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Engineering, Development and Operations

Engineering & Land Development

Engineering provides project management services for the planning, regulatory approvals, design, construction, operation and maintenance of water, sewerage, roadworks, flood and erosion control, and solid waste disposal projects for the unincorporated communities throughout the Yukon.  Engineering also provides advice and project assistance to municipalities and Yukon First Nations upon request.

Land Development provides for the orderly development of residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational lands to meet the needs of the Yukon.

Links to Topics:

Grizzly Valley Rural Residential Subdivision Project
 Grizzly Valley Subdivision Details

Water Strategy

Whitehorse Land Demand 2004 Report       in MS Word      in PDF format

Project: Hotsprings Road - Rural Residential Development 

Brewster Limited Agriculture Subdivision – Final Screening Report

Whitehorse Copper Area Development - Environmental Assessment – Final Screening Report
 Whitehorse Copper Area Development - Subdivision Details

 Copper Ridge Development - Stages 9, 10 & 11 Subdivision Details

 Mount Sima Industrial Subdivision Details

Hamilton Boulevard Improvements (Extension)

Hamilton Boulevard Improvements (Roundabout)

Grizzly Valley Rural Residential Subdivision Project

 Environmental Assessment Project Description

 Subdivision Details

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Hotsprings Road    Rural Residential Development

The project is for a Rural Residential Subdivision at the junction of the Mayo Road and Hotsprings Road. The project includes:

20 rural residential lots varying in size;
approximately 3 km of road which will be BST surfaced;
two highway accesses – Mayo Road and Hotsprings Road.

Orthophoto Map (PDF 438KB)
Area Plan (PDF 136KB)
Environmental Screening Report (PDF 2.8MB) 

 The project received a zoning and subdivision approval in April 2006. The detailed engineering design will start with subdivision construction planned for the summer of 2006. Information packages were released June 5, 2006 for the sale by lottery of 19 lots. Final lot inspection and selection will take place in September 2006.

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Brewster Limited Agriculture Subdivision - Final Screening Report

The project, initiated at the request of the Village of Haines Junction, is to develop a portion of the former Brewster grazing lease for a 14 lot limited agriculture subdivision. The Village of Haines Junction has identified the need for larger land parcels (up to 6 ha.) within the community capable of accommodating limited agricultural development in association with a country residential lifestyle. The site is located between the airport and Alaska Highway west of Airport Road.

Brewster Limited Agriculture Subdivision - Final Report (PDF 751KB) 

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Whitehorse Copper Area Development

The Whitehorse Copper Development is a land development project proposed by the Government of Yukon, Community Services to meet ongoing demands for Country Residential and Service Industrial properties within the City of Whitehorse.

The country residential and service industrial development is located west of the Alaska Highway between the Mt. Sima Road and the north end of the Wolf Creek Subdivision.  Whitehorse Copper Area Development  Subdivision Details.

In June 2004 the project environmental assessment screening and public review were completed. The project is ready for rezoning and subdivision approval through the City of Whitehorse.

The following document is the final environmental screening report required under the Yukon Environmental Assessment Act for this project.

Final Environmental Screening Report (PDF 700KB)
Final Environmental Screening Report (MS Word PDF 558KB)
Appendix A Orthophoto (PDF 2.9 MB) 

For more information on the project, please contact:

Brian Ritchie, A.Sc.T. Manager
Land Development, Community Services
Phone: (867) 667-3093

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Copper Ridge Development Stages 9, 10 & 11

The project is for the development of 119 urban residential lots in Copper Ridge.  Please click on the following  Subdivision Details.

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Mount Sima Industrial Area Development

The project is for the development of 31 industrial lots off the Mount Sima Road.  Please click on the following  Subdivision Details.

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Hamilton Boulevard Improvements (Extension)

The Hamilton Boulevard improvements project is a proposed extension from the Falcon Drive South intersection to the Alaska Highway. The project includes provisions for future traffic control lighting and required intersection improvements. The extension would see four kilometers of roadway added, including connections to the existing Lobird Access Road and the Alaska Highway, preferably at the existing Robert Service Way intersection.

To check on status of the proposed Hamilton Boulevard extension, click on the following documents:

Hamilton Blvd Extension - Primary Consultation Final Report (PDF 453KB)

Hamilton Blvd Extension - Primary Consultation with Copper Ridge Heighbourhood Association (PDF 18KB)

Contact List (MS Excel 64KB)

Socio-Economic Assessment Presentation (MS PowerPoint 67KB)

Environmental Assessment Presentation (MS PowerPoint 55KB)

Hamilton Blvd Extension Information Package (PDF 907KB) 

Hamilton Blvd Extension Map (PDF 2.6MB)

Hamilton Blvd Extension Project - Advisory Committee Meeting: Tuesday, March 8, 2005 (PDF 51KB)

Hamilton Boulevard Improvements (Roundabout)

The new Hamilton Boulevard roundabout is now in place to improve traffic flow and make the intersection of Hamilton Blvd. with the Elijah Smith School and McIntyre Subdivision a safer place for pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles.

Learn to navigate the roundabout... All About the Roundabout (PDF 170KB)

Hamilton Boulevard Information Package  (PDF 151KB)

Select the files below to view animated examples of the Hamilton Blvd roundabout. Those files can be viewed using Windows Media Player. All files are of type WMV. The duration of the animations and the size of the files have been provided for your convenience.

For general information on roundabouts, visit the following websites.

Canadian Roundabouts or Alaska Roundabouts.

Please call the Government of Yukon, Department of Community Services at 667-3534 for more information, or email

Fill in the feedback form online! Click here! (PDF 176KB)

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Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 06-07-2006