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Renewable Energy

Supporting renewable energy is a key component of the Ontario government's plan as it builds a cleaner sustainable energy future for Ontario. The Ministry of Energy has set a target for the province to produce five per cent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2007and ten per cent by 2010.

Renewables in the News

Net Metering Info

Net Metering BrochureElectricity consumers in Ontario who produce some of their own power may now take advantage of 'net metering'.

The Ministry of Energy has filed a net metering regulation which allows electricity customers who install their own renewable generation equipment to return electricity to the grid for credit. The new regulation eliminates inconsistencies across the province and requires that distributors permit net metering for all eligible projects that produce up to 500 kilowatts. Projects that produce electricity from clean sources such as water, wind, solar power and farm biomass are eligible.

The Ministry has produced a brochure to assist consumers who are interested in learning more about net metering.

Click here for more information

Renewable Portfolio Standard

On April 28th, 2004, the government initiated a renewable energy Request for Proposals (RFP). This will help the government implement our Renewable Portfolio Standard - 5 per cent (1,350 megawatts) of all generating capacity is to come from new renewable sources by 2007 and 10 per cent (2,700 megawatts) by 2010.

Successful proponents were announced on November 24, 2004. For complete details, please read the November 24 news release.

In accordance with provincial competitive tender guidelines, all correspondence relating to the RFPs was made through the Ontario Electricity RFP website.

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The Ontario government has identified the need to support renewable energy, and provides a number of tax incentives for clean, alternative or renewable electricity generation facilities and residential systems. For additional detailed information on the tax initiatives listed below, please contact the nearest Ontario Ministry of Finance Tax Office listed under Taxes - Provincial (Retail) Sales Tax in the blue pages of your telephone directory, or call the TAX Fx Service at 1-877-4-TAX-Fx (1-877-482-9329), or visit the Ministry of Finance's website at

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Printed from the Ministry of Energy website:

© 2006 Queen's Printer for Ontario

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Readers should verify the information before acting on it.