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CEC, Facilitating Public Environmental Hearings

The main activity of the Clean Environment Commission (CEC) is the facilitation of a public environmental hearing. When requested by the Minister of Conservation, the Commission conducts such a hearing. The topics for these hearings may cover a wide range of subject areas. Commonly, the Commission will facilitate hearings on larger developments such as large water management projects, forest harvest licences and wastewater management, for example. These hearings are often technically involved, can be lengthy and usually result in licensing recommendations to the Minister. The CEC may also be requested to conduct a hearing on highly contentious or public policy issues to ensure fair airing of all relevant information to assist decision makers. 

The public is invited to actively participate in all hearings. Click on Participation to find out how to be involved.

A report on the proceedings, the issues and recommendations are presented to the Minister within 90 days of the completion of a hearing. After review, the Minister then releases the report to the public. Reports on past hearings can be found by clicking on Reports.

For updates on on-going and recently completed hearings please choose from the list below.

Ongoing and Recently Completed Hearings

Pembina Valley Water Cooperative Supplemental Groundwater Supply System

OlyWest Hog Processing Plant 

Hog Production Industry Review

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  • Environmental permits and licensing
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Government of Manitoba
Manitoba Clean Environment Commission 305-155 Carlton St. Wpg, MB, R3C 3H8 Canada
Fax: 204.945.0090 Phone: 204.945.0594 or toll free in Manitoba 800.597.3556