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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Spread the Word / Servez-vous de ces ressources
Discover how Hydrogen and Fuel Cells will realize a positive new energy future for Canada and the world.

About Us

The Government of Canada has created this Website to provide up-to-date, accurate information on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. This educational resource highlights Canada's leadership, as well as the economic, social and environmental opportunities associated with the growth of a global hydrogen economy.

The lead government departments and organizations on this initiative were Industry Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the National Research Council Canada, and Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Canada. Project partners gratefully acknowledge the support of our industry and academic partners for providing information and visual content towards the creation of this Website.

Special thanks to the following:
Ballard Power Systems, BC Hydro, Cellex Power Products, Hydrogenics Corporation, PEM Technologies, Stuart Energy Systems.

Industry Canada (IC)

The Energy and Environmental Industries Branch works in partnership with industry and federal and provincial organizations to increase the competitiveness of manufacturing and service activities within the Canadian energy and environment sectors to promote the growth of a dynamic and innovative economy.  The branch focus is primarily on petroleum and electric power-related equipment and services, hydrogen / fuel cell technologies, renewable energy, waste management, water treatment and soil remediation.  The Branch also researches, analyzes and influences a range of policy issues, as well as delivers on trade, investment, technology development and diffusion initiatives for the energy and environment sectors. 

The Energy and Environmental Industries Branch plays a catalytic role in advancing Canada's transition to a hydrogen economy by delivering on five key pillars in collaboration with stakeholders. These include:

  • Planning, coordination and policy analysis;
  • Communications and outreach;
  • R&D advisory;
  • Commercialization and diffusion;
  • Private-public partnerships and international activities.

Key initiatives include market demonstration; promotion of international strategic partnerships; education and outreach; and, policy, analysis, and recommendations on sector commercialization issues.

National Research Council Canada (NRC)

NRC operates world-class research facilities as well as information, technology and innovation support networks from coast to coast. The NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation works in partnership with industry, university and government stakeholders to support the growth of Canada's fuel cell clusters through:

  • R&D aimed at advancing fuel cell science and technology to accelerate the commercialization of fuel cells Research capability is strengthened through the NRC Fuel Cell Program, a national program designed to leverage NRC expertise and facilities across Canada.
  • Testing and evaluation facilities, including North America's only public hydrogen-ready environmental chamber and 9 hydrogen-ready labs
  • Incubation/Acceleration & Networking Facilities to support early stage companies with infrastructure, expertise, profile and networking opportunities
  • Hosting technology demonstrations, from conducting feasibility studies through to integration, testing and evaluation

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Natural Resources Canada's CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC) is Canada's leading federal S&T organization that is developing and deploying energy efficient, alternative energy and renewable energy technologies. CETC's Hydrogen Economy and Transportation Technologies program partners with industry and other federal and provincial agencies to develop and deploy new transportation technologies, including hydrogen and fuel cells, alternative fuels and advanced propulsion systems; energy storage systems; emissions control technologies; vehicle transportation system efficiency; and hydrogen fuelling infrastructure technologies. NRCan also is responsible for Canada's energy policy.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Canada (H2FCC)

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Canada is a non-profit, national industry association. It is the prime source of services and support to Canadian corporations, educational institutions and business alliances promoting, developing, demonstrating, and deploying fuel cell and hydrogen-related products and services in Canada. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Canada is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia at the National Research Council's Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation and also has an office in the National capital region in Ottawa. The association has 68 members representing the key fuel cell and hydrogen industry stakeholders in from across the country.