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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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This isn't the stuff of science fiction. Want proof? See hydrogen and fuel cell technology in action across Canada today.
Small Scale DemosHydrogen HighwayHydrogen VillageThe Vancouver Fuel Cell Vehicle ProgramGlobal Demos

Small Scale Demos

Demonstration projects involve the testing - and perfecting - of applications under real life conditions and are critical to the commercialization of any new technology. Through the years, Canadian government, industry and academia have been actively engaged in dozens of important hydrogen and fuel cell demonstration projects. Below is a sampling of smaller-scale demonstration projects currently underway across Canada.

Back Up Power

The National Research Council's Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (NRC-IFCI) is a site for demonstration projects in sustainable development. The first phase, in partnership with BCIT, integrates photovoltaics with a Hydrogenics electrolyzer to produce hydrogen for NRC-IFCI labs and ultimately power a fuel cell backup system for the building.

A Ballard Nexa RM system (a hydrogen fuelled stationary fuel cell power generator) is being tested for use as backup power for BCHydro's microwave repeater station. If all goes well, these organizations plan to unveil a major demonstration project in the near future.

Home Power

Natural Resources Canada has entered into a $260,000 partnership with Fuel Cell Technologies Ltd. to install the first residential fuel cell in Canada. A virtual family makes routine domestic power demands so performance and integration data can be gathered. The Canadian Centre for Housing Technology at the National Research Council's Institute for Research in Construction in Ottawa serves as the installation site.

Fleet Vehicles

One demonstration project underway is Purolator's fuel-cell hybrid delivery van and on-site hydrogen refuelling system. This is the first step toward replacing the company's conventional diesel-powered vehicles with zero-emissions fuel-cell vehicles. This project is funded by that Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance (CTFCA).

Hydrogen Infrastructure

Another important CTFCA demonstration project involves Dynetek Industries' Advanced hydrogen storage technology, a 10,000-psi hydrogen valve designed to enhance on-board fuel and vehicle range, and reduce system costs.

Fuel Cell Buses

A fuel cell bus field trial was demonstrated in Vancouver and was successfully completed in July 2000. The demonstration project was made possible through Western Economic Partnership Agreement funding for BC Transit's purchase of three fuel cell bus engines from XCELLSIS Fuel Cell Engines Inc (now a part of Ballard Power Systems). Over the course of the demonstration, the buses travelled over 67,000 km and transported 110,000 passengers. The hydrogen used to power the fuel cells within the buses was supplied by BC Hydro and produced using off-peak electricity.