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Welcome to Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans

Important Information for Students - Student Loan Application Processing Status

The Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans Program offers a needs based supplement to your existing resources to help you fund your education.

Would you like to learn more? This site provides a general overview of the program. You can also contact Student Financial Assistance Branch by phone at 1-800-597-8278 (outside Regina) or (306) 787-5620 (in Regina area or outside Canada).

Funding for your Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loan is provided jointly by the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan, therefore only one application is required. Saskatchewan Student Financial Assistance Branch is responsible for the processing of your loan application.

The National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) is responsible for the disbursement of both federal and provincial funds as well as the repayment of your Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loan.

For information on the assessment or processing of your student loan, please call:

Student Financial Assistance Branch
Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment,
4635 Wascana Parkway,
Box 650,

Regina SK S4P 3A3

Phone: Outside Regina or within Canada call toll-free
In the Regina area or outside Canada call
(306) 787-5620

or contact us by email or by fax at (306) 787-1608.

For security reasons, please do not reference your Social Insurance Number on email. You may provide Name, Date of Birth and Application Number to reference your file.

  • For information about maintaining or repaying a student loan negotiated on or after August 1, 2001, borrowers should contact the appropriate division of the National Student Loans Service Centre:
*Borrowers attending a public institution (university or college, for example)

National Student Loans Service Centre
Public Institutions Division
P.O. Box 4030
Mississauga ON
L5A 4M4

Within North America:
Outside North America:
country code + 800-2-225-2501
Borrowers attending a private institution (private vocational school or career college, for example)

National Student Loans Service Centre,
Private Institutions Division
P.O. Box 779, Station U
Toronto ON
M8Z 5P9

Within North America: 1-866-587-7452
Outside North America: (416) 503-6671
(Call collect)

  • For information about maintaining or repaying a Saskatchewan Student Loan prior to August 1, 2001, borrowers should contact the Royal Bank at:

Telephone: 1-888-359-4770
Fax: 1-888-359-4767

For specific questions about repayment of your integrated student loan, please contact the National Student Loans Service Centre or check the NSLSC's on-line service.

You can also visit Canada Student Loans at for information on how to save, plan and pay for your education.

The Audit Services Unit is responsible for ensuring compliance with student financial assistance legislation.

If you know of someone providing false information while receiving a financial benefit, please contact the Audit Services Unit. Allegations are serious and all contacts will be investigated.

While is is preferred that a phone number be left to allow us to obtain additional valuable information that may assist us in the investigation of your complaint, it is not necessary, but is encouraged. Thank you for helping maintain the integrity of the program.

Phone: (306) 787-5917
Fax: (306) 787-0016
Postal Mail:
Manager, Audit Services
Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment
PO Box 2405 STN Main
Regina, SK S4P 9Z9




