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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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A new energy carrier is important to everyone. Learn how Canada is helping fuel cell and hydrogen development throughout the world.
International PartnershipsGlobal Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Industry

International Partnerships

Global advancement of the hydrogen and fuel cell industry can provide enormous opportunities for our industry at home. From developing universal standards to clearing trade pathways, when we work together everyone benefits. That's why Canada is committed to strategic collaboration with partners around the globe to accelerate the commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

Currently, Canadian government and industry participates in numerous international partnerships to help advance the hydrogen and fuel cell industry at home and abroad. These efforts promote the advancement of technologies, processes and standards that will further the emergence of a hydrogen economy.

International Partnerships for the Hydrogen Economy

In 2003, Canada joined 14 other countries in the International Partnerships for the Hydrogen Economy, which aims to enhance collaboration on fuel cell and hydrogen technologies and coordinate international efforts to develop a global hydrogen economy.

Memorandum of Understanding

Fuel Cells Canada signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the US Fuel Cell Council, the Fuel Cell Commercialization Conference of Japan, and the World Fuel Cell Council/Fuel Cell Europe - organizations representing more than 300 businesses, institutions and others industry stakeholders. The agreement promotes international co-operation and collaboration.

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Along with Germany, Japan, Korea, France, Norway, Italy and the US, Canada participates in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Energy Working Group. The OECD is developing a multinational case study that will examine drivers of innovation and knowledge creation, private/public partnerships, intellectual property rights, and the effects of globalization.

Research Collaboration

The National Research Council is involved in collaborative research projects across the world. This collaboration ensures that Canada puts the best minds to work developing breakthroughs that will accelerate the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

Natural Resources Canada, US Department of Energy MOU

Natural Resources Canada and the US Department of Energy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding collaboration for Energy R&D, which includes an Implementing Agreement for fuel cells. Recent discussions between countries indicate an interest in expanding this to include hydrogen R&D.

International Codes and Standards body

Canada has been providing the Chair and the Secretariat to support the activities of ISO Technical Committee (TC) 197 for Hydrogen Technologies. Several Canadian companies are represented on the many working groups and sub-committees of ISO TC 197 for hydrogen and IEC 105 for fuel cells.

Other key initiatives include the North American Energy Working Group, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Energy Working Group, and the International Energy Agency. Members of Canadian industry are also very active in the California Fuel Cell Partnership and the California Air Resource Board.