Industry Governance Review

Communique #9
Communique #8
Communique #7
Communique #6
Communique #5
Communique #4
Communique #3
Communique #2
Communique #1

We would like your feedback to the following question:
What performance measures should be utilized to hold organizations (including government) accountable?

November 23, 2007 Industry
Leaders Workshop
Fall 2007 Consultations
Summer 2007 Consultations
January to April 2007 Consultations
November 16, 2006 Direction Setting Workshop
March 3, 2006 Consultation with
Boards and Commissions Learn more about the Marketing Council
Message from the Minister of Agriculture and Food

Future opportunities for the agriculture and agri-food industry require new ways of doing things. In today’s world, we know cooperation and collaboration are necessary to improve competitiveness and stimulate industry growth.

The Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council is currently facilitating an overall industry governance review. They are engaged in a broad industry consultation including the 20 agricultural boards and commissions plus other industry stakeholders. The focus of the governance review is to identify current issues and ideas for ways to improve industry performance, competitiveness and governance.

I encourage you to engage with Marketing Council in this important work. It is your opportunity to co-create your future. I am confident that this review will help to ensure that Alberta’s agriculture and food industry remains competitive and well positioned to respond to future opportunities and challenges.

There is so much we can and should do together to make a difference for the future of our industry.

George Groeneveld,
Minister of Agriculture and Food

Other Documents in the Series

  Marketing Council - Mission, Philosophy and Values
Strategic Plan 2005 to 2008
Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council 2006-2007 Annual Report
Agricultural Boards and Commissions
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act and Regulations
Federal Agencies
Industry Governance Review - Current Document
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Freda Molenkamp-Oudman.
This document is maintained by Maryann Urbanowski.
This information published to the web on June 21, 2007.
Last Reviewed/Revised on February 1, 2008.