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Emergency Information

Information regarding emergency situations of varying types and severity can be found in a number of locations. Follow the links below for further information.

Emergency Document / Info Location

Power Outage

Power Outage Information pdf
The Ontario Electricity Emergency Plan, How to prepare for a power outage

Ministry of Energy

Winter Power Failures
What to do to prepare for a winter power failure.

Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Canada

Emergency Survival Kit pdf
Factsheet from EMO

Emergency Management Ontario

Nuclear Emergency

Your Action Plan to a Nuclear Emergency
For those living or working within 10 kilometres of Pickering or Darlington nuclear generating stations.

Emergency Management Ontario

Emergency Preparedness Info
a national affiliation that provides Canadians with practical self-help advice designed to increase awareness of emergency preparedness.

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada

Together We Prepare
Emergency preparedness and planning information for households.

Canadian Red Cross

City of Toronto Office of Emergency Management
the coordinating agency for emergency and disaster activities as part of the City's Emergency Management Program.

City of Toronto

Natural Gas

Gas Safety Reminders
A list of safety reminders and other household safety information for gas customers.


Natural Gas Safety Information
Household safety info and gas leak contact numbers.

Union Gas

Petroleum Fuel

Emergency Management Ontario (EMO) in conjunction with the Canadian Petroleum Producers Institute (CPPI) and the Ministry of Energy has developed a fuel distribution plan for a provincial emergency with a fuel shortage.

Each member company represented by CPPI also has emergency plans for their own operations.

On a consumer level, family/individual’s emergency plan should include:

  • Emergency kit in automobiles:
    • Flashlight and batteries
    • First-aid kit
    • Candles and matches/lighter
    • Food and bottled water
    • Clothing and footwear
    • Blankets or sleeping bags
    • Radio and batteries or crank radio
  • Try to keep your vehicle fuel tank “full” versus operating on the lower half, especially in the winter.
  • Store and transport fuel only in approved portable containers.

Ministry of Energy Emergency Management Program

The Emergency Management Act is the legislative authority for emergency management in Ontario. The Act is supplemented by an Order in Council (OIC) that sets out which provincial ministers are designated special emergency responsibilities in emergency management. The Ministry of Energy is responsible for energy supply matters.

To fulfill this OIC mandate, the Ministry of Energy has developed emergency response plans for electricity, natural gas and oil. This is to ensure that there is an effective coordinated response to energy supply emergencies and system failures for all energy types and that energy stakeholder restoration plans will be coordinated with provincial emergency response plans (such as the Ontario Electricity Plan and the Provincial Nuclear Emergency Response Plan).

The Ministry of Energy also has a Business Continuity Plan or a Continuity of Operations Plan. This plan ensures that we are able to deliver critical services during an emergency and resume full operations quickly after an emergency.

Other elements of the Ministry’s emergency management program under the essential level include:


Printed from the Ministry of Energy website:

© 2006 Queen's Printer for Ontario

This information is provided as a public service, but we cannot guarantee that the information is current or accurate.
Readers should verify the information before acting on it.