New Relationship

The Government of British Columbia is leading the nation in developing a New Relationship with First Nations and Aboriginal peoples. Guided by principles of trust, and by recognition and respect of First Nations' rights and title, we are building a stronger and healthier relationship between government and Aboriginal peoples. The Office of Housing and Construction Standards is engaging with First Nations and Aboriginal peoples to hear what their priorities are and provide them with decision making opportunities affecting housing conditions in their communities.

A key part of acting on the New Relationship is implementing the Transformative Change Accord, of which housing is an integral part. The Accord is a tripartite agreement signed by Canada, B.C. and First Nations leaders which commits to closing the social and economic gap between Aboriginal Peoples and other British Columbians. The Office is advancing the New Relationship with First Nations and Aboriginal communities by supporting capacity development in the area of housing, including building maintenance, management and standards, as well as training and employment in the field of housing construction. In addition, to ensure that Aboriginal peoples living off reserve have safe, adequate and affordable housing delivered in a culturally sensitive manner, the Province is transferring the management of 2,600 housing units to the Aboriginal Housing Management Association.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, the Leadership Council and other Aboriginal partners, the Office will facilitate the development of a 10-year Aboriginal housing strategy to close the gap in housing between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in British Columbia. The strategy will address the housing continuum from Aboriginal homelessness to homeownership, as well as capacity within Aboriginal communities and partner organizations to manage all aspects of the Aboriginal housing stock.

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