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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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The future is now. Read how Canada's Hydrogen Village is laying the foundation for tomorrow's hydrogen economy.
Small Scale DemosHydrogen HighwayHydrogen VillageThe Vancouver Fuel Cell Vehicle ProgramGlobal Demos

Hydrogen Village

Thirty-eight organizations - including The City of Mississauga, the University of Toronto and Ontario Power Generation - have come together to create a Hydrogen Village. One of Canada's most ambitious demonstration projects, the Hydrogen Village consists of numerous hydrogen and fuel cell infrastructure hubs throughout the greater Toronto area. These hubs will be co-funded with industry and government through departments such as Natural Resources Canada and Industry Canada.

Project objectives include:

  • Hydrogen and fuel cell technology advancements
  • Cost reductions
  • Early market development
  • Stakeholder education and public awareness
  • Development of safety codes and standards
  • Increased investment in the sector

Another goal is to create a successful Hydrogen Village model that can be duplicated in other locations, launching the early establishment of a larger hydrogen infrastructure in Canada and beyond.

Visit the Hydrogen Village website.