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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Fuel Cells provide the opportunity to provide sustainable electrical power from renewable energy sources Fuel cells provide the opportunity sustainable electrical Fuel cells provide the to provide sustainable electrical energy >

News Archive

Government of Canada Invests $28.3 Million in Innovative Technology in British Columbia « June 14, 2005

Government of Canada support development of alternative energy project « April 22, 2005

First Fuel-cell Cars in Canada Hit B.C. Streets « March 31, 2005

Ontario Races To Top Of Innovation Economy « January 14, 2005

New $2 million hydrogen testing facility opens at NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation « November 10, 2004

Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Sector Profile Shows Strong Performance and Fundamentals for Future Success « September 27, 2004

Government of Canada Supports Six Hydrogen Fuel Projects « September 26, 2004

Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Compatible Technologies Demonstrations Receive Government of Canada Investment « September 24, 2004

Government of Canada Gears up to Put Fuel-Cell Technologies on The Road « April 1, 2004

Hydrogen Highway « April 1, 2004

Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance (CTFCA) Projects Announced « April 1, 2004

Other Newsrooms

Fuel Cells Canada Newsroom with useful Industry News
Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance Newsroom