Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
The Saskatchewan Aboriginal Courtworker Program helps accused persons going through the criminal justice system.
Alternative measures offer adults accused of a criminal offence the opportunity to take responsibility for their behaviour and address the harm that has been committed.

Saskatchewan Justice offers graduating law students a unique legal experience. Articling students rotate through three legal divisions: Public Law, Public Prosecutions and Civil Law.

This two day workshop will be of interest to leaders, managers, supervisors and human resource professionals who wish to gain understanding and insight in the areas of conflict, change and enhancing capacity for change in organizations.
The Consumer Protection branch is responsible for licensing motor dealers, direct sellers, collection agents, charitable fundraising businesses, credit reporting agencies, cemetaries, film and video retailers and exhibitors, and auctioneers.
Before a corporation or business name can be registered, the proposed name must be searched against all other registered names in Saskatchewan, as well as federal corporations and registered trademarks.

This is the Corporations Branch registration web site.  This section allows businesses online access to a secure area to register, search, and file all business requirements is Saskatchewan.

The guidelines are a set of rules and tables for calculating the amount of support that a paying parent should contribute toward his or her children.
Information about what services a commissioner of oaths and notary public provide and frequently asked questions section on these services.
The objectives of the Consumer Protection Branch are to empower the public to deal with problems they encounter in the marketplace and to act directly for those who are unable to protect themselves.
This is the Corporations Branch registration web site. This section allows businesses online access to a secure area to register, search, and file all business requirements is Saskatchewan.
The purpose of the assessment is to help the judge decide the best parenting arrangements for children whose parents cannot agree on custody and access.
The Provincial Mediation Board provides budgeting advice and counselling to individuals with personal debt problems.
These workshops provide participants with an introduction to the skills needed to collaboratively solve problems.
Self-help kits are available to help people who want to handle their own divorce or other family law matter, such as variation of maintenance of existing court orders.
The Parent Education Program offers parent education and information sessions to people dealing with family breakdown.
The Public Guardian and Trustee provides information on what is required to administer an deceases estate.
Mediation is conducted in disputes between landowners and expropriating authorities when the parties are unable to agree on the route, situation or design of a public improvement or on what fair compensation should be paid for the required land or easement.
The Saskatchewan Farm Security Act ensures that farmers who are facing foreclosure have the time and opportunity to seek arrangements with their creditor in order to preserve continued ownership of their farm land.
Saskatchewan's Farm Ownership legislation reflects the continuing commitment of the Government of Saskatchewan to regulate the ownership and operation of Saskatchewan farm land by non-Canadian interests.
The Saskatchewan Film and Video Classification Board continues to carry out administrative duties and provide classification by documentation to repertory theatres.
Payments for Summary Offence Tickets issued in the Province of Saskatchewan can be paid on this web site.
Information for forming a Co-operative under The Co-operatives Act, 1996.
Information for forming a Co-operative under The New Generation Co-operatives Act.
Information for forming a non-profit corporation under The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995.
Information for forming a sole proprietorship or partnership under The Business Names Registration Act.
Any person can request information. Complete an application form by filling in your name, address and a description of the record that provides enough information to identify the records you need.
It is a written contract -- paid for in advance -- with a registered seller (such as a funeral home) to provide funeral goods and services at the time of death.
The Farm Land Security Board is responsible for administering Home Quarter Protection and maintains a database of all mortgages excluded from Home Quarter Protection.
The Commission investigates and settles human rights complaints.
If you believe that you have been a victim of identity theft, there are steps you can take to minimize damage and help prevent any further fraud or theft.
A public inquest is held only when legislation requires, or when the Chief Coroner considers it in the public interest.
The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders (ISO) Unit of the Maintenance Enforcement Office arranges for registration of the claimant's order or agreement in the other jurisdiction, and works with the other maintenance enforcement program to collect payments.
This three-day workshop will be of interest to anyone wishing to gain a general understanding of the mediation process, its principles, techniques and applications.

The Office of Residential Tenancies strikes an important balance between the needs of tenants for safe, secure and affordable living accommodations, and the legitimate need for landlords to earn reasonable profits from their rental properties.

This three-day workshop is for those interested in enhancing their conflict resolution skills for situations where they are expected to lead a process and also present their own interests.
The Legal Aid Act establishes the Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission to provide legal services to persons and organizations for criminal and civil matters where these persons and organizations are financially unable to secure those services from their own resources.
This section includes brief summaries of several pieces of legislation administered by Saskatchewan Justice, and links to Queen's Printer consolidations of the actual legislation.
The Office registers support orders and agreements, records and monitors payments; and takes enforcement action when the required payments are missed or late.
A complete list of marriage commissioners throughout the province.
A complete list and locations of marriage licence issuers.
Mini-Modules feature components of longer Dispute Resolution workshops and are designed to fit into your time frame.
Information about what services a commissioner of oaths and notary public provide and frequently asked questions section on these services.
A voluntary and court-ordered information sessions on the stages of separation and divorce, the impact on children and options for parenting in a way that keep children out of parental conflict.
The Pensions Division of the Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission protects the accrued or accumulated pension entitlements of plan members from undue loss and promotes the equitable treatment of plan members.
The Public Complaints Commission (PCC) is a five-person, non-police body appointed by the government to ensure that both the public and police receive a fair and thorough investigation of a complaint against the police or an investigation of a possible criminal offence by a police officer.
The Access and Privacy Branch helps provincial and local governments protect the personal information of Saskatchewan people and to respond to requests for information.
Prosecutors are Agents of the Attorney General and represent the interests of the general public in the criminal justice system.
The Publication Centre provides central access to government and other Saskatchewan publications.
The Office of the Queen's Printer publishes and distributes legislation, regulations and other government legislative publications on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan.
This two-day workshop offered by the Dispute Resolution Office is for organizations wishing to improve their workplaces.
The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders (ISO) Unit of the Maintenance Enforcement Office arranges for registration of the claimant's order or agreement in the other jurisdiction, and works with the other maintenance enforcement program to collect payments.
This workshop provide by the Dispute Resolution Office is designed to help improve skills in dealing with conflict, as a participant or a third-party in a problem-solving process.
The Deputy Provincial Secretary will verify that the Notary's signature is valid. The document will then be sent to the Lieutenant Governor, whose signature will authenticate the Deputy Provincial Secretary's.
This Court is meant to be an easier and less expensive way to resolve disputes. People can approach the Court knowing that the staff can help prepare the necessary forms and that the judge is skilled in settling disputes.
A child has a right to access that parent. When a court orders supervised access, it places some conditions on how the visit may take place, including who will be present.

This project assists parents with limited income who have a child support order or agreement registered in Saskatchewan and who want to vary that order or agreement and provides resources and information to the public in the area of child support and family law.

This is an arbitration board used as a last resort when a landowner or occupant and an oil/gas or potash operator are unable to reach an agreement.
Payments for Summary Offence Tickets issued in the Province of Saskatchewan can be paid on this web site.
Victims Services increases understanding of the needs of victims of crime, and supports services to meet those needs.
The Public Guardian and Trustee provides information on Wills and Estates.

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