New Relationship

The Government of British Columbia is leading the nation in developing a New Relationship with First Nations and Aboriginal people. Guided by principles of trust, and by recognition and respect of First Nations rights and title, we are building a stronger and healthier relationship between government and Aboriginal people. By working together, we will bring tangible social and economic benefits to Aboriginal people across the province and narrow the gap between Aboriginal people and other British Columbians.

The Ministry of Forests and Range is working to support the New Relationship by supporting the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation in treaty negotiations. The Ministry also has a key role in assisting First Nations to become active participants in the forest sector, as described under Objective 7. This is achieved through the negotiation of Forest and Range Opportunity Agreements that provide economic benefits such as revenue sharing and opportunities for tenure and that accommodate aspects of First Nations' rights and title. In addition, the Ministry negotiates agreements to streamline the consultation process and agreements that provide additional economic opportunities for First Nations by providing volumes of beetle-attacked and fire-killed timber.

The ongoing development of policies and programs that involve First Nations in mitigating the impacts of the mountain pine beetle on the environment and First Nation communities continues to be a priority for 2007/08.

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