Section A: Ministry of Forests and Range

Vision, Mission and Values

Vision: Diverse and sustainable forest and range values for B.C.

Forest and range values include the social, economic and environmental values associated with our forest and range resources. Economic values include timber, forage and fisheries resources that contribute to our economy. Environmental values include soil, water, fish, biodiversity, and wildlife. Social values include recreation resources, visual quality, resource features, and cultural heritage resources. These values are converted into socio-economic benefits for the British Columbians who obtain their livelihood and recreation from B.C.'s forests, and for all British Columbians who benefit from the Crown revenue collected.

Mission: To protect, manage and conserve forest and range values through a high-performing organization.

The Ministry of Forests and Range is commissioned in the Ministry of Forests and Range Act to protect, manage and conserve the forest and range values identified above. The mission includes people working together demonstrating the values, or principles below, and creating a high-performing organization.


People are valued for their contribution and dedication to the Forest Service, its mission and vision.

Our Values

While our vision and mission brings focus and clarity to what we are working towards, our values guide management and staff in their decision-making processes and set the basis for the way we meet our business objectives, the way we work with each other and the way we interact with clients, partners, and others. Our values are:

  1. Integrity — We are open, honest and fair.
  2. Accountable — We are responsible for our own decisions and actions.
  3. Innovative — We encourage and support each other in creating new and better ways to carry out our business.
  4. Respectful — We show respect by listening to and recognizing a diversity of values and interests. We work with each other in a spirit of trust, mutual respect and support.
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