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Tips to Help You Conserve Energy and Save Money

cover of brochure

The Ontario government is committed to protecting the interests of Ontarians by making positive changes to the province's electricity sector. These changes are aimed at creating a conservation culture and a cleaner Ontario, while ensuring a reliable, sustainable and diverse supply of competitively priced power for the province.

Click here to order your copy of our energy-savings guide.

The complete guide is also available right here. Use the "Energy Savings Tips" menu on the right to browse the guide online.


Save Energy - Save Money - Save the Environment

You'll be amazed how easy it is to save energy around your home — often without spending a cent.

Just follow the proven tips outlined here, and you’ll start saving money right away. That’s money you can spend on something else, and you’ll also be doing something good for the environment.

Start today, and see how much money you can save!

How energy is used in Ontario homes*   For an annual energy bill of $2,000**
Space heating 57-62% $1,140 - $1,240
Water heating 20-21% $400 - $420
Appliances 12-13% $240 - $260
Lighting 4-5% $80 - $100
Cooling 0-7% $0 - $200

* Many factors can affect your annual energy bill, such as size and location of your home, yearly variations in weather, efficiency of your furnace and other appliances, thermostat settings, number of occupants and the local cost of energy.

** Source: Data for Ontario, 2000-Office of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada and Statistics Canada.

Printed from the Ministry of Energy website:

© 2006 Queen's Printer for Ontario

This information is provided as a public service, but we cannot guarantee that the information is current or accurate.
Readers should verify the information before acting on it.