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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Spread the Word / Servez-vous de ces ressources
Discover how Hydrogen and Fuel Cells will realize a positive new energy future for Canada and the world.


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How did you discover this site?

What was your overall impression? Compared to other Government of Canada sites ( domain) this site...

Was below average
About the same as the rest
Above average
One of the best
I haven't visited other sites

Were you able to find the information you were looking for on fuel cells and the hydrogen economy?

Yes very quickly
Yes, but with some difficulty
No, I could not find it.

If you answered c) above please tell us what you were looking for?

Before you viewed this site, what was your opinion on "The Hydrogen Economy"?

What's a fuel cell?

Science Fiction.

Nice Idea. Never going to happen.

Nice Idea, but decades away before it impacts on my life.

Applications for this technology that I will use are just around the corner.

After viewing this site, has it changed your mind about "The Hydrogen Economy"?

No, it has not changed my opinion.

Yes, I am more positive about our Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technology potential.

Yes, I am actually excited about our energy future.

After viewing this site...

I am more likely to talk to others about hydrogen energy and fuel cells.

I will send others to this site.

I will research more information on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen.

I am neither excited nor motivated to learn more about this technology.