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Site Specifications
General Navigation

Top of PageSite Specifications

This site uses 216 colours. Your system should be configured to display at least 256 colours in 640 x 480 resolution or higher. Your WWW browser should be capable of displaying tables, displaying graphic images, and support all HTML extensions. A minimal connection of 28,800 BPS is also recommended.


Most content is available in HTML format (like this page). Many documents are also available in their original format:

  • PDF - They may also be available as Portable Document Format. To view these files you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • PPT - Presentations are available in Microsoft PowerPoint format. To view these files you will need PowerPoint Presentation Viewer.

Accessibility Message

This Web site has been designed with a view to making the information accessible to all users, including persons with disabilities who use adaptive technologies to receive and disseminate information. We encourage accessible Internet site development and maintenance and invite your comments and suggestions for improvement of the accessibility of this site. Contact us by e-mail at webmaster@privcom.gc.ca or by telephone at 1 (800) 282-1376.

Top of PageGeneral Navigation

Every page on the OPC Web site shares a common look and feel. This ensures that you can easily travel from section to section without getting confused by the layout. By giving this help page a quick glance, you are ensuring problem free navigation.

Page Structure

Each page has the same layout.

The Header

The header is the same on all pages and allows quick and easy access to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada's programs.

The Sidebar

A separate sidebar appears in each program. It allows you to navigate the program with ease. Use the sidebar to quickly jump between various sections of the program you are in.

The Footer

The Footer displays the last time the page was updated.


Date modified: 2007-03-19   Important Notices