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Ressources naturelles Canada
Géosciences marines
Scotian Margin
.Aperçu général
.Vue d'ensemble de la géologie
.Évolution structurale de la marge
.Caractéristiques géophysiques
.Vue d'ensemble de la stratigraphie
.Vue d'ensemble de la biostratigraphie
.Nouveaux travaux de recherche
.Structure crustale
.Cartes d'anomalies magnétiques
.Cartographie sismique de la plate-forme et du talus
.Déformation du sel
.Recherche sur la biostratigraphie
.Autres ouvrages
.Produits et références bibliographiques
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.Le développement durable des ressources naturelles

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 Consolidation du savoir géoscientifique du Canada
Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Priorités > Le développement durable des ressources naturelles > Consolidation du savoir géoscientifique du Canada > La marge Néo-Écossaise
Géologie de la Marge Néo-Écossaise
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livres et atlas

    The last billion years. A geological history of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Atlantic Geoscience Society and Nimbus, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 212 p. [Edited by R.A. Fensome and G.L. Williams, with contributions by J.W. Shimeld].

  • KEEN, M.J., and WILLIAMS, G.L.(editors), 1990.
    Geology of the continental margin of eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, no. 2 (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, V. I-1) 855p.

  • MACLEAN, B.C., and WADE, J.A., 1993.
    East coast basin atlas series: Seismic markers and stratigraphic picks in Scotian Basin wells. Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada, 276 p.

  • ROSS, D.I. (co-ord.), LEWIS, C.F.M. (co-ord.), HOWIE, R.D. (asst. co-ord.), CANT, D.J. (sci. co-ord.), and BATES, J.L. (ed.), 1991.
    Scotian Shelf. Frontier Geoscience Program East Coast Basin Atlas Series. Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Articles publiés

  • DEHLER, S.A., and KEEN, C.E., 1993.
    Effects of rifting and subsidence on thermal evolution of sediments in Canada's east coast basins. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 30, no. 9, p. 1782-1798.

  • KEEN, C.E., MACLEAN, B.C., and KAY, W.A., 1991.
    A deep reflection profile across the Nova Scotia continental margin, offshore eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, v. 28, no. 7, p. 1112-1120.

  • KEEN, C.E., and POTTER, D.P., 1995.
    The transition from a volcanic to a non-volcanic rifted margin off eastern Canada. Tectonics, v. 14, no. 2, p. 359-371.

  • KEEN, C.E., and POTTER, D.P., 1995.
    Formation and evolution of the Nova Scotian rifted margin: evidence from deep seismic reflection data. Tectonics, v. 14, no. 4, p. 918-932.

  • JANSA, L.F., PE-PIPER, G., and LONCAREVIC, B.D., 1993.
    Appalachian basement and its intrusion by Cretaceous dykes, offshore southeast Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 30, no. 12, p. 2495-2509.

  • MACLEAN, B.C., and WADE, J.A., 1992.
    Petroleum geology of the continental margin south of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 40, p. 222-253.

  • MUKHOPADHYAY, P.K., WADE, J.A., KRUGE, M.A., and FOWLER, M.G., 1995.
    Organic facies and maturation of Cretaceous/Jurassic source rocks, and possible oil-source rock correlation based on pyrolysis of asphaltenes, Scotian Basin, Canada. Organic Geochemistry, v. 22, no. 1, p. 85-104.

    Measured vitrinite versus predicted for Sable Basin wells: implications for hydrocarbon generation and migration. In: P.K. Mukhopadhyay and W. Dow (eds.), Vitrinite Reflectance as a maturity parameter. American Chemical Society, p. 230-248.

  • WADE, J.A., CAMPBELL, G.R., PROCTER, R.M., and TAYLOR, G.C., 1989.
    Petroleum resources of the Scotian Shelf. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 88-19, 26 p.

  • WADE, J.A., MACLEAN, B.C., and WILLIAMS, G.L., 1995.
    Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy, eastern Scotian Shelf: new interpretations. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 32, p. 1462-1473.

  • WILLIAMSON, M.A., 1995.
    Overpressure and hydrocarbon generation in the Sable sub-basin, offshore Nova Scotia. Basin Research, v. 7.

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