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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Being a global leader requires strong leadership at home. Learn how the Canadian government is supporting hydrogen and fuel cell development.
Government Participation

Government Participation

Government ParticipationThe Government of Canada is committed to supporting the transition to a hydrogen economy to secure the benefits of clean and efficient energy systems for all Canadians. In fact, the federal government has been facilitating the creation and transfer of knowledge within our hydrogen and fuel cell industry for over 25 years.

Federal departments supporting the hydrogen and fuel cell sector are active across all stages of the innovation spectrum, from basic and applied research and development to market demonstration and commercialization activities. In addition to direct program support, the federal government is engaged, both domestically and internationally, in developing policy that supports the transition to a hydrogen economy, as well as related communications and outreach initiatives.

Ford's first fuel cell car, the P2000, was developed with the support of the Canadian government almost 10 years ago.

Developing Safety, Codes and Standards

For several years, Canada has supported the activities of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee for Hydrogen Technologies, and recently became a founding members of the Partnership for the Advancement of the Transition to Hydrogen .

Increasing Public Education and Confidence

By establishing policies to regulate the use and production of hydrogen, the Canadian government is increasing public confidence in the safety of fuel cell technology. Through its support of high profile demonstration and installation projects and public education activities, the public sector shows commitment to building consumer awareness and confidence in this technology.

Providing Early Adoption

Federal leadership in early-market adoption can help assure the successful commercial launch of new technologies by providing a bridge between relatively expensive advanced pilot programs and cost-competitive commercial offerings.

Coordinating Research and Development

Canada is working in partnership with domestic industry and academic institutions, and with other jurisdictions, to develop an R&D vision with set technology performance and commercialization targets.

Encouraging Multilateral Cooperation

Cross-boarder collaboration and cooperation is needed to reach full-scale commercialization and enable the transition to a hydrogen economy. The government of Canada has fostered numerous bilateral and multilateral partnerships to take advantage of knowledge, expertise and other resources.

Creating Tax Incentives

Canada has implemented progressive corporate and personal tax incentives to encourage R&D and early adoption into fuel cell technologies.

Conducting Research

Natural Resources Canada, through their CANMET labs, and the National Research Council, through the Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation, perform the majority of federal government R&D focused on fuel cell and hydrogen technologies. This research is conducted across the country, and is increasingly performed in partnership with industry and the academic community.

Federal departmental efforts are coordinated through the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Committee (H2FCC), co-chaired by Industry Canada and Natural Resources Canada. The source of advice for all federal activities related to the Hydrogen Economy, the H2FCC's mandate is to develop, implement and maintain a long-term national strategy for the development of fuel cell technology and the transition to the hydrogen economy.

To learn more about the efforts and activities of the federal government, visit the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Committee's website at , or download Charting the Course, A Program Roadmap for Canadas Transition to a Hydrogen Economy.