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 Parcs Québec
 Wildlife Reserves
 Tourist Resorts
 Sépaq Anticosti
Area: 155.3 km²
Tourist regions: Chaudière-Appalaches and Eastern Townships

Parc national de Frontenac is rightfully considered a pristine nature park. Located along Lac Saint-François, a magnificent 51-km² body of water, Parc national de Frontenac has preserved its remarkable natural environment. Nature lovers will appreciate the over 192 species of birds and the more than 30 different species of mammals. Water sports are the main attraction, along with cycling and hiking. The park offers a wide range of accommodations, whether you want to stay in a cabin, rustic shelter, a campsite or go canoe-camping. Four serviced campgrounds on the shores of the lake offer peace and tranquility-all within easy traveling distance of Québec City and Sherbrooke.


Vacationing - Winter

Come and recharge your batteries while discovering the park’s winter magic. To enjoy winter’s pleasures in peace, what could be better than a day of snowshoeing and an evening by the fire? The Cyr 1 and Cyr 2 cabins and La Tanière rustic shelter are only a 4-km snow shoe hike or backcountry ski from the Southern Sector Information Kiosk. Reserve your stay now!

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