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The Environmental Review and Licensing Process in Manitoba

The Environmental review and licensing process in Manitoba begins with Manitoba Conservation, Environmental Assessment and Licensing Branch. Applications for permitting activities and licensing of developments are made to this branch. The detail and breadth of information required in these applications varies with the type and size of the development or activity, as defined in The Environment Act regulations. The proposals are reviewed by staff from the Environmental Assessment and Licensing Branch, other provincial and federal branches and departments for relevance, completeness and adherence to current regulations and standards. Announcements for public review of proposals are published in relevant newspapers and copies of the proposals are provided for review in the Public Registry, for a specified time. Once the public review period has expired, public and reviewer comments are considered and the branch/Director/Minister may then issue a license, provided the proposal meets current environmental regulations and standards; or have it referred to the Clean Environment Commission for a public hearing should there be a great deal of public interest or concern.

For more detailed information about the environmental review and licensing
process in Manitoba please visit www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/envapprovals.

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Government of Manitoba
Manitoba Clean Environment Commission 305-155 Carlton St. Wpg, MB, R3C 3H8 Canada
Fax: 204.945.0090 Phone: 204.945.0594 or toll free in Manitoba 800.597.3556