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Fisheries and Aquaculture - 2002
January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December


January 9
Government calls on FPI to honour commitments

January 10
Government releases letters which outline FPI commitments

January 17
Government to establish joint committee to examine FPI issues

January 18
Government plans public consultations on FPI Act

January 21
Minister responds to opposition request to reconvene House of Assembly

January 23
Minister announces details of public consultations on the FPI Act

January 25
NOTE TO EDITORS: FPI Act venue change in the upcoming public consultation session
Minister responds letter from FPI

January 28
NOTE TO EDITORS: FPI Act venue change in the upcoming public consultation session - Triton - Thursday, February 7
NOTE TO EDITORS: All-Party Committee FPI Act to hold an additional session in Fortune


February 1
NOTE TO EDITORS: Changes in public sessions by All-Party Committee
Minister disappointed in outcome of NAFO meeting

February 11
NOTE TO EDITORS: Meeting with federal minister postponed

February 13
Minister pleased with public consultations on the FPI Act

February 22
Minister releases interim report from panel on Structural Study of the Inshore Shrimp Fishery

February 28
NOTE TO EDITORS: News conference - All-Party Committee on Public Consultations of FPI Act
Minister announces details of Public Consultations on FPI Act


March 5
Minister has productive meeting with federal counterpart

March 14
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to guest speak at annual general meeting of Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture

March 15
NOTE TO EDITORS: Presentation to Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans

March 19
Results of a joint study estimating economic value of marine, coastal and ocean resources

March 21
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to attend Atlantic Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers meetings
Funding announced will serve to strengthen industry

March 22
Minister comments on closure of Canadian ports to Faroese fishing vessels

March 27
Fisheries Diversification Projects Approved


April 5
Minister responds to Independent Panel on Access Criteria (IPAC) report

April 17
Minister releases report from panel on Structural Study of the Inshore Shrimp Fishery


May 1
NOTE TO EDITORS: Premier to meet Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

May 9
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to address Atlantic Regional Convention for the Radio-Television News Directors Association of Canada

May 24
Ministers make presentation on foreign over fishing to National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

May 30
Minister will not support production quotas for crab

May 31
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to meet with Robert Thibault, federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans - June 3, Ottawa


June 3
Minister meets with Federal Minister on fisheries issues

June 12
Minister pleased with report from Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans

NOTE TO EDITORS: official opening of relocated Aquaculture Development Branch office - June 13, Grand Falls - Windsor

June 13
Minister opens newly relocated Aquaculture Development Branch office

June 18
Minister reiterates province's position on IPAC report

June 26
Minister announces Provincial Advisory Council on Foreign Overfishing

June 28
NOTE TO EDITORS: 10th anniversary of Northern Cod Moratorium - July 2, St. John's


July 2
Government marks 10th Anniversary of the Northern Cod Moratorium

July 12
Ministers comment on Canada’s new Oceans Strategy

Minister pleased with monies announced for Centre for Fisheries Innovation

Minister disappointed with Northern Shrimp Plan


August 14
Officials meet with concerned plant workers regarding transfer of crab licence


September 3
NOTE TO EDITORS - Minister available to respond to questions regarding the request for the transfer of a crab processing license from Ramea to St. Anthony
Minister announces decision on transfer of crab licence to St. Anthony

September 12
NOTE TO EDITORS: News conference, September 13  Subject: NAFO meeting

September 13
NOTE TO EDITORS: Media briefing postponed
Minister meets with Icelandic Ambassador to discuss custodial management

NOTE TO EDITORS: Media briefing

Minister to attend NAFO meetings

September 20
Minister confirms that NAFO is a completely ineffective organization for Newfoundland and Labrador

September 25
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to attend the Canadian Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers - September 26, Halifax, Nova Scotia

September 27
Minister proposes custodial management to his provincial, territorial and federal counterparts - September 26, Halifax
Minister addresses the Fisheries Council of Canada - September 27, St. John's


November 4
NOTE TO EDITORS - Minister to meet with World Wildlife Fund - November 5, Toronto

November 6
Minister meets with the World Wildlife Fund to discuss foreign overfishing and custodial management

November 8
Minister comments on House of Commons fisheries committee chair
Minister objects to federal government acceptance of IPAC recommendations

November 28
Ministerial Statement - Meeting to discuss potential close of certain cod fisheries

November 29
Minister releases details of Special Assistance Grants Program
NOTE TO EDITORS - Minister to attend Atlantic Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers - December 2, Gatineau, Québec


December 16
Minister responds to comments by Opposition critic

December 20
NOTE TO EDITORS - Meeting to discuss status of cod fisheries - December 20, St. John's
All-Party Committee has productive meeting on cod fisheries

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