Forest Practices Branch



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Forest Practices – Publications

This page offers a subject index to many of the publications maintained by the Forest Practices Branch, along with selected publications and resources maintained by other agencies and organizations. Additional Ministry publications and products are available through:

Publications – Subject Index

Botanical Forest Products

Branch publications available on the WWW:

Botanical Forest Products



Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:

  • SIL457 Botanical Forest Products in British Columbia: An Overview (HTML version available - see above)

Commercial Thinning

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:

  • SIL439 Forest Level Benefits to Commercial Thinning and Fertilization

Forest Health

Publications available from other MOF Offices:

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:


Brochures and Videos:

  • Video and pamphlet:  Introduction to Forest Health
  • Common Insects and Diseases of Coastal Douglas - fir
  • Pestopics #20 – A brighter, less rusty future for Western White Pine in British Columbia
  • Pestopics #17 – Forests Pests – Forest Competitors



  • The White Pine Weevil: Biology, Damage and Management Proceedings of a symposium held January 19-21, 1994 in Richmond, British Columbia
  • Biological Evaluation of the Prototype Standing Tree Debarking System (STDS) Used for Direct Control of Mountain Pine Beetle in Lodgepole Pine
  • Development of a Resistance Index for Sitka Spruce against the White Pine Weevil Pissodes strobi
  • Using a Geographical Information System for the Input and Analysis of Historical Western Spruce Budworm in British Columbia
  • Commercial Thinning of Mature Lodgepole Pine to Reduce Susceptibility to Mountain Pine Beetle - FRDA Report 224
  • Effects of the Black Army Cutworm on Backlog Reforestation Efforts in the North Thompson Valley


  • Assessment of Root Disease Hazard in NSR Lands in the Southern Interior of British Columbia
  • Trial of Push-falling to Reduce Phellinus weiri : Infection of Coastal Douglas-fir
  • Tree Wounding and Partrial-cut Harvesting - A Literature Review for British Columbia - Pest ManagemMay 18, 2006/hfd/pubs/docs/sil/sil391.htm">
  • Detection, Recognition and Management of Armillaria and Phellinus Root Diseases in the Southern Interior of British Columbia - FRR179

Animal Damage:

  • Seedling Barriers for Deer and Elk
  • Impact of Porcupine Feeding Damage on Intensive Forest Management in the Prince Rupert Forest Region: Problem Analysis
  • Lodgepole Pine, Red Squirrels, and Diversionary Food
  • Response of Lodgepole Pine Seedlings to Simulated Cattle Damage
  • Natural History of Vertebrate Pests in Forests of British Columbia


  • Forest Health Surveys in British Columbia: A Review of Sampling Methodology for Ground Surveys - FRDA Report 200
  • Forest Health Research Needs Survey
  • Forest Health Surveys in Young Managed Stands in British Columbia, 1991-1995 (available from the MOF library call # 634.909711 BCMF RES FR 262)
    • Surveys of Forest Health in Young Stands in British Columbia
    • Surveys of Forest Health in Managed Stands in British Columbia, 1992
    • Surveys of Forest Health in Managed Stands in British Columbia, 1993
    • Three-year Overview of Forest Health in Young Managed Stands in British Columbia 1992-1994


  • Losses in Timber Values Associated with Distorted Growth in Immature Douglas-fir
  • Symptoms and Causes of Distorted Growth in Immature Forest Stands in Coastal British Columbia
  • Diseases and Insects in British Columbia Forest Seedling Nurseries
  • Decision Support Systems for Forest Pest Management - FRR260
  • Potential Loss Due to Decay and Insect Attack Following Selective Harvest in Coastal Montane Forests

General Interest

Growth and Yield

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:

  • FGI06 Site Index Curves and Tables for British Columbia- Interior Species
  • FRR167 Silviculture Decision Models: Summary of a Workshop
  • OAF1-#1 OAF1 Project, Report #1-An Overview of Stocking Gaps and OAF1 Estimates for TIPSY.
  • OAF1-#2  OAF1 Project, Report #2 - Ground Based Survey Method
  • SIL387 Site Index ( Productivity ) Estimation Program - A Five Year Plan 1996/97 - 2000/01
  • SIL389 Improving site productivity estimates
  • SIL390 Site Index - A Growing Issue
  • SIL393 Stand Density Management Diagrams - Interior Species
  • SIL394 Stand Density Management Diagrams - Coastal Species
  • SIL395 Stand Density Management Diagram - Yield predictions for a spacing prescription (How to use a)
  • SIL397 Stand density management diagrams for lodgepole pine, white spruce and interior Douglas-fir"
  • SIL413 Growth and Yield Effects of Juvenile Spacing in Three Fire-Origin Lodgepole Pine Stands 12-15 Years After Treatment
  • SIL414 Height and Diameter Growth of Douglas-fir Site Trees At Larson's Bench
  • SIL415 Paired-Plot Sampling for Height Growth Repression and Recovery in Three Older Juvenile Spacing Projects in Fire-Origin Lodgepole Pine
  • SIL416 Growth and Yield Effects of Juvenile Spacing Lodgepole Pine in the Gold Fire Near Cranbrook BC
  • SIL417 Paired-Plot Sampling in Simulated Stands of Juvenile-Spaced Lodgepole Pine
  • SIL418 Site Index Estimates by Site Series for Coniferous Tree Species in British Columbia.

Harvesting Practices

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:

  • SIL069 Ground Skidding Guidelines
  • SIL392 Forest Harvesting: Following Nature's Lead
  • FPC126 Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction
  • FPCMR58 Forest Road Engineering Guidebook (Forest Practices Code)

Invasive Alien Plants

Monitoring and Evaluation Reports


Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:

  • BRO46 The Rangelands of British Columbia
  • FPC067 Range Management and the Forest Practices Code


Forest Practices Code Guidebook:


Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index

  • REC009 Outldoor Recreation Survey 1989/90 How British Columbians Use and Value their Public Forest Lands for Recreation
  • REC010 Outdoor Recreation Survey 1989/90
  • REC011 Wilderness Issues in British Columbia Results of a 1993 Province-wide Survey of Households
  • REC013 Forest Service Recreation Program Review for BC Forest Service
  • REC014 Inventory and Preliminary Classification of Forestry Demonstration Areas in British Columbia
  • REC015 Lower Stikine Management Plan
  • REC018 Demonstration Forest Program A Proposed Policy Framework
  • REC019 Undeveloped Watersheds on Vancouver Island Larger Than 1000 Hectares 1990--Technical Report 1992:3
  • REC020 Procedures for Factoring Recreation Resources into Timber Supply Analyses--Technical Report 1993:1
  • REC026 Economic Value of Wilderness Protection and Recreation in British Columbia - WP-6-012
  • REC027 Forest Service Recreation Sites - A Guide to the Rules - Welcome to your Forest Service Recreation Site Enjoy Your Visit
  • REC029 Procedures for Factoring Visual Resources into Timber Supply Analyses
  • REC030 Karst in British Columbia - A Complex Landscape Sculpted by Water
  • REC003 Alexander Mackenzie Heritage Trail
  • REC004 Guidelines for the Selection and Development of Demonstration Forest Sites Working Draft October 1987
  • REC006 Inventory of Undeveloped Watersheds in British Columbia
  • REC007 Outdoor Recreation and the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia
  • REC002 Managing Wilderness in Provincial Forests- A Policy Framework December 1989

Silviculture – Backlog Reforestation

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index

  • FRR023 Backlog Forest Land and its Rehabilitation in the SBS and BWBS zones in the Northern Interior of BC
  • SILV102 Summary of Backlog Not Satisfactorily Restocked Forest Land
  • FRR043 Regeneration Delays and Natural Yields on Untreated Backlog Forest Land in British Columbia
  • SILFDS004 Summary of Backlog Not Satisfactorily Restocked Forest Land (1997)
  • FRR143 Testing Backlog Reforestation Options

Silviculture – Financial and Economic Analysis


Silviculture – Incremental Silviculture Strategy Reports

Silviculture – Mixedwood

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index.

Silviculture – Notes

Silviculture – Prescriptions

Silviculture – Regeneration

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index


  • FRDA003 "Reforestation in the mountain hemlock zone: history and current status" edited by Rob Scagel and Richard Evans, Pacific Phytometric Consultants.
  • SIL226 Review of Changes in BC Forest Seedling Market During the Period 1986-1991
  • SIL347 Growmax ® and Fertilization at Time of Planting: A Provincial Summary of Operational and Research Experience
  • SIL222 Report on the Provincial Pre-harvest Silviculture Prescription Review, July 1993"
  • SIL410 Review of the Integrated Silviculture Information System (ISIS) in Seven Forest Districts in the Vancouver Forest Region
  • SILV175 Just the facts--A Review of Silviculture and Other Forestry Statistics
  • Guide to Collecting Cones of British Columbia Conifers
  • SILV073 A Review of the British Columbia Tree Seedling Cold Storage Requirements (1988/89 - 1992/93)
  • SIL411 Silviculture Prescriptions Field Methods Book - Interpretive Guide for Data Collection, Stratification, and Sensitivity Evaluation for Silviculture Prescriptions ( Formerly LMH25 ) No Longer in Print - Web Only
  • SILV023 Guidelines - Sanitation Seedling Nursery Centre
  • FRR233 Microclimatic Influences on Advance Amabilis Fir Regeneration in Clearcut and Understory Habitats of a Coastal Montane Reforestation Site

Posters, Pamphlets and Brochures

  • SIL033 Minimum Safety Guidelines for Tree Planters - FS419 (now at WCB)
  • Minimum Safety Guidelines for Tree Planters (Punjabi Version)
  • Seedling Stock Type Selection (Poster)
  • SILV458 Completing the Picture


  • SILV315 Reforestation - A Growing Success (video)
  • SILV316PAL VERSION - Reforestation - A Growing Success (video)

Silviculture – Riparian and Restoration

Silviculture – Site Preparation

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:


  • SIL370 Fundamentals of Natural Lodgepole Pine Regeneration and Drag Scarification
  • SIL007 Alternatives to Prescribed Burning
  • SIL Silviculture Note #17 - Effect of site preparation on growth intercept estimates of site index. 1997 results from the Bednesti site preparation trial
  • FRR031 Mechanical Site Preparation and Forest Regeneration in Sweden and Finland: Implications for Technology Transfer

Field Cards, Posters, Pamphlets and Brochures

  • SIL371 Machine Operator's Soil Disturbance Card ( Gold Card)
  • SIL372 Soil Disturbance Card ( Red Card)


  • SILV313 Excavators - Silviculture Attachments and Treatments (video)
  • SILV314 PAL VERSION - Excavators: Silviculture Attachments and Treatments (video)

Stand Tending

Forest Practices Code Guidebooks:

Stand Tending Unit Newsletters:

Training Materials:

  • Forest Stand Management Training Materials - training course materials for pruning, commercial thinning, forest fertilization, wood quality, stand density management regimes, and juvenile spacing posted October 5, 1999 - You must have Acrobat Reader V 4.0 to read these files


Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index


  • SIL155 Pruning for Value
  • SILV218 Pruning Second Growth Stands
  • SILV001 Pruning Workshop: Participants Workbook
  • SILV002 Pruning Workshop - Inserts Only
  • SILV003 Covers/Spines - Pruning Workshop
  • SILV203 Pruning for Value: Binder Inserts
  • SILV024 Trainer Manual: Unit Crew Stand

Stand Management Prescriptions:

  • SILV093 How to Enter Stand Management Prescriptions Into ISIS
  • SILV004 Stand Management Prescription Participants Workbook
  • SILV296 Stand Management Prescription Workbook: Interior -1 Inch Binder
  • SILV297 Stand Management Prescription Workbook: Coastal - 1 Inch Binder
  • SILV302 Stand Management Prescription Workbook: Coastal - 2 Inch Binder

Forest Fertilization:

Juvenile Spacing

  • Available from WCB Publications:
    BK52 Safe Work Practices for Juvenile Spacing in Forestry

    A booklet detailing safe work practices for juvenile tree removal and brush cutting. Also covers responsibilities for safety, personal protective equipment, and worker training. Also available in French (BK52F).

Silviculture Statistics

Silviculture – Strategic Planning

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:

  • FRR223 World Review of Strategic Silvicultural Planning Processes that have Potential for Application to British Columbia
  • FRR239 Are European Silvicultural Systems and Precedents Useful for British Columbia Silviculture Prescriptions?
  • FRR041 Analysis of Changes in Timber Values Due to Silviculture Treatments Under the Canada-British Columbia Forest Resource Development Agreement
  • FRR017 Utilization Opportunities for Western Redcedar: A Review
  • SIL Towards a Silviculture Strategy - A Discussion Paper on Growing and Managing British Columbia's Future Wood Supply - July 1990
  • SIL010 Analysis of Investments in Silviculture in British Columbia
  • SIL028 British Columbia's Forests: Monocultures or Mixed Forests?
  • SIL36 Forest Estate Models Five Models for Planning Silviculture Programs: A Review and Evalualtion 1990

Silviculture Surveys

Silvicultural Systems

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:

  • Partial Cutting Safety Cards (set of 7) (moved to WCB)
  • Partial Cutting Worker Safety Cards (moved to WCB)
  • Silviculture Systems In British Columbia: Clearcutting, seed tree, shelterwood, and selection
  • SIL030 Wildlife Tree Management in British Columbia
  • SIL175 Silvicultural Systems: Their Role in British Columbia's Forest Management
  • SIL435 Partial Cutting Safety Handbook
  • SIL460 Introduction to Silvicultural Systems - A self-study workbook

Soil Conservation

Forest Practices Code Guidebooks:

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index.

Stand Density Management

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index

  • SIL Background Report, Development of Juvenile Spacing Guidelines 
  • SIL009 Exploratory Study of the Density and Annual Ring Weight in Fast-growth Coniferous Woods in British Columbia
  • SIL014 Background and Recommendations for Juvenile Spacing Standards in BC
  • SIL040 Correlated Guidelines for Management of Uneven-aged Drybelt Douglas-fir Stands in British Columbia: First Approximation
  • SIL209 Juvenile Spacing Quality Inspection
  • SIL233 Guidelines for Maintaining Biodiversity During Juvenile Spacing
  • SIL376 Stand Tending Impacts on Environmental Indicators
  • SIL462 Basic Wood Properties of Second-Growth Western Hemlock
  • SIL9 An Exploratory Study of the Density and Annual Ring Weight in Fast-Growth Coniferous Woods in British Columbia
  • SILV119 Managing Forest Habitats: An Integrated Approach - Compendium of Products 1989-1990. FRDA II, Issued by the Habitat Silviculture Protection Account- HSP"
  • SILV137 Managing Forest Habitat Integration - Compendium 1989 - 1990
  • SILV219 Juvenvile Spacing in B.C.
  • SILV226 Lodgepole Pine Density/Wildlife Diversity
  • SILV233 Predator Habitat Enhancement - A Strategy for Management

Available from WCB Publications:

  • BK52 Safe Work Practices for Juvenile Spacing in Forestry

    A booklet detailing safe work practices for juvenile tree removal and brush cutting. Also covers responsibilities for safety, personal protective equipment, and worker training. Also available in French (BK52F).

Stand Density Management Diagrams

Strategic and High-level Planning

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index

  • FPCMR Landscape Unit Planning Guide and Associated Transmittal Letter
  • PLA001 Landscape Unit Pilot Project Wrap-Up Meeting Proceedings - February 6 & 7, 1996"
  • PLA002 Glossary of Resource Planning Terms
  • PLA006 Kamloops LRMP Environmental, Economic and Social Profile
  • PLA007 Kispiox Resource Management Plan Socio-Economic Impact Assessment
  • PLA010 Community Resources Boards as a Public Participation Technique for Sub-Regional Resource Planning
  • PLA012 Integrated Forest Management
  • PLA014 Landscape ecology, Ecosystem management and landscape design theory and application to forest planning"
  • PLA017 Landscape Unit Planning in British Columbia: A Review of Six Pilot Projects Discussion Paper
  • PLA018 Public advisory bodies in land use planning - A synthesis of Ministry of Forests staff experience
  • PLA021 Forest Planning A Guide To - Co-ordinated Access Management Planning
  • Guide to Writing Resource Objectives and Strategies Ministry of Forests

Stand Management

Silvicultural Systems

Harvesting Methods

Wildlife Trees


Sustainable Forest Management Plans

Vegetation Management

Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index

  • FRDA005 A Guide to Vegetation Control Equipment - FRDA Handbook 005
  • FRH003 User's Manual for the Reforestation Information Bank (RIB--Preliminary Guide to the Response of Major Species of Competing Vegetation to Silvicultural Treatments
  • FRH006 Herbicide Field Handbook #6 (1998)
  • FRR246 Pathogenicity of the Bioherbicide Fungus Chondrostereum purpureum to some Trees and Shrubs of Southern Vancouver Island
  • Putting People First - Minimizing tree planters' exposure to seedling pesticides - French Version Reboiseurs: votre sante avant tout (now at WCB)
  • Salal : A Competitor?
  • SIL011 Spray Drift and Deposit Pattern from a Forest Herbicide Application
  • SIL029 Broom and Gorse in British Columbia: A Forestry Perspective Problem Analysis
  • SIL156 Putting People First: Minimizing tree planters' exposure to seedling pesticides - FS449 (moved to WCB)
  • SIL377 Controlling Weeds Using Biological Methods
  • SIL401 Operational Summary for Vegetation Management - Pinegrass Complex
  • SIL402 Operational Summary for Vegetation Management - Willow Complex
  • SIL403 Operational Summary of Vegetation Management - Dry Alder Complex
  • SIL404 Operational Summary for Vegetation Management - Mixed-shrub Complex
  • SIL405 Operational Summary for Vegetation Management - Wet Alder Complex
  • SIL406 Operational Summary of Vegetation Management - Fireweed Complex
  • SIL407 Operational Summary of Vegetation Management - Ericaceous Shrub Complex
  • SIL441 Forest Herbicide Use: Vegetation and Small Mammals
  • SILV033 It's A Fair Question
  • SILV044 Pesticides - Forest and Range Management
  • SILV046 Vision: Use in Forest Management #3
  • SILV223 Broom - Putting it in its Place
  • SILV224 Gorse - The Spiny Competitor
  • SILV288 Quick Guide to Pesticides

Visual Resource Management

Forest Practices Code Guidebooks:

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index:

  • REC023 Visual Landscape Design Training Manual
  • REC028 Visual Impacts of Partial Cutting
  • RECR003 A Visual Landscape Design Training Manual: Binder Only
  • REC005 Forest Landscape Handbook
  • REC008 First Look at Visually Effective Green-up in British Columbia A Public Perception Study
  • FRR270 Clearcutting and Visual Quality - A Public Perception Study

Wildlife Trees and Coarse Woody Debris

Wood Quality


Training Materials:

  • Forest Stand Management Training Materials – training course materials for pruning, commercial thinning, forest fertilization, wood quality, stand density managment regimes, and juvenile spacing posted October 5, 1999 - You must have Acrobat Reader V 4.0 to read these files

Other Ministry publications and products available through the BC Publications Index

  • FRR168 Wood Properties of Subalpine Fir, a British Columbia Interior Wood
  • SIL018 Discussion of Wood Quality Attributes and Their Practical Implications

Last updated on September 01, 2006
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BC Ministry of Forests and Range Forest Practices Branch