98, Delta Hotel, St. John's, June 1


June 1
Ministerial Statement - Aquaculture working capital fund for shellfish sector

June 23
Early start to fisheries

June 30
Minister comments on northern cod stock status
Minister reiterates importance of quality control


July 2
NOTE TO EDITORS - Aquaculture products promotion initiative, Friday, July 3
Exploratory fishing aimed at identifying near-shore shrimp resource for small inshore vessels

July 10
Minister Efford upset with Baker's statement
Province seeking resolution in Rose Blanche dispute

July 27
Efford responds to Crosbie's remarks


August 13
Fisheries performance exceeding that of last year

August 20
Surveys, experimental work dedicated to developing an inshore small-boat shrimp fishery

August 28
Argentine fisheries delegation in province, August 31 and September1


September 21
NOTE TO EDITORS: News conference, September 21 Subject: NAFO decisions
Minister comments on NAFO decisions


October 8
Minister to participate in conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists in Tennessee

October 23
Newfoundland and Labrador Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board - Upcoming Consultation Workshops on Professionalization


November 18
Ministerial Statement - Overview of industry's performance to date

November 25
NOTE TO EDITORS - Minister to make a presentation to the membership of Fisheries Resources Conservation Council, November 25, Halifax

November 30
Ministerial Statement - United Nations Agreement on High Seas Fisheries


December 2
Ministerial Statement - Fishing industry update

December 18
Minister calls on DFO to follow recommendations of latest FRCC report

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