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Hydroelectric Power

Province Pushes Ahead to Expand Clean Energy Potential

News Release from the Ministry of Natural Resources

March 7, 2005 — The Ontario government is expanding the province's clean, renewable energy capacity by making 18 sites available for waterpower development and inviting a second round of applications to develop wind power on Crown land…

Click here to read the news release on the Ministry of Natural Resources website.

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The Ontario Government accepts that water power is an established source of renewable energy in the province. The largest number of Ontario water power installations are run-of-the river operations, as opposed to projects involving dams with extensive waterway diversions. With the opening of the electricity market and greater focus on renewable energy, there are substantial opportunities to further utilize Ontario’s water power resources. The Ministry of Natural Resources conservatively estimates that there is 2,000MW of additional waterpower potential in Ontario.

New water power projects that augment or better utilize the capacity of existing sites or other water control structures should be emphasized. In the development of new water power sites, run-of-the river hydraulic designs should be used in conjunction with a watershed approach to power planning.

The Ontario Government does not believe that every water power site in the province should be developed for energy purposes. Some more remote undeveloped water power sites may not be economically feasible to develop. In addition, some viable sites should remain undeveloped to meet environmental, natural resource, wilderness, and recreational requirements.

Wind and water may be used together to provide power. Wind-generated power may be used to pump water into reservoirs where the water is stored for later release into hydraulic turbines.

The Ontario Government recognizes that the untapped water power potential at the Niagara River Beck 3 site constitutes a significant renewable resource. The site is adjacent to available transmission links, and close to major power markets in southern Ontario and New York State.

New Renewable Energy Sources

On November 24, 2004, the Ontario government announced the results of its Request for Proposals for 300 megawatts of renewable energy. Among the successful proponents were two new hydroelectric projects:

For more details about these projects and about other renewable energy projects related to this RFP, please read the November 24 news release.

A map showing the location of all the proposed new renewable energy projects is available in PDF format.


Please see Hydroelectric Energy in the Renewable Energy Development section of this site.


Printed from the Ministry of Energy website:

© 2006 Queen's Printer for Ontario

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