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Participate in a Hearing

At the request of the Minister of Conservation, the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission (CEC) facilitates public environmental hearings. The public hearing process is to be a fair and open forum where all can be heard. There are varying levels of participation in the process and associated responsibilities. The Proponent and those who are designated Participants are required to bring the greatest amount of information to the forefront. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared by the Proponent, is usually the document under examination throughout the hearings. Through a formal process Participants, with or without the assistance of experts, may question any aspect of the Proponent’s proposal. The EIS and the Participants statements and questions become part of the public record. The hearing process is open to all, where members of the public are able to provide their personal statements to the Commission regarding the Proponent’s proposal. After hearing all sides of the debate, the CEC then provides a report and recommendations to the Minister. The Minister then determines what, if any, further action is to be taken or if an environmental licence is to be issued. These decisions are also open to review and are available in the Public Registry.

For more complete information on what is involved in a hearing as well as how to participate, go to Participant Handbook, Participate in an Environmental Hearing Brochure, Participer à une audience sur l'environnement, Proponents' Guide or contact the Clean Environment Commission for copies.

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Government of Manitoba
Manitoba Clean Environment Commission 305-155 Carlton St. Wpg, MB, R3C 3H8 Canada
Fax: 204.945.0090 Phone: 204.945.0594 or toll free in Manitoba 800.597.3556