Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing

The Attorney General and Ministry responsible for Housing is responsible for legal services including sheriff and court administration services, legal aid, prosecution services, administrative tribunals, civil and family justice services, protection and promotion of human rights, and providing legal advice to Government.

It is also responsible for providing British Columbians access to more affordable, safe and appropriate housing through policy and programs, technical codes and standards, and services for landlords and tenants.

Featured Topics

  • About B.C.'s Justice System
    Our justice system helps to keep communities safe and provide certainty, proportionality and, above all, fairness when dealing with criminal, civil and family law matters.
  • Justice Access Centres
    The justice access centres are the place to come when you need help with family and civil law issues that affect your everyday life, such as separation or divorce, income security, employment, housing or debt.
  • Family Justice
    Find general information about family law in British Columbia.
  • Family Justice Counsellors
    Family justice counsellors work in Family Justice Centres located in communities across the province and provide services to British Columbians going through separation or divorce.
  • Justice Transformation
    British Columbia’s justice system is being transformed to better meet the needs of citizens.
  • Protection Orders
    The Protection Order Registry is a confidential database of all civil and criminal protection orders in British Columbia created to help reduce violence against women, vulnerable adults, youth and children.
  • Legislation and Policy
    The Ministry of Attorney General often consults with British Columbians on legislation and policy. Public feedback is important because it helps government shape new laws and policies.
  • Law, Crime and Justice
    Find information on British Columbia's legal system, assistance programs and services, family justice help and resolving disputes outside of courts.
  • BC Housing
    BC Housing develops, manages and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province. 
  • Progress on Homes for B.C.
    Learn about the steps government is taking to tackle the housing crisis and deliver affordable homes for British Columbians

Featured Services