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Ressources naturelles Canada
Géosciences marines
Scotian Margin
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Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Priorités > Le développement durable des ressources naturelles > Consolidation du savoir géoscientifique du Canada > La marge Néo-Écossaise
Géologie de la Marge Néo-Écossaise
Produits et références bibliographiques

Articles issus de revues scientifiques révisées par un comité de lecture

  • 2004 Funck, T., Jackson, H.R., Louden, K., Dehler, S.A. and Wu, Y.
    Crustal structure of the northern Nova Scotia rifted continental margin (Eastern Canada). Journal of Geophysical Research (in press)./li>

  • 2004 Hansen, D.M., Shimeld, J.W., Williamson, M.A., and Lykke-Andersen, H.
    Development of a major polygonal fault system in Upper Cretaceous chalk and Cenozoic mud-rocks of the Sable Subbasin, Canadian Atlantic Margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology (submitted November 2003).

  • 2004 Ings, S. J., Shimeld, J., Pe-Piper, G., and MacRae, A. Diagenesis and Porosity Reduction in the Late Cretaceous Wyandot Formation, Offshore Nova Scotia: a Comparison with Norwegian North Sea Chalks. CSPG Bulletin (submitted May 2004)

  • 2003 Deptuck, M.E., MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J.W., Williams, G.L., and Fensome, R.A.
    Revised Upper Cretaceous and lower Paleogene lithostratigraphic and depositional history for the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland, Canada. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 87, no. 9, p. 1459-1483.

  • 2003 Falcon-Land, H.J., Fensome, R.A. and Venugopal, D.V.
    The Cretaceous age of the Vinegar Hill silica sand deposit, southern New Brunswick: evidence from palynology and paleobotany. Atlantic Geology, v.39, p.39-46.

  • 2003 Riding, J.B. and Fensome, R.A.
    A review of Scriniodinium Klement 1957, Endoscrinium (Klement 1960) Vozzhennikova 1967 and related dinoflagellate taxa. Palynology, v.26, p.5-33. (Cover date 2002)

  • 2001 Eaton, G.L., Fensome, R.A., Riding, J.B. and Williams, G.L.
    Re-evaluation of the status of the dinoflagellate cyst genus Cleistosphaeridium. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlingen, v.219, nos.1-2, p.171-205.

Publications de la CGC

  • 2004 Fensome, R.A. and Williams, G.L.
    Scotian Margin PalyAtlas: version 1. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4677.

  • 2004 Oakey, G.N. and Dehler, S.A.
    Atlantic Canada Magnetic Map Series: Atlantic Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1813, 1:3 000 000.

  • 2004 Oakey, G.N. and Dehler, S.A.
    Atlantic Canada Magnetic Map Series: Scotian Shelf and surrounds. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1814, 1:1 500 000.

  • 2004 Oakey, G.N. and Dehler, S.A.
    Atlantic Canada Magnetic Map Series: Gulf of St. Lawrence and surrounds. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1815, 1:1 500 000.

  • 2004 Oakey, G.N. and Dehler, S.A.
    Atlantic Canada Magnetic Map Series: Grand Banks and surrounds. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1816, 1:1 500 000.

  • 2003 Fensome, R.A.
    Palynological analysis of Petro-Canada et al. Shelburne G-29 well, Scotian Slope. Marine Resources Geology Internal Report no. MRG-PAL.1-2003RAF, 9p., 1 chart.

  • 2003 Fensome, R.A.
    Palynological analysis of Petro-Canada-Shell Wenonah J-75 well, Scotian Shelf. Marine Resources Geology Internal Report no. MRG.-PAL.5-2003RAF, 9 p., 1 chart.

  • 2003 Fensome, R.A.
    Palynological analysis of Petro-Canada-Mobil Hesper I-52 well, Scotian Shelf. Marine Resources Geology Internal Report no.MRG.-PAL.4-2003 RAF, 8 p., 1 chart.

  • 2002 Jackson, R., Dehler, S., Funck, T., Girouard, P. and Giles, K.
    HUDSON 2001-028 Scotian Margin Transect cruise report. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4472, 45p.

  • 2002 Fensome, R.A.
    Palynological analysis of Shell Demascota G-32 well, Scotian Shelf. Marine Resources Geology Internal Report no. MRG.-PAL.2-2002RAF, 7 p., 2 charts.

  • 2002 Fensome, R.A.
    Palynological analysis of selected core samples from Mobil et al. West Venture C-62 well. Marine Resources Geology Internal Report no. MRG-PAL.4-2002RAF, 2 p.

  • 2001 Fensome, R.A.
    Palynological analysis of Shell Onondaga E-84 well, Scotian Shelf. Marine Resources Geology Internal Report no. M.RES.G.-PAL.10-2001RAF, 10 p., 1 chart.

  • 2001 MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J.W., and Wielens, H.J.B.W.
    Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of regional Upper Cretaceous limestone units, offshore Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 4023.

  • 2000 Fensome, R.A.
    v Palynological analysis of Shell et al. Shubenacadie H-100 well, Scotian Slope Marine Resources Geology Internal Report no. M.RES.G.-PAL.2-2000RAF, 7 p., 1 chart.

Thèses d'étudiants universitaires et autres publications

  • 2004 Ings, Steven
    Finite element numerical modelling of salt/sediment interaction, Ph.D. project in progress, Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

  • 2004 MacDonald, Adam
    Cenozoic Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution, Faulting and Geohazard Issues influenced by Shallow Salt Tectonics in the Weymouth Prospect of the Scotian Slope, offshore Nova Scotia; 3-D Seismic Interpretation. M.Sc. Project in progress, Department of Geology, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada.

  • 2004 Upson, Patrick
    The Scotian Margin web site. Student work-term report, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

  • 2004 Weir-Murphy, Shawna.
    Cretaceous rocks of the Orpheus Graben, offshore Nova Scotia. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geology, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada.

  • 2004 Wu, Yue
    Crustal Structure of the Central Nova Scotia Margin From Seismic Refraction Data. Ph.D. Project in progress, Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

  • 2003 Robinson, Shannon T.
    A lithostratigraphic correlation in the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary between Thebaud I-93 and Marmora C-34, offshore Nova Scotia. Student work-term report, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Canada.

  • 2002 Bigg, Steven D.
    Latest Cretaceous-Tertiary stratigraphy of the LaHave Platform, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada. B.Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

  • 2002 Eisnor, Kathryn
    Palynology of the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood Formation, Elmsvale Basin and Shubenacadie Outlier, Nova Scotia. B.Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

  • 2000 Hansen, Dorthe Moeller
    Small-scale faulting of Upper Cretaceous Chalk and Cenozoic mudrocks in the Sable Subbasin, Scotian Shelf, Canada. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Rapports commandés par contrat

  • 2004 Kettanah, Y.A. and Zentilli, M.
    Pilot study on fluid inclusions in salt (halite) from the Osprey Evaporites Formation, Osprey H-84 well, Carson subbasin, Grand Banks, Newfoundland. A report prepared for the Geological Survey of Canada - Atlantic, March 31, 2004. Order number 23420-03A300-0011-HAL, scientific authority Hans Wielens.

  • 2004 Kettanah, Y.A. and Zentilli, M.
    Fluid inclusion studies on Osprey halites from Osprey H-84 well, Newfoundland. A report prepared for the Geological Survey of Canada - Atlantic, February 2004.

Résumés et présentations lors de conférences

  • 2004 Shimeld, J.
    A comparison of salt tectonic subprovinces beneath the Scotian Slope and Laurentian Fan. In: P. Post (ed.), Salt-sediment interactions and hydrocarbon prospectivity: Concepts, applications and case studies for the 21st century. Gulf Coast Society Section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 24th Annual Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, extended abstracts volume, Houston.

  • 2004 Dehler, S.A., Keen, C.E., Funck, T., J.ackson, H.R. and Louden, K.E.
    The Limit of Volcanic Rifting: A Structural Model Across the Volcanic to Non-Volcanic Transition off Nova Scotia. (AGU / CGU / SEG Joint Assembly, May 2004, Montreal).

  • 2004 Jackson, H.R, Chian, D. and Salisbury, M.
    Offshore crustal structure of the Meguma Terrane: seismic constraints on its origin. (Atlantic Geoscience Society 30th Colloquium January 30-31, 2004, Moncton).

  • 2004 Wu, Y., Louden, K.E., Jackson, R., Dehler, S. and Funck, T.
    Crustal Structure of the Central Nova Scotia Margin From Seismic Refraction Data - New Evidence for Non-volcanic Rifting. (AGU / CGU / SEG Joint Assembly, May 2004, Montreal).

  • 2003 Dehler, S.A., Keen, C.E., Funck, T., Jackson, H.R. and Louden, K.
    The volcanic to non-volcanic margin transition off Nova Scotia. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, 38th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program. (Joint Meeting of the Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America and Atlantic Geoscience Society, March 2003, Halifax).

  • 2003 Dehler, S.A., Keen, C.E., Funck, T., Jackson, H.R and Louden, K.
    Structure of a volcanic to non-volcanic transitional margin segment off Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada. (EGS / AGU / EUG Joint Annual Meeting, April 2003, Nice, France).

  • 2003 Falcon-Lang, H., Fensome, R.A. and Venugopal, D.V.
    The age of the Vinegar Hill silica sand deposit of southern New Brunswick. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, 38th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, p.12. (Joint Meeting of the Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America and Atlantic Geoscience Society, March 2003, Halifax)

  • 2003 Fensome, R.A. and Williams, G.L.
    The versatility of fossil dinoflagellates: a current perspective. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, 38th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, p.84-85. (Joint Meeting of the Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America and Atlantic Geoscience Society, March 2003, Halifax)

  • 2003 Funck, T., Jackson, H.R., Louden, K.E., Dehler, S.A. and Wu, Y.
    The Nova Scotia . Morocco margin conjugate: Structure of the Nova Scotia margin from refraction seismic data. (EGS / AGU / EUG Joint Annual Meeting, April 2003, Nice, France).

  • 2003 MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J., Fensome, R.A. and Thomas, F.
    Paleogeography and sediment supply on the Scotian Margin in the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic - implications for hydrocarbon prospects. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, 38th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, p.16. (Joint Meeting of the Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America and Atlantic Geoscience Society, March 2003, Halifax).

  • 2003 Oakey, G.N. and Dehler, S.A.
    A new series of detailed magnetic anomaly maps for Atlantic Canada. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, 38th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program. (Joint Meeting of the Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America and Atlantic Geoscience Society, March 2003, Halifax).

  • 2003 Potter, D.P., Jauer, C. and Dehler, S.A.
    A comparison of post-stack migration performed using refraction-derived velocities versus stacking velocities. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, 38th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program. (Joint Meeting of the Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America and Atlantic Geoscience Society, March 2003, Halifax).

  • 2003 Shimeld, J.W., Warren, S.N., Mosher, D.C., Macrae, R.A.
    Tertiary-aged megaslumps under the Scotian Slope, south of the Lahave Platform, offshore Nova Scotia. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, 38th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, p.81. (Joint Meeting of the Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America and Atlantic Geoscience Society, March 2003, Halifax).

  • 2003 Wu, Y., Louden, K., Jackson, H.R., Dehler, S.A. and Funck, T.
    Crustal structure of the Nova Scotia margin. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section, 38th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program. (Joint Meeting of the Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America and Atlantic Geoscience Society, March 2003, Halifax).

  • 2003 Wu, Y., Louden, K., Jackson, H.R., Dehler, S.A. and Funck, T.
    Crustal structure of the Nova Scotia margin and implications for the Moroccan margin conjugate. (EGS / AGU / EUG Joint Annual Meeting, April 2003, Nice, France).

  • 2002 Cook, L., Shimeld, J.W.
    Where are the salt structures in Eastern Canada? (Offshore / Onshore Technologies Association of Nova Scotia (OTANS) CORE Conference and Trade Show Presentation, October 2002, Halifax).

  • 2002 Dehler, S.A. and Keen, C.E.
    A fresh look at the evolution of the continental margin off Nova Scotia. [Extended abstract]. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Diamond Jubilee, Program with Abstracts. (CSPG Diamond Jubilee Convention, June 2002, Calgary).

  • 2002 Dehler, S., Shimeld, J., Potter, P., Mosher, D., Jackson, R. and Jauer, C.
    Applications of seismic refraction data in petroleum resource studies. (Offshore / Onshore Technologies Association of Nova Scotia (OTANS) CORE Conference and Trade Show Presentation, October 2002, Halifax).

  • 2002 Fensome, R.A. and Williams, G.L.
    Event biostratigraphy and a "Palyatlas" for offshore eastern Canada: improving communication. [Poster presentation]. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Diamond Jubilee, Program and Abstracts, p.131 (CSPG Diamond Jubilee Convention, June 2002, Calgary).

  • 2002 MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J., Fensome, R.A.
    Cryptic erosion on the Upper Cretaceous Wyandot Formation, Sable Island area, Scotian Shelf. Oral presentation, Atlantic Geoscience Society Colloquium and Annual General Meeting, Program and Abstracts, p. 28. (AGS Annual Meeting, February 2002, Antigonish).

  • 2002 MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J., Fensome, R.A., Thomas, F., Deptuck, M., Bigg, S. and Ings, S.
    Sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary of the Scotian Shelf and implications for the Scotian Slope. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Diamond Jubilee, Program and Abstracts, p.217. (CSPG Diamond Jubilee Convention, June 2002, Calgary).

  • 2002 Shimeld, J.W., Wade, J.A., and MacRae, R.A.
    Examples of salt structures under the continental shelf and slope offshore of Nova Scotia. [Poster presentation]. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Diamond Jubilee, Program with abstracts. (CSPG Diamond Jubilee Convention, June 2002, Calgary).

  • 2002 Shimeld, J.W., Wade, J.A., and MacRae, R.A.
    Examples of salt structures under the continental shelf and slope offshore of Nova Scotia. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy & Petroleum, Petroleum Society, Program with abstracts. (21st OTANS CORE Conference and Trade Show, October 2002, Halifax).

  • 2001 Dehler, S.A. and Keen, C.E.
    Structure and evolution of the continental margin off Nova Scotia, Canada. (TGS-Nopec industrial seminar "Petroleum Potential of Atlantic Continental Margins", May 2001, Houston, TX).

  • 2001 Dehler, S.A. and Keen, C.E.
    Magnetic signature of a volcanic to non-volcanic margin transition off Atlantic Canada. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T52A-0910 (American Geophysical Union Fall Annual Meeting, December 2001, San Francisco, CA).

  • 2001 MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J.W. and Wielens, H.J.B.W.
    Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of regional Upper Cretaceous limestone units, offshore eastern Canada. Proceedings of the Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Colloquium, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.

  • 2001 Shimeld, J.W., MacRae, R.A. and Wielens, H.J.B.W.
    Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of regional Upper Cretaceous limestone units, offshore Nova Scotia. (Invited talk at TGS-Nopec industrial seminar "Petroleum Potential of Atlantic Continental Margins", May 2001, Houston, TX).

  • 2001 Wielens, H.J.B.W., MacRae, R.A. and Shimeld, J.W.
    Petroleum geochemistry and sequence stratigraphy of regional Upper Cretaceous limestone units, offshore eastern Canada. (20th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Extended Abstracts, Nancy, France).

  • 2001 Wielens, J.B.W., Macrae, R.A., Shimeld, J.W.
    Petroleum geochemistry and sequence stratigraphy of regional Upper Cretaceous limestone units, offshore eastern Canada. Canadian Institute of Mining, Petroleum Section, 4th Annual Technical Seminars, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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