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Hydrogen makes up 3/4 of the known universe. However, it almost never appears alone and must be separated from its chemical compounds to be useful. This can be done through the reforming of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas), or using electricity to split the hydrogen out of water (electrolysis).

Hydrogen is an energy carrier - like gasoline or electricity - not an energy source like oil or coal. Unlike electricity, however, hydrogen can be stored. As a fuel, hydrogen's only byproduct is water, making it a very clean and environmentally-friendly alternative fuel.

Hydrogen can be used as a transportation fuel or in stationary power applications, using fuel cells of varying sizes and types. A fuel cell is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to produce electricity. The only emissions are water and heat.

The three fuel cell market segments are: portable applications such as cell phones and laptops; stationary applications for residential and commercial energy sources such as heating, cooling and electricity and mobile applications such as automobiles and forklifts.

Portable and stationary applications provide more immediate and mid-term commercialization prospects whereas the mobile market is considered to be a longer-term prospect.

The Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is the lead ministry on an inter-ministerial fuel cell team whose mandate is to build and expand fuel cell sector capabilities and to manage key relationships within the sector.

Ontario is also involved in the fuel cell industry through its membership in Fuel Cells Canada. Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Canada is a non-profit, national industry association whose mission is to accelerate Canada's world-leading fuel cell and hydrogen industries.

Page last updated: September 20, 2006

Printed from the Ministry of Energy website:

© 2006 Queen's Printer for Ontario

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